Blog Search for: Processed Meat: It’s On My “Never” List If you’ve read my books, you know there are two foods I never eat and I don’t let my kids eat either. We are virtually 100% about good nutrition at… more thoughts about agave As if we haven’t done this subject to death. From the consensus of many people commenting on my blog about Mercola coming out against agave, it looks to be about… how much does your medical care cost? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: You say if we drink a quart of green smoothie daily for $2.50 according to your calculations, that 12-15 servings of raw greens and fruit just might save… Joe Mercola and GreenSmoothieGirl on agave In the natural health space, Joe Mercola is very much a Goliath, and I’m very much a David. Today’s topic: my affinities and differences with his philosophies. Dr. Mercola responded… How Can I Promote Healthy School Lunch in My Area? After my Renegade Lunch Lady blog entry, Emily asked, “What I want to know is what can I specifically do in my area?” She refers to turning nutrition around in… Is agave a superfood or a poison? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Dr. Mercola says agave is going to kill me! Is he right? Answer: I have been inundated with emails about this. In every class I teach, someone brings… I Love Texas, Texans, and Whole Foods Market: Part 3 of 3 Pamalee of Dallas wrote up her notes from my class and sent them to her family. Here’s what her niece wrote back to her. I agree entirely, including about the… I Love Texas, Texans, and Whole Foods Market, part 2 of 3 A fun tip was contributed in one of the Dallas classes by my sister-in-law Kim: she says her kids get up in the morning with only 20 minutes before the… I love Texas, Texans, and Whole Foods Market, part 1 of 3 So I am just back from my spring-break trip with my kids to Cancun and then Dallas. I got to see my really cool brother Russ and his family. (I… update on Airport Story Today I was driving in my little town of Lindon and came to a 4-way stop. I waited an obligatory few seconds before pulling into the intersection. I paid no… The Renegade Lunch Lady (Part 2 of 2) The “Renegade Lunch Lady” Chef Ann Cooper went to Washington, D.C. to investigate our first lady’s agenda. She ripped a hole in Michelle Obama’s “feel-good” childhood-obesity legislation, that has no… The Renegade Lunch Lady In Anaheim (I know! I still haven’t told you about the handful of cool products I found–but I will! And I bought some of them for you!) . . ….