Category: Exercise Search for: Let me help you avoid back pain! It’s not that they helped manage my back pain—it’s that these tips ELIMINATED my pain. I never, ever take pain meds. I’m sharing a series of very short videos on how… What do you do for BACK PAIN, naturally? I’m going to share my thoughts on back pain in a few videos over the next few weeks. I haven’t had any back or neck pain for many years. That’s… On anxiety: There but for the grace of God go I. Do you struggle with anxiety, like I do? It’s my lifelong demon. I’m not sure I’d know what to do without it, though. I fear that without it, I wouldn’t… Diet vs. Exercise Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: I know that a great diet coupled with lots of exercise is the healthiest approach for all of us. Having said this, I just listened to a guy… Bruce says, “GreenSmoothieGirl Isn’t Just for Girls!” I have a testimonial from a guy for you, in a minute. But first…. I play on at least two tennis teams, all four seasons a year. Last Tuesday morning,… The manliest men on the planet Ben texted me that surfer Laird Hamilton is 48 and looks 26, eats a lot of raw and organic, and is one of the “manliest men on the planet,” and… How much is your health worth? Yesterday, I rode my bike on my usual path. It’s a 20-mile ride up and down Provo Canyon, turning away from Sundance, to the top of South Fork. The road… Taking stock of progress….part 1 of 2 Last night I went to Zumba with Matthew, as I often do, and he talked me into staying late for yoga afterwards. I’d already worked out that morning, then played… Independence Day, part 2 of 2 So I told you my dad is the most rad dude ever. He is unfailingly positive. In fact, if you’re grumpy, he just gets MORE peppy and smiley. He epitomizes… food obsession I have worked out, almost every day, with a small group of women. I’m one of the oldest, and the youngest is 26. (You can see some of them in… What My Research Says About How Green Smoothies Change Lives! I once blogged 20 different astonishing ways my health improved when I began drinking green smoothies and eating a whole-foods diet. Here it is: What Changed, When We Switched To… How much fat should I eat? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: How much fats do you take in a day? From what I gathered from your book, it looks something like: 1 tablespoon flax oil in green smoothie,…