Category: Natural Remedies Search for: 7 Natural Immune Boosters How I helped my daughter get well using natural immune boosters, and avoided the negative effects of antibiotics. You’re going to want to grab my FREE list of the 7… Green Smoothies To Balance Female Hormones Naturally Women are amazingly strong, but our hormone balance can be a bit delicate. Common hormone imbalances can cause mood instability, stubborn weight, fatigue, hair loss, premature aging, lack of libido,… Health Benefits of Kelp and Dulse (And How To Eat It) You’re probably familiar with kelp—the green-brown seaweed that creates the beautiful kelp forests along the shores of the Pacific Ocean and is known for its astronomical growth rates. You may,… 12 Proven Aloe Vera Benefits (Plus Uses & Precautions) You probably know aloe vera as the plant to turn to for burns, rashes, scrapes, and skin care. What you may not know about this cactus-like succulent plant is that… Top Proven Ginger Health Benefits, And My Favorite Ways To Use It What comes to your mind when you think about ginger? For me, it’s the intense, peppery, sharp, smell followed by that distinctive spicy, warming taste and sensation on the palate…. Which Natural Treatments for ADHD Symptoms Are Backed by Science? One of my best friends in junior high was diagnosed with ADHD. What others saw as over-the-top, excessive energy, and the inability to focus, I saw as unique, creative, and… Hyperthermia Treatment — Effective, or All Hype? Hyperthermia (not to be confused with hypothermia) is an induced high fever. A high fever—on purpose. Don’t I have Tylenol for that? you might be thinking. And that skepticism makes… What Causes Brain Fog? Clear the Haze and Get Your Life Back This post has been reviewed for accuracy by Dr. Tim Jackson, DPT and functional medicine practitioner. Our bodies are very good at compensating. They will go through a myriad of… Before You Give Your Child Antibiotics, Antacids, or ADD Meds: What a Holistic Pediatrician Wants You To Know This is an excerpt from an interview I did with holistic pediatrician Elisa Song, MD, for the Toxic Home Transformation Summit. You can also access the other segments of this… Endocrine Disruptors: 14 Common Chemicals That Affect Your Hormones Hormones. They’re often the butt of the joke when it comes to pregnancy, PMS, or teenagers. Other than that, we mostly just ignore our hormones. But did you know that… Vaginal Dryness, Painful Sex, and Low Libido? There Are Natural Solutions I recently attended a conference on women’s hormone health and enjoyed a speaker who talked about a little-understood hormone in our bodies called DHEA. He was talking about all of… How To Whiten Teeth Naturally and Affordably at Home One of the most common requests that a dentist hears from patients is that they would like their teeth whitened. So popular has this process become that it is difficult…