Blog Search for: Defending That My Diet’s Not All Raw I read the raw foodists all the time (Patenaude, Wolfe, Boutenko, and lots more). I think their diet is fantastic. Sometimes I go all raw, for a few… The Essential GreenSmoothieGirl Library: Part 6 If you want to do a colon cleanse, here is one of my favorite books on that topic, with a link to Amazon to buy it. Bernard Jensen’s “Dr. Jensen’s Guide… The Essential GreenSmoothieGirl Library: Part 5 These are the last three of my general nutrition Top Shelf. (Then we go on to the best books about CLEANSING, the best books for PARENTS, and the best books… The Essential GreenSmoothieGirl Library: Part 4 Two more of my favorite books, with links to obtain them. As you can afford to own these books, you’re building your arsenal of tools to quit or massively… The Essential GreenSmoothieGirl Library: Part 2 Here are three more of my picks from my Top Shelf–the most pivotal books on health and nutrition: Dr. Robert O. Young and Shelley Young’s books and recipe books: … You don’t eat meat? Then where do you get your protein? I know, I’ve blogged about this more than any other subject. But I’m going to say a few more things about it today, just in a slightly different way,… more food logs: a really busy day, and a weekend day I want you to get a sense of what a day looks like when I’m just not at home, no time to prepare. And a weekend when we do… natural beauty tips Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Thanks for your blog entry today about what you eat in a day, and when. I had been wondering about that. You should also let us know your… What Changed When We Switched to Whole Foods My publisher for The Green Smoothie Diet, to be released next spring, wants me to tell my “story” in the beginning of the book. I’ve been compiling a list… how life changed when we switched to whole foods . . . part 1 of 2 Thinking about Katie’s fingernails prompted this post. Ridged, bumpy, splitting every which way, I believe she wrote. Green smoothies started her down a great path. Good things… a very personal blog entry I promised recently that I’d tell you why I was stressed and my friends were dropping by with healthy treats. Like coconut-milk “ice cream” and whole-wheat pumpkin cookies and applesauce… Fall and Winter Planting: Get Heirloom Garden Seeds If you garden, you should use nonhybridized, untreated, non-genetically modified seeds, known as “heirloom.” Much of what you get at the local nursery has been chemically treated or mildly…