Category: Lifestyle Search for: How Much Water Should a Person Drink a Day: Part 1 of 6 My husband and father-in-law are both former college football players. My FIL was told, while playing football, “Don’t drink water!” My husband was told by his own coaches… “The plural of anecdote is not data” . . . part 1 of 4 I’m still laughing since I read that most excellent quote–thanks, Katie! When I’m teaching my college students elemental data analysis and research, I tell them my two pet peeves about… Is the China Study Bogus? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: The Oxford-Cornell China Project is irrelevant to us, because Campbell studied rats and mice, and then Chinese people. Not Americans. Answer: I’m not going to comment much on… Why people get upset when we eat right Lisle and Goldhamer, in The Pleasure Trap, write about how to handle when people in our lives get upset because of our plant-based dietary habits. Their claim that people… habits of highly healthy people . . . part 2 (of 2) Covey’s Habit #3 is to Put First Things First. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs reminds us of this, if you’ve ever studied psychology. At the bottom of the pyramid… Seven habits of highly healthy people . . . part 1 (of 2) Seven habits of highly healthy people . . . part I You probably know Stephen Covey’s landslide bestseller, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. You can relate some… Eating right on vacation . . . part II How do you spend your vacation dollars? This is my breakdown of vacation expenses for my family of six (not including boring stuff like gas): Attractions: $729 Disneyland two… storing GS in the fridge and vegetarians in rotten health Dear GreenSmoothieGirl, how long can you keep your green smoothie in the fridge? I’m single and don’t want to make it every day. Does it lose nutrition and… Who You Gonna Call, Part VII: The Guys Telling You to Eat for Your “Type” Joe Mercola’s been hyping his metabolic typing program to his 1.5 million readers. You, too, can pay big bucks for it, as soon as he’s done creating it. … tips for eating right inexpensively Q: Dear GreenSmoothieGirl, I can’t afford to eat the way you suggest. Any ideas? A: Most people base their purchasing decisions on taste, convenience, price, appearance, and shelf… how to buy yourself diabetes for only $0.50 a day You know drinking soda is bad for you. Perhaps you and I talking a bit about WHY will be just the trigger you need to kick the habit—or get… a day in the life . . . Q: Dear GreenSmoothieGirl, I’m trying to figure out what to feed my family, now that we’re committed to eating right, so I’m wondering what your family eats every day….