Category: Natural Remedies Search for: this is what it looks like when I’m sick True confession: I got sick on Tuesday. I did yoga and worked out with my tennis team from 8-11 after waking up feeling a little weird and weak. I went… natural infertility treatments One of my first blog entries when I put this site up two years ago was about my infertility story. I forget about it sometimes, since I have four wonderful… My mangled face: a postscript about coconut oil So I told you about my close encounter with concrete on a run last week. I told you that day, at a GS class I did, one of the… Always Use an Antibiotic for Strep and Ear Infections, Right? With winter coming up, I know many of you have kids who get strep or ear infections or any number of other illnesses we have come to think of as… How much water should a person drink a day: Part 6 of 6 on WATER From Dr. B’s interview with Mike Adams: “. . . there are 60 million Americans who don’t realize that actually hypertension is one of the manifestations of drought management… natural remedies for ear infections I just met this cute blonde mom named Mary Jane, who was telling my friend about her little boy’s chronic ear infection that multiple courses of antibiotics just can’t eliminate….