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Ep. 249 :Dr Cahill On Conquering Fear. She Updates Us on Traveling with Freedom, Exposes the PCR Test Lies & More

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 03, 2021 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Vibe with Robyn Openshaw: Dr Cahill on conquering fear. She updates us on traveling with freedom, exposes the PCR test lies & more.

Are you still getting sucked into using “their” words like pandemic, positive PCR test, etc? Are you allowing your boss, an airline employee, or a store clerk to rob you of inalienable rights? You won’t walk out with your head hanging down, ever again, after this important conversation with the inimitable Dr. Dolores Cahill of Ireland.


Dolores Cahill Website




Podcast –Get Ivermectin NOW, Because It Takes 2 Weeks, and Hospitals Have Banned It!

iPak Consortium

4 thoughts on “Ep. 249 :Dr Cahill On Conquering Fear. She Updates Us on Traveling with Freedom, Exposes the PCR Test Lies & More”

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  1. Diana says:

    Way too long and so many statements repeating the same info. There was very good informative just so long.
    Pretty early in the podcast it was said that info would be given about shedding of vaccine and what to do about it but that never happened. I listened the whole time just for that…

    1. Monica says:

      I do agree that it was long but filled with so much information and adds a totally new perspective. I also was listening for info on shedding because I’ve looked and can’t find much out there. Currently dealing with hives all over my legs that started for no obvious reason 4 nights ago. Was hoping to hear more about that.

  2. Stephanie Wood says:

    Very interesting, I’ve heard quite a bit of some of the information. I would really like a copy of the show notes. Thanks for all you are doing.

  3. Ann Peterson says:

    I didn’t think it was too long. A person-me especially, needs to hear important information about 10 times before it really processes.
    I don’t see all of the websites she refers to in the show notes.

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