Blog Search for: Relieving Constipation . . . part 3 of 9 on ELIMINATION When I was 25, I was in the middle of a period of having left behind the solid nutritional education and background I’d come from. I was at work… Foods That Cause Constipation: Part 2 of 9 about Elimination Yesterday, pee. Today, poop. Green bowel movements are completely normal (that’s the plant fiber in all those greens you’re eating!). Take a look at the horse poo you… Green Feces . . . part 1 of 9 on the subject of ELIMINATION (yes, pee, poo, flatulence, colon cleansing, the whole 9 yards) Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: This is kind of a personal (and slightly embarrassing) question here but I really need to ask it. I have read that dark colored urine means that all… help your community: organize a co-op! Many readers are leaders. You may not think of yourself that way, but are you always organizing things? Are people starting to come to you for advice,… What do YOU spend on groceries? I have wondered this for years and was so interested and enlightened to learn, on a Yahoo group I belong to, what others spend on groceries in a month. … “The Plural of Anecdote is Not Data”: Part 4 of 4 Third, is the study reliable? This is the second basic research standard, and it means is the research repeatable with consistent results? Reliability is one of the best things… “The Plural of Anecdote is Not Data” (Part 3 of 4) This is an excerpt from the intro of 12 Steps to Whole Foods. Advances in the field of nutrition are taking place faster than ever in history. For… “the plural of anecdote is not data” . . . part 2 of 4 We have some strange logical fallacies that cause us to NOT learn what health and nutrition really are. (That, and lots of voices compete in the world of nutrition,… “The plural of anecdote is not data” . . . part 1 of 4 I’m still laughing since I read that most excellent quote–thanks, Katie! When I’m teaching my college students elemental data analysis and research, I tell them my two pet peeves about… Being sensitive to bad food–a blessing in disguise? My teenaged daughter Emma came home from camp today. After giving me a hug and saying hello, the first thing she said was, “MOM! Did you make green smoothies… teens drinking greens! Anyone think teenagers won’t drink green smoothie? This is my son (on the left) who was shorter than me at the beginning of this year and, I noticed tonight, is… Eating right while traveling internationally . . . part 1 Hello friends–I am back from touring 8 countries in the Far East. Getting trapped by the landslides that had downtown Hong Kong under water the day we left was…