Category: Recipes Search for: extra ingredients for green smoothies [part 6 of 8] Raw wheat germ Raw wheat germ is extremely high in Vitamin E and the B vitamins, so this is a great ingredient for women with PMS or menopausal symptoms, and… I don’t want green smoothies when it’s cold! Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I LOVE green smoothies, but lately, since it’s getting cooler outside, I’m wanting something warm . . . got any ideas? Answer: Yes, what I… Dehydrator Recipe . . . part 3 of 3 Sprouting (and dehydrating) is very frankly the most sophisticated nutrition principle I teach. For newbies, I start with lower level things: getting more fruits and vegetables in the diet, and… another daily food log from a plant eater I got a bunch of emails from the “lurkers” who never write on this blog, saying they like food logs, and MORE, PLEASE. That’ll give me something to say… What did you make, when did you eat it, and where? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl, what do you eat in a day? Not only what did you eat, but WHERE were you when you ate it (soccer field, etc.), and when did… Need Motivation to Eat Less Meat and More Plants? Part 3 of 12 More today on whether dairy products contribute to health: Calcium absorption rates according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: … Quinoa cookies Brigham Young University’s alumni magazine just ran a story on some researchers who are distributing quinoa cookies to starving populations. The idea is that quinoa is a very nutritious food… Good, Better, Best: What Should I Put on My Cereal? ***Note: I apologize to all those who have sent me unanswered email questions. I am trying to get to them all. FYI, I prioritize what is blogged over… Tonya’s For Cryin’ Out Loud Onion Bread This is a recipe Robyn made for traveling this week, contributed by 12 Stepper Tonya, whose husband loves to each this for lunch every day. Thanks, Tonya! For Cryin’ Out… Chocolate Beet Cake and Frosting Chocolate Beet Cake This cake is great for birthdays and parties. My kids beg for this decadent but nutritious dessert. I also have other fabulous uses for… Flax Seed Uses Flax seed uses are featured prominently in my recipe collections, especially the dehydrated/crunchy snacks and breakfasts–as well as the good fats and whole-grain chapters of 12 Steps. Here’s a… a day in the life . . . Q: Dear GreenSmoothieGirl, I’m trying to figure out what to feed my family, now that we’re committed to eating right, so I’m wondering what your family eats every day….