Blog Search for: Can Sound Heal? Did you know that sound waves can be destructive, or healing? When you’re feeling stressed, the usual noises around you might take on an especially grating quality. The wrong kind… {VIDEO} 3 Fats That Hurt, 3 Fats That Heal “Fat-free” means “healthy,” right? Actually…nothing could be further from the truth. I’m still trying to undo the destructive psychology from the fat-free obsession in the 80’s. Remember how fat-free margarine… 8 Foods You Think Are Healthy But They Aren’t! It’s easy to assume that a food is good for you if it is advertised as health-promoting, or is sold in a health food store. Turns out that a lot… Do you work at a desk? Read this! Me, too! I work at a computer most of the time, sometimes for 12 hours a day. I feel your pain. I once tasked myself with writing an entire book… If I don’t want DRUGS as a remedy…I use this: the Encylopedia of Medical Breakthroughs & Forbidden Treatments I don’t believe for a minute you WANT to use toxic drugs for every little ache and pain. What’s strange in the modern world, is that we’ve all been indoctrinated… Become An Instant Health Expert: GSG Genius Guides How much easier would your healthy shopping and food prep be if you had some “cheat sheets” to refer to–at the store and in your kitchen? How many books and… My Immune-Fuel Hot LemonAid: Beat Cold and Flu, Fast! When we decided that there was a pill for every ill, we lost a world of magic. That is, the natural, plant-based substances that had killed viral and bacterial infections,… 4 Rules to Eat Carbs with NO Weight Gain You’ve heard that carbs are the enemy. Nothing could be further than the truth, despite what the latest diet fads want you to believe. Many carbohydrates do, in fact, spike… {VIDEO} My Most-Famous Recipe…Do Not Miss This! I want to share this incredible recipe with you…plus a BUNCH more that we’ve become known for since 2007. All of them are my favorite, whole-foods breakfast recipes. It’s on… {VIDEO} Morning Berry Smoothie Recipe I’m a sucker for those quick little recipe videos that autoplay while I’m scrolling through my Facebook feed. I find myself stopping to watch part or all of them, nearly… {VIDEO!} Rebuild Your Gut Health for a NICKEL–and this takes 5 minutes! What if, with things you probably already have in your kitchen, you could really begin to rehab your digestive issues….with a five-minute, five-cent habit? With just a handful of grain, I… 6 Easy Swaps to Make Any Treat Recipe Healthy You want to honor your body with good, healthy food, right? You want the energy, the ideal weight, bright eyes and glowing skin that you know comes from ditching a…