Blog Search for: Groundbreaking Green Smoothie Research: Be a Part of It I want you guys to be thinking about something. In about two days, I will have an interactive questionnaire posted on GSG. Be thinking about what the changes are… I don’t want green smoothies when it’s cold! Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I LOVE green smoothies, but lately, since it’s getting cooler outside, I’m wanting something warm . . . got any ideas? Answer: Yes, what I… PCOS and protein Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I have PCOS and I have battled weight for years. I am currently 275 lbs and 5’10”. I believe that what we eat does impact our… Your weight chart is crazy! Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: OK Wow……I just read Myth #12 and I’m really, really depressed! I thought I was average weight….I’m 5’3″ and weigh 140 lbs….and your chart says I… How much fat should I eat? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: How much fats do you take in a day? From what I gathered from your book, it looks something like: 1 tablespoon flax oil in green smoothie,… Merry Christmas! Dear friends, thank you for your support of the GreenSmoothieGirl mission in the first full year of this web site’s operation. I am trying to post photos but it… Is Agave Safe? Recently GSG readers raised questions about agave nectar after some well publicized concerns surfaced on the internet. Agave is my favorite sweetener because it’s largely unprocessed and is a… Dehydrator Recipe . . . part 3 of 3 Sprouting (and dehydrating) is very frankly the most sophisticated nutrition principle I teach. For newbies, I start with lower level things: getting more fruits and vegetables in the diet, and… benefits of drying food . . . part 2 of 3 So what are the benefits of drying food? Pressure cooking preserves food, too, but kills all the enzymes at 240 degrees. Canning also destroys water soluble vitamins. … the best food dehydrator on the market . . . part 1 of 3 Today I’m telling you about one of my favorite tools for incorporating fantastic plant-food nutrition into your diet. This is my favorite appliance, second only to the BlendTec Total… tribute to my “grama” I am in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho and Spokane, Washington for the Thanksgiving weekend. The three of us here are 40, 60, and 80 year old women–me running my five… Is Agave Good Food? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: What about the controversy surrounding agave? Answer: I have seen a couple of people with clout on the internet say that one should be careful with agave. …