Ep. 210: Dr. Carrie Madej Tells You What’s In Those Shots
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Dr. Madej had to flee the USA after she was invited to top-level meetings about the agenda you now see playing out in 2020, but she’d already been deep in research on fraud in the va*ine industry for 20 years–and her colleagues who spoke up about it kept disappearing. Dr. Madej reveals what’s really going to be in the first shot and then the second–and what they’re trying to accomplish that has NOTHING to do with protecting you from a virus.
Hydrogel Article- Keep Mailing
Hydrogel Article- Nanotech Now
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Bitchute– Since YouTube is censoring my videos!
Thank you for the wonderful way it was told and i believe everything that was said. Thank you again.
Thank you for the wonderful way it was told and i believe everything that was said.
At @ the 37:00 mark you talk about what’s up these "people" …
Da 2:43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
They want you to become another DNA to make you an abomination so that they then can release the wrath of God upon you.
Good, you mention the days of Noah.
Thank you!! I believe it all. I was a pediatric oncology nurse, and “medicine” doesn’t mind poisoning children and adults to provide subjects for “research.”
This show is all true.
Thank you Robyn & Carrie for being gutsy enough to help revel the truth. We all need to do our part to protect our freedoms here in America, or this new world order manics will attempt to control everyone’s lives, the planet, environment, blanket it will radiation & surveillance & worst.
I have a question… I’ve vaccinated all of my children, pre being enlightened…. My youngest starts school next year and has one more vaccine before school… Now that I’ve been enlightened I really don’t want to give him the final vaccine. My question come here, does anyone know if there are additional side effects for not finishing the set?
Thank you for this mind blowing information!
So how can we protect ourselves from being forced to take this vac.?
What countries are safer for us to live in if we decide to leave the US?
OMG!!!! Your podcast was AMAZING! I knew a lot of what you discussed, but, a lot of this is new to me! I am totally blown away!!! THANK YOU for sharing this information with us!!!
I am a Mayo trained RN, who retired in 2005, due to Lyme disease and Epstein-Barr virus. In 2005, I was so sick, that I was sleeping 16 hours a day and the remainder of the day I sat and did nothing. I could not find a doctor that was willing or even able to treat me. So I basically existed until 2008, when I found an integrative physician two hours from us, who was willing AND able to treat me.
At my first visit, he ran a series of 25 blood tests. Among those was my killer T-cell count, which was <1 (Normal being 500 to 1500). Over the next year, he treated me with herbs and supplements, to build up my immune system. At each visit, he educated me on healing the body naturally. During that time I made minimal progress towards getting better. I almost quit going to him, but he encouraged me to continue. At the end of the year, I was still very sick, but I could no longer afford to go to him, because insurance wouldn’t pay for alternative health. So I took what he taught me and learned more. My most recent killer T-cell count was 1275!!!
By the time I was feeling better, I was so convinced that conventional/allopathic medicine was on the wrong path, I could not return to working in the medical field.
In the ensuing years, I came to believe that vaccines were not what they were cracked up to be, in fact they were dangerous. My daughter, who worked in vaccine research for 11+ years, also does not believe that vaccines are safe. Her son who is now 16, has never received any vaccines.
Ever since we started hearing about COVID, in early 2020, I have been struck by the fact they first talked about masks and isolation as the solution to COVID. Then, early on there was talk of developing a vaccine. I have done my best, to convince family and friends not to take the vaccine. Yet many of them ignore me, and plan to get it when available. Even my daughter, who does not subscribe to alternative medicine to the extent that I do, is telling people that not enough research has been done and it it’s not safe to take the vaccine at this point.
The thing that frustrates me is, how even conservative news groups continue to tell people to get the series of COVID vaccine shots. I have difficulty understanding why no one is telling people how to build up their immune systems, to avoid/treat COVID. Since 2008, my husband and I have continued to learn and amend our immune building protocol (using herbs and supplements). And since then, we have not gotten a flu/pneumonia vaccine. We do not get the flu, and have not gotten COVID. Occasionally, we start getting a cold, but we double down on the immune builders and it is gone within 3 days.
I would love to hear people, like the two of you, talking publicly about how to build up the immune system to avoid bacterial and viral infections, especially COVID.
BTW, I read George Orwell’s book “1984” back in 1965, in my high school English class. Back then, it seemed so far in the future, it didn’t seem real. Then, 1984 came and went and nothing changed. In the past couple of years, I have noticed a huge change, and have been telling people, “1984 IS HERE!!!” From what you are saying, in this podcast, 1984 IS HERE – ON STEROIDS!!!
From a Christian perspective, I believe that the antichrist is alive and well, and most likely active in American politics! As we see the world around us getting darker and darker, it is easy to find ourselves getting depressed. I found myself spiraling down just last week. However, as Christians, we need to remind ourselves that God is in control! HE has a plan and it WILL come to pass!!! I just need to live a life pleasing to God and trust HIM to carry out HIS plan!!!!
Stay encouraged, brothers and sisters! I truly believe that we who are trusting in Yeshua, Jesus Christ, will be rescued! The rapture of the Church can happen any time, sooner than we think! Shalom
Hi Claudia, You are correct, the antichrist is alive and well, but he is old, about 83 years. If you are interested you can ask for a six thousand year study where you can read more about him and see his star sign that occurred precisely on the day and about the hour he made his appearance. If you want to lead a life pleasing to the Creator, Father, you should show him your allegiance by doing exactly what he says. For that you need to read his marriage agreement from the beginning to the very end and accept it entirely with your whole heart, applying all to your life. This is the Love you need to show him if he is to be your husband one day soon. Pls see my comment further down.
Well stated, thank you! I’ve radically changed my health habits over the past 2 years – taking the natural route and having eliminated all the RX drugs I was previously taking. However, I still got Covid 2 weeks ago. It was a huge disappointment because I’m doing so many proactive, preventative steps. But, the good news is… I am recovering without any RX meds whatsoever.
please do away with the background music as it’s way too loud and distracting thank you kindly
Please help me understand. I really am open and eager to learning the truth. What do people mean by saying, "The Covid virus isn’t real. It’s a lie." Do they mean Covid is a man-made virus and not nature-made? I am just now recovering from Covid after 2 weeks of lethargy, cough, chills, loss of senses. I thought it would never happen to me, but it did. So, this is where the confusion steps in… I’ve actually had the virus. Are you going to tell me it was just the flu? I’ve never lost any of my 5 senses from the flu before. Please educate me with facts that make sense regarding this topic. I DO NOT want the vaccine. I don’t trust it. But, Covid is a real thing that most of the population can recover from, right?
I would like to see a response to this as well.
Thank you for being brave.
It makes sense with the other pieces
Of the puzzle
When you spoke about why real "cures" are not actually "found" because of the $$ $$$ profits made, I thought about diabetes.
My son has had diabetes since he was 6 – he’s now 35 – and we’ve always been hearing "the cure is only 5 years away".
Well, I’ve come to wonder/believe the cure is not here because there are vast amounts of money being made by the drug companies from: Type 1 diabetes.
According to the ADA, 1.25 million Americans have this disorder.
THANK YOU BOTH FOR THIS AMAZING COURAGEOUS CONFIRMING INFORMATION!!!! I am soooo grateful for people like you and am standing with you on this!!!
Sounds good, I’d have to try a sample first. I’m allergic to alot of stuff. But it sounds great.
The way you describe this group controlling our health, and everyone willing to go along with it, sounds like a cult to me-"A cult is a group or movement held together by a shared commitment to a charismatic leader or ideology. It has a belief system that has the answers to all of life’s (insert "medical" here) questions and offers a special solution to be gained only by following the leader’s rules." We need to be free to decide for ourselves.