Category: Green Smoothies Search for: Green smoothies for old, fat, busy executives GreenSmoothieGirl and our franchise in the Highland, Utah Roxberry are on Check it out HERE. Business contributor Ken Krogue feels like he showed up late to the party, just… K’Lynne Comes to My House — With KMart Pants Last year in Portland, I barely got to spend any time with someone I think is pretty special. In fact, she and her “before and after” photos, and her story,… Bruce says, “GreenSmoothieGirl Isn’t Just for Girls!” I have a testimonial from a guy for you, in a minute. But first…. I play on at least two tennis teams, all four seasons a year. Last Tuesday morning,… Angie Starts the Salad Club at Work! Here’s a letter I just got from Angela in California. She’s a renegade and a leader, and I love what she did at her office! I think you will, too…. And the Oxalate Controversy Rages On … We got lots of interesting email in response to my rebuttal to the wildly exaggerated and completely undocumented article posted by one “Sarah, the Healthy Home Economist” that tells people… Can Green Smoothies “DEVASTATE” Your Health? Sarah the Healthy Home Economist online recently posted an article about how green smoothies can “DEVASTATE” your health. The content was so unsubstantiated that at first I refused to respond… Read Sarah’s Inspiring Story About a Year of Green Smoothies! Today I share a letter we got recently. As reply to this blog entry, tell me—what happened to you when you (a) started drinking green drinks daily, and/or (b) started… Nick and Kristin Win #1 GreenSmoothieGirl Evangelists! Schoolteacher and computer programmer Kristin and Nick, after we made this video about attending my class in 5 cities, drove to MESA, AZ from their home in Cali. Every one… Intention is Everything This is a photo of my son picking a sophomore named Tate off the ground to celebrate what happened last night at Utah’s legendary Gates Field where state high school… The Feldman Kids Write Me about Green Smoothie Love A letter I got recently that I love and thought you’d enjoy: Hello, we are the Feldmann kids! Mom started making green smoothies in Winter of 2009. We all thought… Robyn defends green smoothies (we’ve got a few detractors) A few prominent nutrition experts have made negative statements about green smoothies. Brian Clement, Caldwell Esselstyn, Colin Campbell, and a lesser name or two. They may not realize that it’s… My boy makes green smoothies to impress hot girls Last night my 18-year old son had some hot girls from his school over to…..wait for it….do a green smoothie demo. I mocked him pretty hard. Since he has never…