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Ep. 253: Christopher Key Loses Job, Battles For YOUR Kids Now

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 17, 2021 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Vibe with Robyn Openshaw: Christopher Key loses job, battles for your kids now. episode 250

Christopher Key has put up almost 50 billboards waking Americans up, and sends you FOR FREE some MMS which has saved millions of lives from various viruses and parasite infections around the world.





Detox Video Masterclass


Get Ivermectin NOW, Because It Takes 2 Weeks, and Hospitals Have Banned It!


Christopher Key has owned a health club called Steel City Fitness, which specialized in health and wellness, and co-owned a company called SWAT. He also started a company called Health Management Systems that utilized a device that measures body fat.

He has been on the cover of Sports Illustrated and he helped professional athletes and the public without drugs, chemicals, and surgery until the government came and seized everything he owned and shut him down. This happened seven years ago.

Christopher was recently fired from his job of six years for being a patriot and after standing against a tyrannical school board in Alabama. It was because of Key’s efforts that the mask mandate was lifted, and kids will not have to provide proof of inoculation to return to in-person learning in the fall.

Since publicly announcing that victory and encouraging fellow Americans to fight against the unconstitutional mandates, he has been fired from his job by his ‘bully boss’.

Rather than feeling sorry for himself, he has responded to a higher calling, and will be traveling the country to fight for YOUR KIDS!

**Get this episode’s resources:

11 thoughts on “Ep. 253: Christopher Key Loses Job, Battles For YOUR Kids Now”

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  1. Susan Maxey Townsend says:

    Where can I contact Mr. Key to get the products her mentioned? He said to text himm

    1. Dedra Scott says:

      I just listened to the end again and the number is 205-936-9803. You can find it around 56:48 into the episode, I know he gave it earlier in the episode too, but not sure where that is. Hope that helps.

    2. Sarah Greg says:

      You can reach Christopher Key here:

      Thank you!

  2. Tracy says:

    What was the name of the documentary that was mentioned on here to watch?

    1. Vicki says:

      Universal Antidote

  3. Chris says:

    I can’t find that Supreme Court ruling about all vaccines being considered harmful… mentioned in this podcast.

    1. Cathy says:

      Chris – I believe that is referencing a ruling around 1990 (or 92) – where by the Pharma companies were given legal immunity, because by default, the use of Vaccines have inherent risk. The wording used was inherent risk, in the ruling. Then the Fed Govt established a different "court" for people to attempt to get accountability, if they or their kids were harmed by a Vaccine. However, that court process casually called vaccine court, is difficult to file, difficult to bring a case, navigate or get a ruling for the injured. Many claims do not move forward, or take years, and the ruling is in favor of the pharma co. And they are injured, so they are busy attending dr appts, school or trying to get well, and taking on a long arduous legal battle does not happen. HTH

  4. paul says:

    That interview was awesome. Thanks to both of you.

    1. Sarah Greg says:

      Thank you for your support Paul!

  5. Kathy Sullivan says:

    Can you please give me the name of the medication MMS.

    Thank you,
    Kathy Sullivan

  6. Julie says:

    I’d love to see what the billboards look like and what messages he is posting… We’re hoping to do some up here in Canada- we need all the help we can get – and it would be good to have some wisdom around successful messages!

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