Category: Exercise Search for: My 13 Simple Eating Rules for Lifelong Health Over the years, I’ve developed a set of food rules that keep me energized, clear-headed, and feeling great. I hope my simple food philosophy inspires you to create clear boundaries… Is Walking Actually Exercise? How Walking Daily Can Radically Improve Your Health As You Age What if a simple activity – walking – holds the key to combating chronic disease, reducing medical costs, and alleviating stress? During my time in Utah, I loved hiking. And… How You Can Beat the Winter Blues and Stay Happy Using Natural Methods Winter is officially upon us, declaring its arrival with sub-zero temperatures. It’s time to share a few tips—some natural methods, products, and nutritional remedies to beat the “winter blues.” We’ve… Leaps and Bounds: The Health Benefits of Rebounding Does bouncing your way to better health sound fun? Thanks to rebounders, you actually can! Mini-trampolines offer benefits that include everything from joint protection to detoxification, and fortunately, those benefits… Protein Questions and Answers: Myths and Truths Protein is a much-talked about topic that most people don’t really understand. Here are some common protein questions and answers to help clear some things up for you: In this… 15 Post-Workout Green Smoothies For Faster Recovery Whether you just finished a bootcamp class, sweat your butt off in a weightlifting session, or kept the intensity low with some yoga, you’re going to need to recover after… Six Reasons I Hate Calorie Counting and Don’t Do It When I changed my diet to eating whole, plant-based foods, I said goodbye to calorie counting forever. By eating 60-80% raw, 95% whole, plant-based foods, I don’t need to count… Is Running Good for You? How About Marathons? Are you a runner? If you are, it’s probably part of your identity – and if you’re not, you may be rolling your eyes. Running is one of those polarizing… 9 Surprising Reasons People Don’t Get Well, Or Stay Well In the 25 years since I learned how to get healthy, and then did it–I’ve never stopped researching. I even went on a global investigative tour of 19 holistic wellness… Do you work at a desk? Read this! Me, too! I work at a computer most of the time, sometimes for 12 hours a day. I feel your pain. I once tasked myself with writing an entire book… What I Love About Being 40+ If you exercise, what’s your goal? Have you really thought about it? Have you given yourself a free pass to let exercise be “for fun”? Or is the idea of… “It’s Never Just One Thing”—On How I Became PAIN FREE Culminating several short videos on things I’ve done to get rid of my back pain, I hope this is a great summary for you. Back pain is NO FUN. I…