Blog Search for: Preserving raw foods, two ways to make living the lifestyle CHEAP! If you’ve read my books, you know that I promote ways of making a whole-foods, high-raw, plant-based diet very affordable, especially the #1 and #2 highest-impact methods: Plant a garden… Raw Food: try this Rainbow Salad (way to use your zucchini and squash) Here’s a fun way (from Ch. 5 of 12 Steps) to use the zucchini coming out of your garden (or your neighbor’s). Thought I’d share it with you since… So you’re trying to get kids to eat right! You’re raising kids (or maybe helping with your grandkids)? You and me both, my friend! I’m raising four—two boys and two girls. They all have different personalities, interests, and temperaments…. can you drink too much? (GS that is) Q:Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: can you drink too much green smoothie?What time of day should I drink it? A:I never have had “too much,” even when I want to “cleanse” a bit… School Snacks From Email: With school starting soon I am feeling lost on what I can buy for treats to take and share with my children’s school classes. Our state requires… Raw Foods and “Funny” Stomachs Dear Robin, I have a few health related questions I wanted to ask you regarding starting a raw food diet. I consider myself a beginner raw fooder, I have taught… Birthday parties with whole foods! Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: What do you do for birthdays? So it’s my kids’ birthdays (yes, all of them–within three weeks of each other–go ahead and make your jokes about me and… It’s a Long and Winding Road to Good Nutrition! In my first newsletters, I told you a little about the rocky path to health that my family and I traversed. It’s not very often clear and linear, that path,… raw food diet: why not raw meat? Talking more about the raw food diet here.Most raw foodists don’t eat animal protein (supermodel Carol Alt is an exception).See my book review here of The China Study or… raw food diet: isn’t steaming good? and, my kids come back sick Update: Yep.All four of my kids puked their guts up at their dad’s family reunion.Just like always.Poor little guys. (Well, one of them is 6’2″, not that little, huh?)Back to… the raw food diet and swine flu I hope you’re undertaking a raw food diet while it’s in season?This is the time of year your body wants to cleanse.If you do, you have much lower risk of… the raw food diet I’m going to be talking for a while about the raw food diet.That’s the only “diet” I approve of (the very word is annoying, isn’t it?).Why?First, because it’s the biggest…