What people are saying
I would like to convert everybody!
I would like to convert everybody. There are many benefits. You will experience increased energy. You will need less sleep and your cravings for sweets will decrease down to nothing. You will lose weight, your blood pressure will come down. You will feel like 21 again.
I actually, really look forward to the first smoothie in the a.m. It is easy, and if you give it a chance, you will love it too. The first smoothie I made I used a 1/2 banana and tasted great, but I did not want to use it on a daily basis. So, I did not make any smoothies for one month. I decided to go back and try again, this time with a 1/2 apple for 32 ounces. That hooked me!
Green smoothies taste so fresh. I make 64 ounces in the a.m. I use 32 ounces in the morning and save the next 32 ounces for noon meal. You can take it with you to work. It travels well and it is so easy, I just make mine fresh everyday.
The GreenSmoothieGirl website is extremely informative with all the information for making the green smoothie. I vary the greens (very important), but my base is apple, celery, parsley (all organic, of course). I then on various days use two of the following, any of the types of kale, swiss chard, mustard greens, collard greens, dandelion, arugula, or anything else that looks fresh.
Put the soft washed leafy greens in the bottom of the blender and top it with the harder washed vegetables. Add the filtered water, and start blending, If it is too thick, add more water and blend again. I sip it (as a good portion of digestion occurs in the mouth). And, I get to enjoy this every morning.
Now, to keep the greens extra fresh, here is what I do. I place each type of green, unwashed in a mason jar 1/4 filled with water. I top it with one of those green bags and twist the green bag at the bottom around with my fingers, so it is fairly secure around the mason jar. Greens keep great, and I never throw out anything, seriously. Keeping green onions like this is wonderful, the greens love it. Wishing my best to everyone who has a desire for great health and is willing to give a green smoothie a fair shot.
— Lorraine L., Naples , Florida
Never Going Off Smoothies Again
I started drinking green smoothies about 3 months ago kind of sporadically. I felt great when I had them but some days I didn’t plan well enough and forgot to make them. When I’m on green smoothies I feel lighter, lose weight quickly, and sleep better. My whole energy over all is so much higher, and my skin looks the best it ever has! A few weeks ago, for some reason I stopped drinking them, dove back into not eating great, and I felt awful immediately. My skin broke out bad and I was miserable. That’s when I said I am never going off of them again. I started again last Tuesday, and here it is Monday and I feel wonderful again!
I’ve been following the 12 Steps / GSG diet. I have a hot pink smoothie in the AM and a piece of fruit mid-morning. Lunch is a green smoothie and salad, sometimes just some almonds. Dinner is something healthy and a large salad. I have no cravings for any of the junk I used to live on.
My kids actually really do like green smoothies. The way I make mine they taste like lemonade which they like. I also started cooking with coconut oil and using it on my skin. WOW! I will never use anything else again! The recipes are awesome, and the advice is great! This is the best life style change ever. So thank you!
— Beth, Connecticut
Menstrual Cycles Returned to Normal
I’m 44 years old. I’ve always had very regular menstrual cycles. For about one year prior to drinking green smoothies, my menstrual cycles had become very irregular. After about two months of green smoothies, I returned to a very regular cycle of 20 – 30 days and my periods are just like they were in my 20’s and 30’s. I’ve been drinking my quart of green smoothie per day for six months now and my cycles are consistently regular.
*results may vary
— Kathy M.
Energized and 16 lbs Lost!
I started this diet as a team effort with my sister-in-law. I was excited about trying something new. I really didn’t feel that losing weight was my priority, but in doing so I really look better and feel better and lost 16 pounds! I have been a runner for years. I have run marathons and half marathons. Plantar fasciitis and a knee-overuse injury have stopped me from running more than once a week for the past year. I have noticed that my knees and feet really don’t bother like they used to. I am energized that my body can heal from this. I was looking for something that I could do.
*results may vary
— Amy M., Vidor, Texas
This combination rocks!
I started drinking green smoothies two months ago. I use a large amount of organic leafy produce and I use kombucha as the liquid, with a small amount of fruit or fruit juice. Then I follow it up with a handful of spirulina and chlorella tablets. This combination rocks.
— Anonymous
From Meat for Every Meal . . . to the GSG Detox! 14 lbs. Lost!
When I signed up for this program, I thought, “I’m never going to be able to do this,” because I was a carnivore, eating meat with every meal—and snacks of jerky and cheese! The first couple of days, I had a slight headache because I was not getting my two cups of coffee each morning! I was also spending more time actually preparing my food than before, but that was good because I was really aware of what I was actually eating.
I liked the daily email I got from Robyn and staying connected on the forum. My husband and young daughter were also very supportive of my participation.
I have more self-esteem and self-confidence from doing this detox. I learned that I can accomplish anything I really want to do—like losing 14 lbs. in 26 days!
*results may vary
— Tammy L., Corrales, New Mexico
You Won’t Believe Your Energy Level!
My budget wouldn’t allow for the full detox program as I am saving for the 12 Steps to Whole Foods program after the detox. But I would like to share how I am doing. I started the program early and decided to keep doing the first 4 days again so I would be with you guys for the rest. I have about 20 lbs. that I haven’t been able to get off forever, no matter what I have done.
And I am here to testify that after day 4, I have dropped 5 lbs. I feel great. What was amazing was I was so satisfied and without cravings for those days. Repeating them wasn’t a hard decision.
If I had to do it over again I would have done the complete program with support, as I feel kind of like a lone wolf out here. But going by the way I feel (which is wonderful—so much energy!), I will carry on. LOL! Thank you so much for this program. Also for those who like me were wondering if the manual is worth it—it’s packed full of information and so worth the money. We wouldn’t think twice about paying that for a bottle of diet pills which, in the long run, do nothing. This is healthy and you won’t believe your energy level.
*results may vary
— Joann B.
I have been telling all my friends about green smoothies!
I have been telling all my friends about the green smoothies and converted several of them to start drink them on a daily basis. My friends are all west coast dancers and energy is important for the 4-5 hours of dancing we do 2-3 nights weekly.
— Anonymous
Worked when juicing didn’t
The green smoothie idea has worked well for me whereas juicing did not. Anyone who has juiced knows the time commitment it takes for juicing and clean-up as well as the volume of veggies it takes to make just 2-3 eight-ounce juice drinks per day. When I read about green smoothies, it was immediately appealing to me. I bought a BlendTec right away. In only 14 months of use, the counter on my machine is already over 1,600!
I average 5 out of 7 days for making smoothies for myself and my husband, who will drink one anytime it’s available in the fridge. One benefit of green smoothies is helping me to be more alkaline.
— Linda C.
Kidney Stones Gone
I have medulary sponge kidney disease that causes me to make kidney stones. My urologist sees me every 6 months to keep an eye on things. I started drinking green smoothies about 5 weeks ago, having 2 a day most days. I lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks, and haven’t gained it back. About 10 days ago I had an ultrasound of my kidneys and 5 days ago I had the usual blood work done. I recently noticed my face (I’m always complimented on my youthful appearance) glowing–and my husband obviously thought so because he reached out to stroke my cheek with the back of his hand. I asked if I had food on my face and he said, No.” And then he stroked my cheek again.
Back to today’s check-up with my urologist. He was very pleased, saying, You always have many kidney stones in both kidneys–usually the left has more than the right, but they both have multiple stones. Your scan shows NO stones in the left, and a stone the size of a pin point in the right kidney.” He had to rock the wand forward and back to find it! He said, You’ve lost weight. You look great! Whatever you’re doing, keep it up! I don’t need to see you for a year.”
Here’s the kicker: in the past he asked me to stay away from “high oxalate” foods such as kale and spinach since my kidney stones are calcium-oxalate stones. But, what greens have I put in my green smoothies? Kale, spinach and beet tops. And I’m better than I’ve been in YEARS AND YEARS, in terms of kidney health.
Go green smoothies!
*results may vary
— Cindy
Surprised With Our Results!
My husband was my detox buddy for this (our first) 26 day detox. I shopped & he helped with the food prep. We both had detox cleansing symptoms of headache, fatigue, achy joints, gas & bloating which lasted at least a week into the program. For years my husband has been on blood pressure meds (even on the meds his BP was 150/96). After the first week, he was still feeling very tired and weak. He was hydrated, resting as needed, eating plenty, taking lots of cinnamon. When he took his BP it was 103/57!
The doc took him off all meds after that first week of detox. He donated blood at the end of our detox. His iron level rocked (proves no need for red meat!) and BP 120/72!!!
We were surprised that we were never hungry and generally had no cravings. Having no salt was the hardest to adjust to (harder than no caffeine). We did the skin brushing, oil pulling, infrared sauna, exercises. While we read a lot about the coffee enemas, we did not try them this first detox. I really appreciated the shopping lists & menu plans which totally simplified the detox. Also, the daily emails & video supports were very beneficial to keep us understanding the process, as well as promote motivation to persevere.
In addition, he dropped a total of 22 lbs while I dropped 11 lbs. We feel great with improved energy and the desire to continue a cleaner lifestyle in all aspects of our life. We have been walking testimonials as others have observed the positive changes in us, both physically as well as mentally/emotionally. We would do this detox again.
*results may vary
— Maureen P., Sonora, CA
12 Steps to Whole Foods Graduate Lost 100 Lbs–Then Loses 12 More on the Detox!
From a beautiful lady in a little town with only one stoplight who previously lost 100 pounds doing Robyn’s 12 Steps to Whole Foods Course:
I have never done a detox before, so I didn’t know what to expect, but it was amazing. I loved it. I loved knowing I was helping my body to perform better, and I loved the empowering feeling I had throughout this whole experience. I was able to lose 12 lbs! I had been stuck at the same weight for a while not being able to get past it. I loved the full support, having a forum where you could get your questions answered. Being able to hear from others was great! I also loved the required buddy, which made all the difference, knowing I couldn’t let my buddy down. The live Q&A sessions with Robyn and the other coaches were also fabulous.
Thank you so much for all the time and effort you put into this detox program. It is amazing and I am becoming a lifetime member, looking forward to doing it again with you.
*results may vary
— K’Lynne W., Phoenix, Oregon