Blog Search for: How did I discover the “green smoothie” that I named this site after? It’s a great story, really, how I happened upon the “green smoothie,” the attention-grabbing part of this site dedicated to helping you eat right. I was 27 years old, sitting… edible weeds I told a friend a few days ago about how when I’m weeding, I bring the dandelion and morning glory in and throw them in my fridge or blender.I don’t love the… Does Eating Right Cause Irregular Periods? I just read a highly controversial, really interesting article on Debbie Took’s raw food blog, about the possibility that when a woman eats a vegan, high-raw (mostly raw) diet, she… are you gardening? I hope you’re planting a garden, since it’s May 14 and prime planting season! I am enjoying the sunshine and getting my hands in the dirt (that’s “grounding” that… hardcore smoothies Do you make hardcore smoothies? I’m talking about making them for health benefits rather than taste. You really can’t do this if one of the GS drinkers from your… some thoughts on young mothers Thank you for all the emails, and I’m so sorry I haven’t had time to respond to them all. I have returned rather somberly from my cousin’s funeral in… Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 12 After a year of thinking and searching deeply about going vegetarian, I took the leap in September of ’08. What made the transition easy was the discovery of the green… Chia Seed and Flax Seed So you’ve been reading about chia seed. (I know this because I get lots of questions about it.) Yep, I’m talking about the little things that grow the… Easy kale or collard “chips” you can make in your dehydrator reader Tonya C. donated a recipe for yummy “chips” (I call them “crisps” because they’re really light and airy) made in the dehydrator. I have significantly altered the recipe…. Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 11 More Green Smoothie testimonials from my research: My husband and I have been enjoying green smoothies 6-7 times a week for the past 9 months. We are hooked! In fact,… Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 10 More Green Smoothie testimonials from my research: Green smoothies are easy and quick to do and keep me full and alert way past lunch time. This past growing season I… Green Smoothie Testimonials, Part 9 More green smoothie testimonials from my research: We love green smoothies at our house. I am a homeschooling mom of four children. Three of my children drink smoothies because they…