Blog Search for: My quirky weight-loss strategies, part 3 of 3 Another of my strategies is that I’m not afraid to skip a meal. I never, ever miss breakfast. And at lunch, because I always work out in the morning, I’m… My quirky weight-loss strategies, part 2 of 3 I yo-yo like everybody else. (Women can gain and lose 4 lbs. in a week, simply from hormone changes within a cycle and accompanying water retention.) But I yo-yo within… My quirky weight loss strategies, part 1 of 3 So, I’ve never written about this because….. First, weight loss is my least-favorite topic ever. I think it’s boring and pointless because, to me, it happens permanently ONLY as… Mother’s Day Blueberry Dessert Recipe The more you eat raw food, the simpler it becomes. When I’m by myself, what I eat at home tends to be bare-bones, if I’m not in restaurants with friends…. Mother’s Day Blueberry Dessert The more you eat raw food, the simpler it becomes. When I’m by myself, what I eat at home tends to be bare-bones, if I’m not in restaurants with friends…. Happy Mother’s Day! on prenatal vitamins Mothers do the greatest work in the world! On this day, I’d like to say how thankful I am that Kincade, Emma, Mary Elizabeth, and Tennyson made me a mom,… Taking stock of progress…part 2 of 2 Once upon a time, my whole diet was Ben & Jerry’s, pizza, French bread, Diet Coke, and a fruit or salad mixed in to make myself feel better about it… Taking stock of progress….part 1 of 2 Last night I went to Zumba with Matthew, as I often do, and he talked me into staying late for yoga afterwards. I’d already worked out that morning, then played… GreenSmoothieGirl Goes Down in Flames in Smackdown! Part 2 of 3 I should count my blessings that Team Jillene didn’t make a federal case out of the habanero. When I was a kid, I once dared my dad to eat the… GSG Goes Down In Flames in Smackdown, part 1 of 3 The smackdown. I didn’t even know what hit me. My opponent’s boss had warned me, whispering, “She is CRAZY! She manhandled my husband out of a chair at the company… A Recipe from Dr. Michelle Jorgensen I love working with Michelle Jorgensen and her enthusiastic employees as they shift to whole-foods habits on GreenSmoothieGirl Makeover. She makes foods for the whole office to improve their health,… Training for Green Smoothie Smackdown: wheat-grass juice overdose? So Jillene of Total Care Dental and I are gonna do Green Smoothie Smackdown on Weds. night after my class in Orem. On camera. If you’re coming to that class,…