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Ep. 209: ​Constitutional Attorney Talks Freedom Threats in Florida and USA

Robyn Openshaw - Dec 02, 2020 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Vibe Podcast 209 Shawn McBridge

​The first friend we made in Florida is attorney Shawn McBride who is a leader in the freedom movement in Florida, where they held a rally less than a week after we landed in our new home. I ask him about the efforts to help wake up Floridians and Americans to what jeopardy they are in, from laws that have actually been on the books for a long time.


American Freedom Information Institute

McBride For Business

The R. Shawn McBride Law Firm

AFII YouTube

Future Done Right YouTube

McBride Attorneys Law Show YouTube

2 thoughts on “Ep. 209: ​Constitutional Attorney Talks Freedom Threats in Florida and USA”

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  1. Nancy Thomas says:

    Thank you Robyn for this interview.
    I live in Indiana, and I am one of the leaders in a local group….We have monthly meetings with speakers, and we are very involved in what is going on in our state legislature, and community.
    We also have a coalition of conservative groups from throughout the state
    that meet monthly…There are different committees, and one is focused on vaccines, and the power that the health department has been given.
    I signed up to receive information from AFII….I was glad to hear that they are going national, and we will have the opportunity to sign petitions..
    I will be sharing this video…And also your other one, regarding the unconstitutional treatment that you received while flying.
    More people definitely, need to stand up to these draconian measures….It’s truly amazing, how people have just blindly followed, and believed what they have been told.

    1. Nancy – thanks for your efforts. Would love to chat with you – please send me an email at hello @

      We have some things going on nationally you might be interested in!

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