Blog Search for: The Latest Green Smoothie Debate: Part 2 of 3 In addition to that formalized piece of research, we have had thousands of testimonials mailed to the site, and I’ve spoken in 2011 to 50 live audiences of approximately … The Latest Green Smoothie Debate: Part 1 of 3 Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Somebody on the internet says they don’t recommend green smoothies because apparently the fiber is too broken down. And the fruit causes blood sugar to spike. Please prove… Update on Shirley, using “alternatives” after 2 rounds of chemo You know I took 76-year old Shirley with me to An Oasis of Healing in Arizona? It’s been interesting to see someone I know undergoing the treatment of raw juice… Introducing Dr. Francisco Contreras: VIDEO I have long known of Dr. Contreras and his father, whom I believe had a hand in helping my grandmother get another 25 years of life. It should be noted… MYTH: “My cancer just happened” After my class in Carlsbad, a young mother of two small children waited to talk to me. She said, “You told your story of how you were desperate? I am… Dr. Connealy in Cali, Dr. Contreras in Mexico Earlier this month, I had the great privilege to study (after speaking to a group of 300) with Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D., in Irvine, California, and then Francisco Contreras, M.D…. Psst! Don’t tell anyone I’m an M.D. recommending nutrition info! A woman after class my class in St. George a few weeks ago said to me, “I’m a nurse, and an E.R. doctor told me about your site. Then he… Traveling is No Excuse to Eat Crap A man behind me on my recent flight to Budapest, Hungary, phoned his wife right before takeoff and whispered, “I’m on a plane with Green Smoothie Girl.” I laughed, and… Julie Eliminates Dairy, and Look What Happens! Like me, new GSG reader Julie got rid of dairy and sugar. That change solved Cade’s problem 17 years ago, and Julie’s little girl’s identical problem very recently. (My son… Is more than one quart of green smoothie too much? “Can you get too much green smoothie?” I did a video answering this question here: Watch this video on YouTube How things change, from age 8 to age 18 Sometimes in my lectures, I encourage the moms of young children to make the change NOW while they’re still “in control” of so many things in the home, including diet…. Gratitude, the magic elixir Kristin’s on vacation all week, and I’m on vacation all next week. She left me the Perfect Suitcase as a Christmas gift. I’d been telling her I had a great…