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Ep. 269: The USA Has Been Through Hell, Except Florida (Who Has a Wakeup Coming)

Robyn Openshaw - Mar 16, 2022 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Vibe with Robyn Openshaw: The USA has been through hell, expect Florida (Who has a wakeup coming). Episode 269

What freedom-loving people from the other 50 states have been through reads like the script of a bad movie. They’re exhausted from fighting for their children’s future, the free market system, and all civil liberties. But Florida has had it good, and they need to wake up and organize! Here’s how.

Save A Generation Tour Florida 2022


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3 thoughts on “Ep. 269: The USA Has Been Through Hell, Except Florida (Who Has a Wakeup Coming)”

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  1. Allen Shoudy says:

    What you state is SO OBVIOUSLY TRUE. Every State in the USA is controlled by Republican or Democratic politicians (and corporate funders behind them), so this 2 Party system needs some serious modification and removal of "the invisible controllers".
    Just remember that every President is given a DO & DO NOT List. The DO NOT comes with a parade in a convertible down a street in Dallas.

  2. rachel goodkind says:

    5 stars
    Thank you GSG for everything you have done to speak up and out. The frustration of efforts bringing people together has been positive but also ineffective ( not because of lack of effort) against corruption in public officials.
    Humanity is up against a Luciferian agenda, where many politicians have been blackmailed and/or are part of a horrible child trafficing and sacrifice agenda that is the most profitable industry in the world.
    "We" cannot ask elected officials to do something, mass numbers of humans must DEMAND it en-masse through legal means and mass gatherings where we all stand FOR health freedom. Standing "against" something does not work and it has never worked.
    However on a positive note, the light has taken over the darkness. But the darkness is used to being in control, in charge, and creating fear and contrived events to justify what their plan is. Humanity must however come together en-masse to speak up and out against the illegal medicalization the misleaders are attempting to force onto us. They want us to believe we have no choice, but we do. Live in the light and visualize the results.
    I do suggest having a global meditation/prayer where everyone present, all over the world at a specific time, focus on love and light and medical freedom.
    Prayer works, especially in groups. We millions can change the world this way, together working for a positive common cause. To work FOR something, not against something.
    I also moved here from out of state in the past 6 months, although I would not move back to my former state of PA.
    namaste’, rachel

  3. The fight for Freedom in Florida has been going on since the beginning of the "scamdemic". Governor DeSantis has pushed Monoclonal antibodies that are derived from Chinese hamster ovaries while allowing safe drugs HCQ, IVM to be blocked by pharmacists across Florida in and out of the hospitals. Gov DeSantis was lobbied by the FMA and has signed onto giving the hospitals immunity from lawsuit for their deadly management of COVID-19 patients. Wake up people, no state is safe from tyranny!

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