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Ep.186: Moms Across America Want To Shut Down 5G — Here’s How To Join Us with Zen Honeycutt

Robyn Openshaw - Jun 17, 2020 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Vibe Podcast 186 Zen Honeycutt

This is one of my favorite episodes I’ve ever done. Zen Honeycutt is an articulate wealth of knowledge, blazing the way for the rest of us to stand up to 5G in our communities.

Please send a well-written, informed letter we WROTE FOR YOU to your own mayor or city council or the one nearest you. 


Send a letter from Take Action for Freedom 

Get Zen’s book “Unstoppable”

Learn How to Hard wire your home

Check out what the receiver looks like and find resources for fighting and understanding 5 G

Get the shielded blanket and other protective sources

Follow Moms Across America

Learn more about and follow Zen Honeycutt



10 thoughts on “Ep.186: Moms Across America Want To Shut Down 5G — Here’s How To Join Us with Zen Honeycutt”

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  1. Robin says:

    I sent the letter to my officials (from TakeActionForFreedom). Got a response back that they felt it was something that should be handled at the State or Federal level. Not sure what to do next.

    1. Ryan says:

      Hi there, Reply, Why do you think that?

    2. Ryan says:

      Hello again,

      I saw this,

      2. Repeal Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, which took away the rights of state and local governments to stop the erection of cell towers and wireless antennas in their communities based on "environmental" grounds (defined by FCC as "human health").

      1. Robin says:

        Thank you for the link to the petition. Meantime, I copied the pre-written email on the take action site dealing with telling them about the actions other cities had taken to stop the install, and pasted it into a reply email to my city representatives (edited it a little bit) and sent that on. I got a thanks from them for the additional information. So, I think that finally opened their eyes that they CAN do something to stop them.

  2. Jenn-Jenn says:

    Please watch movie "Generation Zapped"
    Please read book "The Invisible Rainbow"

  3. Tanya says:

    Thank you thank you for your dedicated efforts on behalf of Americans everywhere.

  4. Nancy says:

    I have used your advice already. I sent an email to all the commissioners. Thank you!

  5. Robin says:

    Thank you for the link to the petition. Meantime, I copied the pre-written email on the take action site dealing with telling them about the actions other cities had taken to stop the install, and pasted it into a reply email to my city representatives (edited it a little bit) and sent that on. I got a thanks from them for the additional information. So, I think that finally opened their eyes that they CAN do something to stop them.

  6. Emily says:

    I’m in the bay area in California and while I went ahead and sent the letters (no response), I feel like it’s a lost cause. I don’t want to have this attitude because I feel like this is why things happen, because people think this way. But honestly, these cell towers are popping up everywhere (1 down the street, and looks like 1 a street over that I can see. I’m hoping not right out front.) and it’s making me depressed and angry. I feel like my energy would be better spent trying to implement ways to protect myself and my family. I barely make it through each day, so I don’t have extra to give (autoimmune disease stinks.) What can I do that will make a difference? Does hardwiring my home & replacing the smart meter make a significant impact? I’m just frustrated that I know 5G is terrible and don’t know where to go/what to do from there. What are the top 5 things I can do to protect us?

  7. Emily says:

    And thanks for trying to get the word out and making a difference.

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