Ep. 187: David Avocado Wolfe Talks Censorship, Regaining Our Freedom, and Why It’s Still the Best Day Ever with David Wolfe
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My longtime friend and colleague David Wolfe has been censored and deplatformed more than almost anyone on the internet! He’s learned a lot along the way, about good and evil, and the “religion” of “scientism”–the worship of manipulated “science.”
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Good News for Americans: David Martin shows us a legal angle where we can seek damages against the Federal Department of Health and Human Services for forcing our participation into unscientific mask wearing and social distancing while destroying our livelihoods.
Here is the video with simple instructions.
Form 95 addendum (print and include when you mail in your completed form 95 Claim)
Keep spreading the message. People need to hear the truth, to wake up and take actions.
Family is the most difficult to reach, they don’t want to hear what the truth is.
I so hear you! But keep BEing YOU because 3 years after I told my daughter (and lots of others), how my memory was improving by taking CBD oil, she not only tried it, but started selling it (after it eased her anxious feelings). Yippee!!
Love David wolfe yes Im awake I love his telegram It is so wonderful the info now I can look at your website Thankyou yes This world is crazy I could go on and on
One more comment I am so sick of them trying to push these Mask down our throat I have to wear them at my job and Im fighting for my rights right now about it. So many people where I live are so asleep Its mind boggling
It’s like that too in Maryland. I’m so sick of it.
Thank you! Very interesting and well explained so I have forwarded to friends who may have no idea.
So true try to bring us on our knees. Satan try very hard but not hard enough because there is only One that can stop him and them
Great interview! Thanks for being a true truth seeker! Your work is so important.
Heyo, I just downloaded the Telegram Messenger app but can’t seem to find David’s page/account on there! What is the exact name I need to type in? Thank you! 🙂
@Lina: When you get on Telegram, simply do a search for David Avocado Wolfe and it will pop up for you GSG Team Member
What is the link?
Heal faster using water fitness. It works great.
I really enjoyed this interview. Great information! Thank you for speaking out about things that I have felt to be true for some time. Despite their attempts to snuff the Church, I believe this has only allowed people to see that the Church does not rely on the building where we worship, Christ lives in our heart and soul. As a matter of fact, what they have meant for evil has only made us stronger so I am encouraged by that. I too, believe, that we are hated for that reason but that the harvest of souls will be great during these last days (Matthew) which is predicted in the Bible. It also says that knowledge will increase (Daniel) and the mark of the beast (Revelation) which I believe is unfolding before our eyes. Seeing the Quantum Dot ‘Tattoo’ on the horizon should alarm everyone. It’s only one of many things to come but in all of this, I have peace. I appreciate you both and pray that your information reaches those who will decide to make a difference.
I already had downloaded the FORM 95 about a month ago after hearing Andrew Kaufman being interviewed, I think on David Wolfe’s Immunity Summit. Now that I finished hearing your interview, Robyn, with David Wolfe, I’m wondering what the address of the NHSS is so that my husband and I can mail in those forms?
Right on!! VERY educational. I liked the 1 click helpful actionable information. You’re right. I live in a smaller village not far from Chicago IL area and sent a similar letter to my mayor’s office about 2 years ago. I received a "Sorry, but…" letter and 5 G was installed without consent, as were the smart meters at each house anyway, along with the threat of cutting off, for a hefty fee, all electricity to the building I am in…..
Thank you so very much, I knew that they were All a Bunch of No Good RATS, I am grateful to you for clarifying my thought beliefs. I can’t thank you enough. May God BLESS YOU. May you keep up your great work. Thank you thank you,thank you.
Loads of valuable insights in this interview! Robyn and David touch on a range of must hear information—and give us all ways to take action and take our power back—aWEsOMe!
I’d LOVE to assist you with social media, Robyn. Please reach out: sheila(dot)murrey(at)gmail(dot)com
I’m on Telegram now too! Thank you, David. Telegram: Being Wholly Vibrant
That was amazing! Thank you both
What is the philosopher Steiner full name? I am intrigued.
Seriously needed this right now!! Thank you Robin and thank you David Avocado!! I feel like all the free thinkers in this world are being cornered and snuffed out, but today y’all gave me some hope. I’m a registered nurse and surrounded by scientism everyday and it gets harder and harder to stand in this harsh sea. Yes, covid exists, yes people are sick, yes in my hospital our ICU and covid units are full here in SoCal, but OMG the hysteria and reactionary behavior is more of a pandemic than this virus. So happy to listen to the voices of “my people”. Thank you!!