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Ep. 256: How I Got Well After a Pharma Injury

Robyn Openshaw - Dec 29, 2021 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Vibe with Robyn Openshaw: How I got well after a Pharma injury. episode 256

I spent 4 years in bed after being injected with a product that I was ordered to take, working in a hospital, to prevent the flu. I spent years studying detoxification. Then I put it into play and got well. Then I finished grad school, wrote 16 books, raised 4 children, and have spent the last 8 years helping 17,000 people get well after various toxic exposures. I explain the research I studied and how I help other people detoxify.

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Detox Video Masterclass — free videos

Purchase the 26-Day Detox — the most productive rest-and-repair you’ve probably ever given your body

Starfish Opportunity — make money helping people detox




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