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Ep. 206: How to Talk to People About Va**ine Issues Without Making Them Mad, with Julie Dean Richards

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 04, 2020 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Vibe Podcast 206 Julie Dean Richards

I met Julie at a health freedom symposium, where she told me about her research into how we can approach difficult subjects with those we love–like whether or not to va**inate–with sincerity, openness, and credibility.


Learn More about Research Based Articles

Everything You Need to Know about the Covid-19 Vaccine

Five Vital Tips for Having Controversial Conversations

9 thoughts on “Ep. 206: How to Talk to People About Va**ine Issues Without Making Them Mad, with Julie Dean Richards”

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  1. Hi Robyn: I was glad to see this. I decided to take a break from Facebook. You still keep me informed through your “Vibe” Podcasts, which I love along with your products. I just wish I knew how to approach “Natural Grocers”, etc. with this new Governor mandate. I do not want to do my grocery shopping online. For one thing it’s a lot more expensive, and it’s the principle of Freedom. Kimberly

  2. Gail says:

    Thank you for giving us ideas of how to talk to our doctors. I had a severe reaction to the first pneumonia vaccine and don’t want to have a repeat. So I needed advice in how to approach this with my doctor if they want mandatory vaccination in our state which I can see coming.

  3. Robin L says:

    Great podcast. I send emails to people about the current situation all the time – I am not on social media – never have been. I try to send them something from someone I think they’d respect (you included Robyn). For example, I’ll say, "Please! Watch this video from Del Bigtree (he was a producer of the show doctors) about Vax. You, of course, will make up your own mind about whether or not to get one, but PLEASE watch this first so you are better informed." I’ll send them the document of vaX ingredients from RFKs CDF site and explain some of the "initialed/Acronym" ones so they know what they are. I try not to overwhelm them with information all at once too. Kind of like Peggy Hall’s Drip Drip Drip method. I also advised them to watch Vx and VxII. It woke up my family (8 brothers and sisters – including one that was a former pharma rep), and a few of my friends. I also offer to them that if they want additional sources to read or watch to let me know.

  4. Marlane K says:

    Thanks so much for your podcasts and THIS one in particular! I have an autoimmune condition and am immunocompromised by another as well. I have declined flu shots a handful of years and doing great!— now I want to avoid what’s coming. Thanks for the tips!… however I want to travel in the future and worry I will be forced to participate if I want to go overseas

    1. Thank you Marlane! I appreciate the comment. I can definitely relate to the conflict of traveling/getting your shots. I’ve spent a lot of time in Asia but am now unsure what the future holds. Let me know if I can answer any questions, happy to chat over email!

  5. Paula says:

    Thanks for a great podcast. I’ve been researching this issue for 15 years (due to experience with injury). After seeing Del Bigtree (and others) in 2019 at TTAC conference in LA, I’ve stepped up speaking out to many of my friends – most of whom are died-in-the-wool liberals, steeped in the religion of science (or vaccines) scared to death of the virus and unable to see past Trumps sellout on the environment. I needed these tips to get past my own cognitive dissonance of feeling I’m not getting thru; frustrated with their inability to see the more immediate threat of destruction to our human environment. One thing I’ve added to my repertoire is mentioning RFK’s eulogy on RBG and her (and Sonia Sotomayor’s) blistering dissenting opinions on landmark SCOTUS case from 2015, strengthening the NCVIA 1986 law (Bruesewitz v Wyeth). RBG is universally adored and respected by the left-especially women (myself included), so I think this has been helpful in cracking open a door.


    Wisdom…is the capacity to hold 2 opposing views simultaneously & to not lose-it.And,to actually post the opposing view.

  7. Sherrie Ritter says:

    This was a really great podcast! It comes a little too late for me as I’ve already burned up several people with my passion. I guess I can start from this point going forward. Maybe try and regroup back with family members who are not in agreement and go from there. Lots of good information here on how to communicate. Thanks so much!

    1. Thank you Sherrie! I’m glad it was useful. I’ve definitely done the same with some of my relationships and wish I had approached them differently. My belief/hope is that over time those relationships can be rekindled. And there are always new friends to be made as well 🙂 I posted above in the comments to a guide I made about communicating controversial topics. Let me know if that helps!

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