Category: Detox Search for: The best cancer clinic I’ve ever been to……Europe travels part 3 It’s the Swiss Mountain Clinic (formerly Paracelsus al Ronc) in the gorgeous Southern Swiss Alps. My favorite holistic clinic (specializing in cancer but also treating for heavy metals, Lyme’s and… The best cancer clinic I’ve ever been to……Europe travels part 2 There is a clear winner. Best holistic cancer treatment I’ve ever seen. Blew me away, in fact. The facility itself is gorgeous! It’s the $17 million gift of a wealthy… My European Cancer Journey: Part 1 I have been across the world and seen some humbling, terrifying, and awe-inspiring sights. On a personal level, my trip to Europe was hard. Our luggage lost, getting lost in… A Toast to Eleanor Romney! I have a confession: I’ve never even been to a movie by myself. I’ve really never been alone. I was married for 20 years since I was very young. I… Organic Vegetables are Our Birthright! Check out the two tomatoes Patty is holding on the left. They came from the several acres growing 100 yards from my house, conventionally sprayed with toxic pesticides that will last literally… Depression and Anxiety Nutrition Strategies, part 3 of 3 More strategies, if you’re serious about addressing what causes your depression and/or anxiety: 5. High-fructose corn syrup has to go. I noticed that any HFCS, such as found in candy,… Depression and Anxiety Nutrition Strategies, part 2 of 3 1. Are you getting enough greens? They contain the most bioavailable minerals of all foods. Bioavailable refers how much of the nutrient is actually utilized by your body, as opposed to… Root Canals: At the Root of Much Disease? Over 20 million root canal surgeries are done each year in the U.S. alone. I unfortunately have had two of them, before I knew that I had any other option…. Treatments and testing at Oasis Irvine….part 5 of 7 Intravenous Vita C: A massive dose of Intravenous Vita C is a natural chemotherapeutic agent as well as having many other helpful advantages to an immune-compromised patient. In combination with… Other prescribed do-it-yourself treatments…part 3 of 7 (about Oasis Irvine) Coffee enemas: Five times a week, Dr. C says, they are mandatory. (Keep in mind the Gerson protocol has people doing them several times a day!) When I tell people… Treatment modalities at Oasis of Hope, pharmaceutical and neutraceuticals, part 4 of 4 The following is a list of drugs and other neutraceuticals that Oasis docs prescribe. Reading my abstract below may seem like all of the herbal supplements do the same things…. Treatment modalities at Oasis…..part 3 of 4 Ultraviolet Light. Ultraviolet Blood Irradiation (UVBI) eliminates bacteria in the blood, and Dr. Niels Ryberg Finsen won a Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1903 for successfully treating 300 lupus patients…