Category: Whole Food Search for: 3 Reasons I Disagree with This Popular Belief — Life Is Short, Eat What You Want People often say, “Life is short, so eat what makes you happy.” For this guy, it’s a fried baloney sandwich and fries. What is it for you? As catchy… Health Food Stores Are Selling Out! Do You Notice This, Too? I’ve hardly been to Utah County since moving away seven years ago. I’m showing you two pages of The Good Earth’s 10-page sale flier. The whole 10 pages don’t have… The Most Fun Investment In My Preparedness and Nutrition, Ever! I have been gardening INDOORS for just over a year now. It’s changed my life, and I wish I’d discovered it sooner! To watch this instead of reading it, check… Is Your Smoothie Actually Healthy? 11 Things You’re Doing Wrong Smoothies are popular these days. But the smoothies MOST people are drinking aren’t actually healthy. How do you make sure the smoothies you’re drinking are nutrient-packed and delicious? It’s easy… Will You Help Me Save Cucumbers from the Toxic Apeel Coating? With the help of the GreenSmoothieGirl community, I’ve been researching and fighting back against the toxic Apeel preservative being sprayed at grocery stores. It’s working! We got Apeel shut down… Why Flax Is A ‘Miracle Food’ You Should Be Eating If I told you there is a food you could buy for less than $2 per serving, that had a shelf life of three or more years, and also had… Fish Oil Supplements: Worth Your Money? Or Are They Toxic? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Am I wasting my money on fish oil supplements? Essential fatty acids (EFAs), also called “omegas,” are excellent for neurological and cardiovascular health. We must get them from… Is Flaxseed Unhealthy, Like the Mercola Article Says? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: What do you think about the article published by the Mercola company claiming that flaxseed is an unhealthy food? Why is Dr. Mercola saying flax is bad? After… Juicing or Smoothies: Which One Is Best for You? Dear GreenSmoothieGirl: Should I juice, or should I blend? Which one is best for me? This is one of my all-time most-asked questions. We know the body understands and absorbs… What Are Probiotics Benefits? 11 Signs You’re Deficient and What to Do About It What are probiotics good for? Hippocrates is famous for saying, “All disease begins in the gut.” 2500 years later, science is proving how right he was. Thousands of studies link… 6 Common Health Problems Nobody Talks About After spending 18 years in my career interacting with a diverse range of people, I’ve noticed some health issues that often go unspoken. As a former therapist with a… GreenSmoothieGirl Gets Apeel Shut Down at Billion-Dollar Produce Company The mission of Apeel – the toxic coating being sprayed on produce sold at grocery stores – is to get their product on every piece of fruit in the world….