Category: Whole Food Search for: Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 8 of 12 Today stats about where foodborne bacteria E. coli, campylobacter, and salmonella come from, and irradiation consequences. And which foods you should be most concerned about. (Each of these… Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 6 of 12 Are plant sources of protein sufficient? Today, good stats about the need for protein: Protein in human mother’s breast milk: 5 percent of calories Minimum protein requirement… Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 5 of 12 Today, some good stats about eating a vegetarian diet: According to Journal of the American Dietetic Association (this research was published in other journals as well), the average IQ… Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 4 of 12 Do certain diets prevent cancer? Today, good stats on health implications of eating meat: Risk of colon cancer for women who eat red meat daily, versus those who eat… Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 3 of 12 More today on whether dairy products contribute to health: Calcium absorption rates according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: … Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 2 of 12 Today, great stats on whether dairy products contribute to health: Asians have little or no osteoporosis. They also (until recently) have been nonconsumers of dairy products. (Besides… Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 1 of 12 I’m going to bombard you with a bunch of statistics and expert quotes about a plant-based diet versus an animal-protein diet, for 12 days. These gems are gleaned from one… What saves you time in your whole-food kitchen? I would like to solicit the help of all you kitchen geniuses on a couple of topics for next year’s release of the printed version of 12 Steps to Whole… Good, Better, Best: Oils and Pastas Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: What are the good oils, and what are the bad ones? And how about pasta? Oils Worst oils: shortening, lard, margarine. Also refined canola, safflower, vegetable, soy, peanut,… Price Points of High-Nutrition Items: Part 2 of 2 THINGS I BUY AT COSTCO: $25.50 olive oil (two 2-ltr. Bottles) or $13 for 1.5 ltr. bottle of organic $11 34-oz. balsamic vinegar $7.50 for two jars of 28-oz…. Price Points of High-Nutrition Items: Part 1 of 2 I’ve been asked for a list of prices I pay for high-nutrition items you will want to buy regularly if you’re maximizing fresh produce and whole plant foods in your… Chronic Constipation: Part 6 of 9 on ELIMINATION You always hear about how when Elvis and John Wayne were autopsied, they had 10 or 20 lbs. of impacted fecal material in their digestive tract due to chronic constipation….