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What people are saying

Menstrual Cycles Returned to Normal

I’m 44 years old. I’ve always had very regular menstrual cycles. For about one year prior to drinking green smoothies, my menstrual cycles had become very irregular. After about two months of green smoothies, I returned to a very regular cycle of 20 – 30 days and my periods are just like they were in my 20’s and 30’s. I’ve been drinking my quart of green smoothie per day for six months now and my cycles are consistently regular.

*results may vary

— Kathy M.

Measurable Weight Loss

When Robyn introduced me to green smoothies, I was intrigued by the idea of drinking my greens. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables in my diet, but I was looking for an easy way to double my fiber. I love green smoothies. I don’t just drink a glass or two, but three or four, and then whatever is leftover after my children drink theirs. I feel better. I feel thinner. But, by measurable standards—-the scale, the tape measure—-I am thinner. The combination of green smoothies and lots of water promote weight loss in me. Feeling better about myself, I have a brighter outlook on life, naturally, but I simply have more energy to meet the demands and challenges of my busy days.

— Jill W., Utah

Love my green smoothies!

Love my green smoothies. When I drink them I am not as hungry and feel when I do eat I need to eat nutritionally dense foods, not fake foods. I have nice skin, hair, nails and a good deal of energy.

— Wendy K.

Thank you so much green smoothies!

I have hyperthyroid (Graves Disease) and have been on Propyl-Thyracil (PTU) for the past 15 years. During this time, doctors and specialists have urged me to go on radioactive iodine, and some of them have even ridiculed me for wanting to consider alternative methods.

I knew instinctively that an answer lay for me in something else besides pills. But I was told that they knew of nothing else and that the iodine treatment was pretty standard. (Well, not for me, thank you very much!) I have searched and searched for years. I even went off PTU for three months thinking that I could use positive thinking and visualization to heal myself…but to no avail.

So when I came across green smoothies in about June 2008, I knew that it was more like a liquid salad, full of nutrition and basic goodness. So together with beginning a high raw foodstyle, I was able to decrease my PTU intake every 3 months since then, when having an appointment with my endocrinologist to check out blood work. I had been on three PTUs per day.

So after the first three months, I decreased it to two, thinking that there would be some changes to my blood work results. Since there was none, again after three months, I decreased it to one PTU per day. Again no changes in T4, Free T3, and sTSH results. My last appointment with the endocrinologist was in January 2009. Again no changes.

She was delighted and suggested that I come off PTU completely. I almost fell off my chair that a doctor would suggest no pills. Of my own choice, and with her approval, I asked if I should consider half a PTU per day until my next appointment. She agreed. To date, I feel fine with no increased palpitation and an abundance of energy. Thank you so much green smoothies, and most of all, thank you to Robyn for her relentless pursuit of research.

*results may vary

— Hal Walter, Ontario, Canada

This is the healthful FAST FOOD!

This is the healthful FAST FOOD! My health has changed for the better! I now have a desire to do, and to live! Thanks to green smoothies!

— Dallas J.

Thanks so much for helping to change the quality of my life!

I have endometriosis and ovarian cysts and have suffered with cramping, heavy menstruation, and low back pain for 20+ years. I have had numerous surgeries to help correct and alleviate the problem with no success. I finally reached the point that my doctors determined a hysterectomy would be my next surgery. I am in my early thirties and was not ready for that so I spent a lot of time researching nutritional options. I discovered green smoothies and they have helped tremendously (I have been drinking them for a year now).

My cycles have improved dramatically and the majority of the time I feel like a normal person. That has never been the case because of this constant pain that was always with me. Thanks for all of the info on your site. As I have changed my eating habits I have also discovered trigger foods that cause ovarian pain, spotting, and bleeding. I am grieving the loss of chocolate but the smoothies have almost taken any cravings for sweets away. Once again thanks so much for helping to change the quality of my life.

*results may vary

— Becky Flannery, Sandy, Utah

Kidney Stones Gone

I have medulary sponge kidney disease that causes me to make kidney stones. My urologist sees me every 6 months to keep an eye on things. I started drinking green smoothies about 5 weeks ago, having 2 a day most days. I lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks, and haven’t gained it back. About 10 days ago I had an ultrasound of my kidneys and 5 days ago I had the usual blood work done. I recently noticed my face (I’m always complimented on my youthful appearance) glowing–and my husband obviously thought so because he reached out to stroke my cheek with the back of his hand. I asked if I had food on my face and he said, No.” And then he stroked my cheek again.

Back to today’s check-up with my urologist. He was very pleased, saying, You always have many kidney stones in both kidneys–usually the left has more than the right, but they both have multiple stones. Your scan shows NO stones in the left, and a stone the size of a pin point in the right kidney.” He had to rock the wand forward and back to find it! He said, You’ve lost weight. You look great! Whatever you’re doing, keep it up! I don’t need to see you for a year.”

Here’s the kicker: in the past he asked me to stay away from “high oxalate” foods such as kale and spinach since my kidney stones are calcium-oxalate stones. But, what greens have I put in my green smoothies? Kale, spinach and beet tops. And I’m better than I’ve been in YEARS AND YEARS, in terms of kidney health.

Go green smoothies!

*results may vary

— Cindy

I love the recipes!

I love them, I love green smoothies anyway, and I love your recipes the best. It is so good to have mainly greens and a few fruits instead of the other way around as I was previously doing. I love them and my kids do also. They crave them as I do.

— Anonymous

Clearer, Softer Skin, More Energy, Lost 10 lbs—EVERYONE Should Do This!

I would totally recommend to others! I have clearer skin and softer skin, my hubby noticed that right away. Skin issues on my elbows are gone completely! I also am putting coconut oil every night on skin spots and doTERRA Clear Skin. Rotating them and it’s working great. No more expensive prescription creams and lotions. No nausea or upset stomach. No gurgling stomach or pains.

Food tastes better and more enjoyable. Never thought I would love a sweet potato/or even regular one with only Flax Oil and green onion/chives. Delish! It’s fun to just eat food now to see what it REALLY tastes like without salt, butter, etc. Hair is growing super fast and my nails are hard for the first time in a long time. Joint pain almost gone except for one shoulder, but again, only a matter of time eating like this and it will be gone too. Passed gallstones and sludge during oil therapy. And menstrual cycle so much easier, less cramps and NO cravings (still don’t have cravings for junk which is still shocking to me) and PMS was lighter and easier.

I did it for immune reasons for skin and Lyme toxins, but a perk was losing approx 10 pounds. Energy coming back to take longer walk/hikes with no pain or struggling to breathe! I also feel happier and have a better outlook on my health. I finally have hope and actually believe things are going to get better and better, something no doctor in 8 years could do for me, but green smoothies and detox foods did!!! EVERYONE should do this!

*results may vary

— Jennifer P., Brecksville, Ohio

Green smoothies have helped me stay full longer in the morning.

Green smoothies have helped me stay full longer in the morning. I used to be SO hungry by lunchtime. My stomach would growl and I would become dizzy. Now I drink a blender full of smoothie in the morning and I am satisfied until it is time to eat my next meal.

— J. Burns

Addicted to green smoothies!

Is it possible to be addicted to green smoothies? Ever since you first introduced me to green drinks years ago, I’ve dabbled here and there with them. Things got serious though this past spring when I started working and knew that my diet would suffer now that I don’t have a lot of time to devote to thinking about what I am eating. I decided to make green smoothies my daily morning meal—there isn’t a quicker, more nutritious breakfast to be had! I’ve even introduced green smoothies to my friends at the office, and even whip up an extra drink for one of my co-workers, who now says she can’t wait for Monday mornings to come so she can have a smoothie for breakfast! I love the way I feel since incorporating green smoothies into my daily diet! I have energy for the entire morning; I do not crave sugar nearly as much. I can definitely say without doubt that green smoothies have made a difference; I just feel healthy!

This past week I made a green smoothie for a little nephew of mine who has never, ever eaten a vegetable in his life. Ever. My sister was very skeptical that he would even try it, let alone like it. Not only did he like it, he asked for more. My sister was blown away, and soooo happy to know that there was a way to get her little guy to get so much more nutrition into his diet. Oh, my sister loved it too!

Thanks, Robyn, for introducing us slowly but surely to green-drink-heaven! If I miss a day of green smoothies, I miss it, CRAVE it even. I’ve become a true addict.

— Sheri H., Utah

I am a totally different person!

Green Smoothies have impacted my life in so many ways. I had gained 65 pounds from my first pregnancy on my “organic” processed-food diet. My self-esteem and confidence was crumbling around me. My energy levels ran on low even though I am only in my twenties. I remember when I was introduced to the concept of green smoothies at a health food store. A lady was handing out free samples. I used to work at a smoothie bar and the thought of adding greens to smoothies had never occurred to me.

It was two years ago when I discovered this amazing drink, and I have had one every day since. People started to comment on how radiant” my skin looked and asked how I was losing weight only 2-3 months after starting green smoothies. Soon, I had to make a printout of recipes and tips to give out to friends and family to make explaining the “Green Smoothie” easier and not as redundant. Not long after that, I started teaching health classes. There are probably more families at my church making smoothies than those that are not. We have all seen a difference in our health. I do not crave salty and sweet things like I used to. I feel like the chains of my cravings were released with the key of smoothies.

I have lost over 40 pounds and gained soaring levels of energy. I have a better outlook on life. I prefer to go for a walk instead of watching TV with a bag of chips by my side. My passion has grown so much for this simple concept that I am working on a website called I want others to feel the freedom that I am experiencing.

In February of ‘09, I had my second son. Thank goodness I can say that I didn’t gain 65 pounds this time around–only 16! I lost all of that on delivery day. Even though I didn’t gain a lot of weight, my 9-pound newborn was not lacking in that area. By 6 weeks post-partum, I was 6 pounds under my pre-pregnancy weight! I was not starving myself either. The green smoothies give me so many different nutrients that my body doesn’t crave the junk.

I am so glad that there are people like Robyn out there promoting such a wonderful concept. Because of people like her, I am a totally different person. Thank you!

*results may vary

— DaNae Johnson

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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