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Ep. 251: “Hot Lots” Responsible for 100% of Deaths, and 200x More Adverse Events

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 09, 2021 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Vibe with Robyn Openshaw: Hot lots responsible for 100% of deaths, and 200x more adverse events. Episode 251

A bombshell review of thousands of va-&&-ne “lots” (of several thousand doses each) reveals that ALL of the death, and 200x more injury, are linked to just 5 percent of the lots. This episode discusses that data and what it means for the people of the world.


Detox Video Masterclass

Robyn’s 17-min Episode on IVM

Even if you’re not a healthcare worker, if your boss is mandating the jab, get the notice of liability here

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Brighteon Video

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