What people are saying
I love the recipes!
I love them, I love green smoothies anyway, and I love your recipes the best. It is so good to have mainly greens and a few fruits instead of the other way around as I was previously doing. I love them and my kids do also. They crave them as I do.
— Anonymous
Menstrual Cycles Returned to Normal
I’m 44 years old. I’ve always had very regular menstrual cycles. For about one year prior to drinking green smoothies, my menstrual cycles had become very irregular. After about two months of green smoothies, I returned to a very regular cycle of 20 – 30 days and my periods are just like they were in my 20’s and 30’s. I’ve been drinking my quart of green smoothie per day for six months now and my cycles are consistently regular.
*results may vary
— Kathy M.
Feeling really good!
We are eating whole foods, including green smoothies, and feeling really good! I feel really good because my family is not eating any sugar, MSG, or preservatives.
My children ask before they eat things at relatives’ homes if they have these things in them!
My husband does irrigation work in central WA and so he is out in public every day, we go to town once a week, and so far none of us have gotten sick. I am praying it stays that way!
We really like the Almond Joy Fudge from Ch. 4, and my brother in law, whose wife is against anything I make (won’t eat it), told me he would pay me to make it for him!!
I made the Teriyaki Almonds for a camping trip in October and everyone gobbled them up! Some of them are going in on the Raw Almond group buy with us!
I like to make the whole wheat tortillas (Ch. 6) and fill them with different things like hummus, guacamole, and fresh veggies. For supper last night we had them as enchiladas, with brown rice, olives, salsa (homemade, canned), onions and homemade enchilada sauce. YUM!
We like Mexican food so I have made the Taco Lentils a lot (Ch. 6), which are especially good added to Taco Soup. I am even experimenting with converting sugar and white flour recipes (Ch. 11)–so far so good!
Early on in March we had a going away party for a friend of ours, he is allergic to dairy and so I made the ice cream in Ch. 11—YUM YUM! He really liked it and so did everyone else.
I made the Choc Chip Zucchini cookies for our camping trip and they were yum!
I like to read Robyn’s blog because she does the research for me and I don’t have work as hard to find things out! I still do a ton of research though. I like how it is all comprehensive in one spot. That way I don’t have to remember where I read it and it is easy to find.
I tell everyone about it, especially when they have health issues. Anyone who talks to me very long has heard of green smoothies. And some have tasted them. Anyone who eats at our house eats salad, whole food, and homemade salad dressing.
I have had little red bumps on my upper arms my whole life. Since I have not been eating any dairy they are gone. My husband’s chronic bad breath in the mornings is gone.
I wanted to try lactic fermentations (Ch. 9) next.
Love the dehydrator ideas (Ch. 7) and I am constantly learning new ways to use mine.
I really like the 12 Step blog for support. It’s nice to have somewhere to go and know that everyone eats this way and has the same problems with skeptics. It is great to know that we are not alone. GreenSmoothieGirl.com is a great place to ask questions and get answers.
Thank you, thank you!
— Beth W., Washington
Better Sleep, Clearer Skin, Fewer Sweets Cravings—Plus Lost 9 lbs!
I learned so many new ways to take care of myself and my family through this full-support detox! I’m so grateful I got guidance on essential oils, skin brushing, and coffee enemas. I now feel confident implementing these new tools for health into my everyday life. The best parts of this detox was sleeping better at night, clearer skin, and losing my cravings for sweets! I lost 9.5 pounds (and always had options of healthy things to eat when hungry!) while on the detox. This was well worth my time and effort, as it is such a well researched program, and access to the forum and my buddy gave me the support and encouragement needed to get through each phase of the detox journey. I would definitely recommend this to others and do it again on a yearly basis!
*results may vary
— Kara T., Oak Harbor, Washington
Better Health
By following Robyn’s recommendation, which I could not believe at first but made a decision to give it a try, I lost weight without trying, and my knees and shoulders stopped aching. My blood lipid profile has improved. My cholesterol level has gone from 201 down to 157. Yes, I said 157. My doctor had me go to a different lab to have the test confirmed.
My complexion and skin tone have improved as well. I also had a problem with dry skin. I used coconut oil as recommended by Robyn, and my rash that I had on my ankles and chin cleared up completely. I had gone to the doctor and had obtained two different medications and the only thing that did any good, and in fact cleared it up, was the coconut oil. Thank you,
*results may vary
— Sandra T., California
It Reminded Me What It Feels Like to Feel Good All the Time!
I needed this detox to reset my eating habits. This detox was the perfect thing for me to get me back on track and to try new foods and recipes. It reminded me what it feels like to feel good all the time. I ended the detox 5.6 lbs lighter.
My favorite recipe was the lentil soup. I will be adding the soup, the quinoa salad, the millet, the guacamole and chips, and the Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie to my post-detox diet. Thanks so much for putting this together and making it easy to follow. The shopping lists, the forum, and the “Suggestions for Success” made it so much easier. I also wouldn’t have been able to do it without my “buddies.” I did it with my mom, my sister, and 2 friends.
The best thing about the detox, besides the weight falling off, was that I did not feel guilty about what I was eating. I knew that I was giving my body exactly what it needed. Thank you, Robyn and the GSG team!
*results may vary
— Venessa M., West Haven, Utah
I feel great!
I’m always constipated, and I used to drink herbal laxatives to help me, but they give me terrible abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Drinking green smoothie four days a week has helped me a lot. I feel great!
— Anonymous
Eliminated Allergies, Feel Very Clean and Light, and Lost 5 lbs!
I would recommend this detox to anyone!
Overall, I feel very clean and light. On a daily basis before the detox, I felt bloated, somewhat tired, and battled a number of food allergies. My digestion is also much more efficient.
I only lost 5 pounds, but I have noticed a definite change in appearance. I worked out 5-6 days a week during the detox and usually have a hard time toning up. I made significant strides the past few weeks that would have taken me much longer on my old SAD diet.
I have had an extreme watermelon allergy since I was in my pre-teen years. I couldn’t even eat anything that touched melon or had been cut on the same cutting board without erupting in fever-blister-like hives instantaneously. I decided to stay on the first phase of the diet an extra few days in the hopes it would clear up some food allergies. I am ecstatic to report all melon allergies are gone! I quite enjoyed the liver cleanse gorging myself on my newfound fruit.
Thank you Robyn, for sharing all of your knowledge and advice throughout the detox. I look forward to doing it again!
*results may vary
— Lela M., Santa Fe, New Mexico
Helped My Family
Our family has been drinking green smoothies for the last 3 months and I feel that it has improved our overall health. It has completely taken away the guilt in regards to my children’s diet. I no longer have to worry about if they have gotten enough fruits and vegetables. I give them healthy snacks to eat, but on crazy hectic days even if they have not had one other fruit or vegetable I don’t worry because they’ve had their green smoothie! I have a 5 and 3 year old and worried if they would drink it. My 5 year old loves it and many days asks for seconds and my 3 year old occasionally has to be reminded to drink his smoothie, but it was a lot easier to get them to drink it than I imagined it would be—I add quite a few frozen strawberries to our smoothies and they really like it.
My husband just had a bone marrow transplant and we are very conscious that good nutrition is a key element in his recovery. One of the benefits that I have experienced is I feel it has helped me keep up my milk supply for my newborn. I have had milk supply issues in the past and I am nursing my third baby longer than I was able to nurse my other two children. I feel green smoothies have played a part in my ability to do this. Green smoothies are a great way to make sure your family is getting all the fruits and vegetables they need to be as healthy as they possibly can be!
— Quinn S., North Carolina
Kicked My Sugar Cravings! Down 14 lbs!
Total weight loss of 14 lbs. Highlights of the detox:
-Feeling lighter!
-Fitting into my fave dress (hadn’t been able to in 3 yrs) and my fave jeans (not since 2006!)
-Last, but not least, kicking my sugar cravings—that’s huge!
Going forward I’m committed to the following. After 20+ days, these seem attainable now:
-Staying away from refined sugar—goodbye cookies, cakes, candies. I joked to my fiancée that the next time I’ll have sweets is when we cut our wedding cake in May.
-Maintaining a low-sodium diet. Seriously, salty stuff doesn’t even taste good anymore. Now I prefer the more “complex” and zesty taste of lemon!
-Eating more veggies. I was a total carnivore, but somehow meat no longer holds its previous appeal.
*results may vary
— Tracy S., Salt Lake City, Utah
I have been converted to green smoothies!
I have become so converted to green smoothies that I became concerned as to how to continue them in case of disaster or hard economic times when I might be unable to purchase fresh produce. So I started dehydrating the spinach, kale and parsley I grew in my garden this year. I then powdered the dried leaves and now use it during the winter to make my green smoothies.
For the juice base, I use frozen raw apple cider that my husband grinds fresh each fall with his leftover apples (he is a fruit farmer). It is now January and I use the following recipe for my super green smoothies:
I rehydrate in 1 cup hot water the following: 2 tsp. powdered kale + 1/2 tsp. powdered parsley or 2 1/2 tsp. powered spinach. Blend well and let sit for about 10 minutes until cooled. Then add 3 cups apple juice (raw, unpasteurized), 2 frozen bananas, 1 1/2 Tbsp. freshly ground flax seed, and water and ice to the 7-cup mark and thoroughly blend. This is a great option when I cannot get to the grocery store.
— Cindy P., Alpine, UT
“I Wish All My Patients Were as Proactive as You!” 15 Lbs. Lost!
Good news! I completed the 26-day detox and I feel totally renewed!
I came to the detox program for health reasons. I was attempting to get myself out of bed and couldn’t because I was full of excruciating pain in my lower back and some joints. My blood report said I have parasites in the red blood cells, low vitamin C, possible thyroid problem, fungus, protein swimming in the blood, inflammation, and the list went on. I was in shock. How did this happen?
And yet I didn’t care about that stuff because my main focus was to get rid of the excruciating pain so I wouldn’t need assistance getting out of bed, help to the toilet, help putting my shoes on, or someone to fetch things for me.
I went to the Internet for answers and found the GreenSmoothieGirl website. While reading the detox web page, words popped out to me like body’s oxygen supply, immune system, pH, acidic, and the gut. These were the same words my doctor used when talking to me about my health. I had my doubts so I prayed about it and my answer was, “Allow food to be your medicine.”
I bought the program two days before the detox started. The fourth day, I wanted to quit. In tears, I informed my husband of my decision because I didn’t like experiencing detox symptoms. He encouraged me to stick with it. Headaches, flu-like symptoms, coughing. On the fifth day, I was scared, so my husband took me to see the doctor. My doctor, knowing my health history, was excited to find out that I was putting forth effort to change my health. He said, “I wish all my patients were as proactive as you.” Even my doctor encouraged me to continue with the detox program!
Then on the sixth day, the pain that had wrecked my life for months was gone! Hallelujah! The pain was no longer in my body. It was GONE. As I continued through the detox, I felt my body experiencing peace, calm and happiness. I feel so blessed to have the pain gone.
My husband has noticed how soft my skin has become—and I lost 15 pounds! I feel highly motivated to share the good news of my victory over pain to others. This detox program made a believer out of me. The Full-Support Detox Membership I purchased was worth every penny, as it taught me of a world I didn’t even know existed, through daily emails, conference calls, and videos.
*results may vary
— Suzanne F., Meridian, Idaho