Blog Search for: Gluten Free, Whole Grain Cake Recipe Once on this blog, I posted a Hot Fudge Pudding Cake recipe, and reader Paula has converted it to gluten free with interesting ingredients like teff and sorghum. Here’s her… Green smoothies for birthdays? So my 12-y.o. was sitting here with me, excitedly planning her birthday party next month. Making a list of girls to invite, foods she wants provided. We’re doing “Café Rio”… Independence Day, part 2 of 2 So I told you my dad is the most rad dude ever. He is unfailingly positive. In fact, if you’re grumpy, he just gets MORE peppy and smiley. He epitomizes… Independence Day, part 1 of 2 Here are photos after my family’s annual 5K run at Provo’s Freedom Festival. Runners in the photo are my dad, my son Cade, my brother Ben, my sister Betsy, and… baseball, apple pie, and . . . green smoothies? I was asked recently for photographic evidence of my son Tennyson’s snacks in the dugout that radically differ from traditional standards. It wasn’t easy to capture boys sitting together eating… Make Green Smoothies With An Immersion Blender! Ideas From Readers This was posted on my blog this week by “mgm” but was deep in an old thread. I like this idea a lot, so I’m re-posting it here. If you… ideas from readers, part 2 of 3 I often hear about people falling off the wagon, after a period of having tremendous results with their 15 servings of raw greens and fruit daily (what you get in… ideas from readers, part 1 of 3 GSG reader Brynna came up to me at the gym yesterday. She said a friend of hers doesn’t want to lose the benefits of green smoothies while they go camping,… It Was Exhausting Writing All Those Books I got a call last night from my fulfillment company, saying we are getting low on 12 Steps: Complete Course, and I needed to autograph 200 books (The Green Smoothies… what do you do with picky kids? I was driving far away to a tennis match with my team, this week, and picky eaters was the topic of discussion. If you think this blog entry is going… Where Do We Get the Most Radiation? Here’s an interesting Associated Press story today for your consideration since we’ve been talking about radiation exposure from cell phones. To summarize it, we get more radiation from medical testing… bowling and baby food Caveat about this post (two days after I wrote it): I mean NO disrespect to any parent. Parents are just doing their best! My intent is always to expose the…