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Ep. 107: Understanding the Power of Intention and Intuition in Living a Long, Healthy and Happy Life Interview with Dr. Roy Martina

Robyn Openshaw - Nov 21, 2018 - This Post May Contain Affiliate Links

Vibe with Robyn Openshaw: Understanding the power of intention and intuition in living a long, healthy and happy life, with Dr. Roy Martina. Episode 107

Today we have another great episode in our Learn From Our Elders series, where Robyn has curated people who are 65+ and still contributing massively to their own body of work, and to the planet. Dr. Roy Martina is one who is definitely sharing a lot of his wisdom and knowledge with the world in many ways. He is a world famous Martial Arts Grand Master and holds several current world records. He is a world-renowned doctor with more than 30 years’ experience in Holistic Natural Medicine and expertise in a diverse range of therapies. He is a bestselling author of 86 books currently and still writing more as he plans to write and publish 100 books. He is a well known trainer and speaker and together with his wife Dr. Joy Martina, they have helped tens of thousands of people around the globe become their Greatest, Grandest Selves. In this episode, he shares with us some of his best secrets, teaching us how to tune into the power of our own mind using our intention and intuition to apply these simple yet powerful tools for living a long, abundant and vibrant life.


Connect with Dr. Martina and his many events and programs: CLICK HERE

Learn more about his program “Sleep Your Fat Away”: CLICK HERE

Get the book “Emotional Balance”: CLICK HERE

Get the book “Power vs Force”: CLICK HERE




Hi there. It’s Robyn Openshaw and Welcome back to the Vibe show. Today we continue our series on “Learn from our Elders”. I wanted to interview Dr. Roy Martina because he’s turning 65 right about the time that you’re hearing this and I couldn’t believe it when I heard it. His wife is a friend of mine and she referred me and I said, “Roy, can’t possibly be 65. Is he?” So he’s exactly the kind of guy that we want to interview to learn, what does he know that we don’t or that most people don’t, that leads to a long and productive life of doing great work even into your later years?

Dr. Martina is a holistic medical doctor and he specializes in things like acupuncture, homeopathy, nutrition, cancer therapies, and things like psycho-neuro-immunology and deep change hypnosis. Another fun fact about him is that he to this day is a world renowned martial arts world champion. He’s an eighth degree black belt martial arts Grand Master. And wait for it, at 65 years old, is the author of 86 books and plans to write at least 14 more until he gets to 100.

So Welcome to the Vibe show Dr. Roy Martina.

Dr. Martina:

Thank you for having me Robyn.


Everyone, I’m really excited to introduce you to Roy because I was actually astonished when I put out the call in my professional space to my colleagues and said, “Who do you know who is 65 and older? Who is still massively contributing to his or her body of work? What are they doing enjoy?” And Joy, who is Roy’s wife is my friend, and she said Roy Martina. And I was like, I asked my assistant. I’m like, go find out, like is this the same Roy that she’s married to because I wouldn’t put him older than 50.

So I want to talk about your work and I also want to talk about what you personally are doing to stay so vibrant. But let’s talk about probably one of your favorite things to talk about and that’s your martial arts background. You’re like world famous in martial arts are you not?

Dr. Martina:

Yeah, and actually also I still have three world records that have not been broken in 40 years, so I’m still awaiting for the one that comes after me and will break my record. So it didn’t happen in 40 years, I don’t expect it to happen soon either. And I still teach. I’m an 8th degree black belt. I have my own style. I’ve over 2000 students. And yeah, I started when I was six years old, so I’ve been doing this almost 60 years. So yeah, it’s the passion of my life and it’s the foundation of everything I do comes from the martial arts.


You know, I think a lot of women like me are curious about the martial arts. It seems sort of masculine to us. But, what do you think the martial arts has to do with why you’re vibrant now? You think there’s a connection there?

Dr. Martina:

Yeah, definitely there’s a connection. Number one, it’s a sport that has everything in it. Flexibility. So we do a lot of yoga like exercise to keep our body flexible, but also we want to be very fast. It means that we have this explosive power so we’re using certain types of muscles and fibers more than others. Then there is the endurance, there’s high intensity training in there. And most important it’s a sport where you train reflexes. So if we look at one of the reasons why we age and we lose some of our, let’s say capacities, it’s because we’re not challenged anymore. And in martial arts you’re constantly challenging the nervous system and constantly pushing it out of the comfort zone.

And, is it masculine or feminine? I don’t really believe it’s that because we have both parts included, we have exercises that are much more like meditation and breathing. And also I would say um, to reflect on your goals and those kinds of things. But I think most importantly, why I like it, is it teaches you ways to deal with your emotions. And I think that’s an important and missing part in a lot of the programs I’ve seen for longevity where most of the focus is on nutrition and movement and meditation. But dealing with emotions is one of the most important parts that is also missing, I think in the Blue Zones, that’s one of the things that people like to talk about.


Yeah, we’ve talked a lot about the Blue Zones on this show and as we hit our 100th episode, I wanted to find people who aren’t living in the Blue Zones but are going to be those one offs in this world where, you know, we could feel kind of hopeless if we’re really educated about how much toxicity is in our environment that wasn’t there before. What are some of the keys, you can talk about, you know, what you learned observing the Blue Zones, but I think you have somewhat of a different approach. Just talk a little bit to us about what do you think it takes living in the industrialized world these days, to live to be 90 and have a rich amazing life till the end or to 100 or 110?

Dr. Martina:

90 is easy. I don’t think to get to 90 you need to do a lot of stuff. But the point is I would love to start with the bad news first. And the bad news is that it’s not genetics. It’s not exercise. It’s not nutrition. Those things are important and definitely play a role, but what I know, it’s more about the mind. And the reason I can say that is because in my field as a holistic doctor, I work predominantly with chronic diseases and a lot of cancer patients, and I can tell you, the most important thing that will determine if someone will win the battle against cancer, especially if they have two or three months, is the mindset and how we deal with the information that we have, and part of the mindset is also visualization. And that’s the part that is missing in the Blue Zones.

And I believe in the Blue Zones that it’s not done by intent. And the option we have, and that’s the good news, if we want to live, we have two options. One is to add more quality to the years you have to live or to add more life, so more years to your life. And both, of course I want to live longer, but also wanting to stay fit and in great shape. And then intent, is in my belief the most important factor because we can use the intent to guide our nervous system. We can use intent to guide our immune system. We can use intent to cure the body for many diseases. And that’s a part that in the Blue Zones they will never talk about it. It’s just what happens there and those circumstances are great.

But let me give you a quick example of intent. And as you know a lot about vibration. If you take water and you put into the water the intent to cleanse your body to remove heavy toxins or heavy metals and chemicals, that water will vibrate in a different way than when you just drink water. So what I teach people is to use intent for everything, for the food, for water, even if you take vitamin pills or supplements, giving them an intent and the effect becomes much greater and you can call it whatever you want, placebo or something else, but that’s the power of the mind that is not being used in the Blue Zones.


Okay. This is fascinating. So how do I leverage that? How do I use that? Is it when I drink a glass of water, I say words and just create a thought?

Dr. Martina:

Yes, that’s one way. I do not know if you’re familiar with the work of Masaru Emoto. He died a few years ago and I had the good fortune to give some workshops with him and get to know him very well. And what he has shown, take for example, a pond that is totally stagnant and it stinks, it smells. And he would get a group of maybe three or four monks to sit around the pond and focus on bringing love or compassion or whatever energy to mind, just focusing on the water and within couple of days the water, the quality of the water will change. It will come vibrant and alive again and he has done tons on research on that.

For example, if you take a glass of water and you would write the word longevity or a long happy, healthy life, the vibration of the water will change. But just holding the glass in your hand and focus and you can do it just by visualization. Focusing on a certain outcome will change the vibration of the water. And we teach an even more advanced forms of intention where you set your intention in what’s called the Theta brain wave. So we have Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta, and simply by turning your eyes up, just like what they teach in Yoga, where they say, turn your eyes up, try to look inside of your head, will bring the brainwaves immediately into a Theta state and your power of intent becomes much greater. So you’re accessing what we call the quantum brain, the electromagnetic brain, where all the vibrations are, and that’s, I believe, the biggest contribution that I can give to people, it’s just that simple.


Okay. This is super fascinating. So can you give me a few more examples of ways to use intent? So we talked about drinking a glass of water, but give us some really concrete examples so we can just start practicing.

Dr. Martina:

Let me give you my secret right away, then. So the most important times to set your intent is before you go to sleep and after you wake up. So here’s the other thing that we need to know about the intent. The quantum brain works as we know in what we call the Alpha and Theta range even sometimes into Delta when we’re sleeping and even dreaming. So we want to activate the quantum brain because the quantum brain is electromagnetically connected to the whole universe, to everything we know and we even don’t know. And the quantum brain is also connected to the autonomous nervous system. So the trick is that the physiological brain is the more logical linear brain and the physical brain needs to know how things are done. And that’s where most people get stuck. You know they’re putting too much attention to the how.

So basically we need to, what we say, bypass the how. So the sentence that I use for intention begins with “Even if I don’t know how”, for example, let’s say my intent is to sleep very deeply and to wake up refreshed, to wake up feeling more energized, more vital, and even detox my body and regenerate my body. I can say a sentence like, “Even if I don’t know how to program my body, or autonomic nervous system, to remove all the toxins, all this stress, all the other heaviness and emotions that I’ve accumulated during this day. What I do know, it is so now, and I am fulfilled”. And then you visualize seeing yourself waking up the next day, feeling much better, energized, younger, and so on and so on.

Then when you wake up in the morning, you set again, you intent for the day. And for the day it’s more important to be aware of yourself. So what I teach people is self-awareness. So we are aware of our thoughts, we are aware of our actions and the intent we set in the morning is to be able to correct anything that deviates of what we want. So if we want to be happy, you want to be vital and energetic, positive, we set that intent in the morning.

And if we do this for a minimum of two months, 60 days, it becomes a habit. And then the autonomous nervous system is automatically programmed to follow that protocol. So by doing that over and over just two to three months, we have now created a new habit into the nervous system that goes on automatic. And we can even determine the date that we want to die. We can determine many, many things just using intent. And you know, I’ve been doing that with students and people I coach for many years, over 20 years now, with incredible effects also for cancer, chronic disease and on and on.


Okay. So is this found, this deeper dive if we want it, because I really think my audience is going to want to learn more about this, is this found in your international best seller of all your 86 books called “Emotional Balance”? Is that where we would learn more?

Dr. Martina:

Yes. The “Emotional Balance” book is basically what it teaches us is because I started out as an acupuncturist. And in the acupuncture system, we have all these points that can influence our energy levels. And what people need to understand is the following, the three levels that we function on, and the three levels is what we go through when we get sick. The first level is energetic, second level is biochemical and the third level is cellular. So if we’re looking, for example, at cancer, the cancer does not start at the cellular level. The cancer does not start at the biochemical level, cancer always begins at an energetic level.

And with acupuncture we’ve been taught how to influence the energetic level and what we studied is that emotions and stress has the biggest impact on our energetic system. The biggest cause of, I would say, aging, is not a food or those kinds of things, but it’s really the toxins that we create ourselves with our emotions. And when we learn how to master these emotions, then our body can detox itself and regenerate itself much quicker than anything else. And there’s a big difference between transforming your emotions and suppressing emotions. And that’s what I explain in “Emotional Balance” how we can use our emotions that we have to heal our body and through that become younger and stronger and more vital


Transforming rather than suppressing our emotions. I would imagine that, I mean, you’re turning 65 this December, so soon after this show airs. I would imagine that you became really interested in this through challenges of your own right. I bet you didn’t live 65 years without some really, really tough setbacks. Am I right?

Dr. Martina:

You hit it right on.


Do you have any that you want to share with us? Something that you’ve been through?

Dr. Martina:

When I was born, I was born with my umbilical cord around my neck. I had hypoxia and I was diagnosed with brain damage at the age of six. The Psychologist told my parents that I was a hopeless case, that they shouldn’t expect me to become somebody. And that’s when he gave the good advice to send me to martial arts, which changed my life. And so I started out with a lot of learning problems. And I discovered a new learning technique which was sleep learning by the age of 10. So at 10 I start to record everything I needed to know and I went from the worst in the class, to the best in the class. And so that was my first big challenge. And martial arts technically on the other side saved me because I was also very aggressive, very angry and all that stuff.

But my biggest challenge ever was when I was 22, I was already accepted by one of the best universities in Europe to become a surgeon. And then I had a car accident. And from the car accident, I had severe, well, first of all I had a near death experience and when I came back I had what I think I want to believe it was an angel. Because a nurse came into my room, touched my forehead. I went into coma for two days and I woke up two days later, completely healed.

And I just had a few residual, you know, some stuff, some whiplash kind of conditions. And that changed my life because I couldn’t become a surgeon anymore. And that’s how I became a general physician. And through a physical therapist, I got in contact with an acupuncturist and after that I was so impressed by acupuncture that made me choose to go to study acupuncture.

So that was my big life changing event, at least two of them. And my biggest struggle always has been, to be able to say no, especially when I became a practitioner and people were coming from everywhere living on a small island, Curacao, where everybody knows everybody. I got burned out very quickly after six months of practice. I was working from six in the morning till 12 in the night. So I had to learn to say no. And that’s how my journey began on searching for personal development. And that also changed the way I practice. So that’s in short, my two biggest struggles.


I know you consider Deepak Chopra, a colleague. And who’s written more books? You or him?

Dr. Martina:

Um, right now we’re pretty much on the same level.


I asked Roy right before we got started with the interview. So are you like in a competition with Deepak to see how many books you can write? And I was teasing, but he said Yep. He said Yep, I’m gunning for 100. So that is so inspiring. What kind of topics do you want your last 14 books to be about?

Dr. Martina:

Well, my next book is called “The Secrets of the Lazy Billionaire” and it’s about quantum physics and how it’s opening a complete new area for me that I was not familiar with before. I am very familiar with The Law of Attraction. But with quantum physics, it’s totally different. There we work with what’s called the multiverse. In quantum physics, the belief is you cannot create anything and everything you can think of or imagine already exists on a different timeline. That’s called the multiverse. So there is not only one Roy or one Robyn, there are many different ones, each living a slightly different life.

And what this billionaire friend of mine taught me is that any big dream that you may have, and like I told you at the beginning, uh, my big dream is to start a new medicine and a new kind of holistic university. And he encouraged me to go for that dream because it’s an impossible dream. And when it’s impossible, it’s easier to be done in quantum physics than it’s done with regular visualization methods. So the difference in quantum physics is that you do not visualize something when you visualize something, you always start with what you know.

In quantum physics, there’s a technique called quantum jumping, I call it timeline jumping, where you jump to another timeline in your meditation and you become the Observer. That’s level one. You observe what’s going on, who are you in that life. Level two is where you start having a dialogue with your other self. And level three is when you merge with your other self and you become that future self on the other timeline. When that happens, then you get what’s called, what they call a collapse of the timelines and synchronicity starts to hit.

So for example, I needed at least 2 or 3 billion dollars to create what I want to create. And by doing the quantum method that comes easily. I already have investors who are interested, who want to invest, and my billionaire friend wants to invest. And so the money’s no longer a problem. What was impossible has become possible. But the trick is you have to become that person that’s living the success that you want to have. And that’s what’s my next book is about. It’s already written. It’s just waiting for the last chapter. The last chapter 14 is how did I manifested 3 billion dollars that I need to create what I need to create.


We’re all waiting. We want to hear about how you manifest 3 billion dollars. But your 3 billion isn’t so that you can live on a golf course and drive a little golf cart around.

Dr. Martina:

If I had wanted to retire, I would have done 20 years ago. It’s no fun being retired, by the way. There’s still so much to do, and to happen. So much to give and there’s still so much to figure out. There’s so much research to be done. It’s too exciting to retire. I do not envy anyone who is retired. I love what I’m doing too much to retire.


Yeah, I agree. I’m starting to look at my second half of my life, and you know, the American dream is to, you know, stop working. And I think that not working and not building something with my mind, my mind and heart, that might actually kill me, so um, that whole idea scares me.

Dr. Martina:

I’ll tell you something about retirement. I saw what happened to many people retired, including my father. When he retired at 65, so that’s really an interesting age for me to hit now, very quickly, within years, he totally was no longer the same man. I just saw him withering away because there was no purpose. All the dreams he had from, you know, uh, when he was retired to go fishing and all this kind of stuff, and after a while it was so boring that he ended up doing nothing, just working a little bit in his garden. And I think that was, well, he still became 94, so that was really good. But he was not the same man. So I do not recommend retirement to people who really have something to give to this planet. It’s… No, it’s too much fun.


Yeah. That’s one of the things that strikes me as I study the Blue Zones is how they have specific roles in their family into their nineties and they’re still contributing and productive. And some of them are still doing the work, whether it’s being a shepherd or whatever it is, they’re still doing the work that they’ve done for 50, 70 years.

Tell us about the project because you’ve alluded to it, something you need $3,000,000,000 for, but talk about this hospital and university.

Dr. Martina:

Well, the goal is to bring together top experts of the world who have something to offer that is in the, let’s call it vibrational medicine, holistic medicine, those kinds of things, that I want to bring the best of the best together. And the goal is to show without a shadow of a doubt that when we combine and synergize these methods, that we have a better, faster, more effective and most importantly, a cheaper way to heal chronic disease than is available right now. And uh, once that’s achieved, which will not take us more than two or three years, then the insurance companies have no choice but to pay.

That’s the only way I believe to change medicine. Is to do it on economic principles. Not on ideals or on theories. But to really show with their instruments, I’m talking about, you know, blood analysis, MRI scans, X-rays, to show what can be done. Right now there’s a huge, also new area opening up, and it’s called the stem cells, which is becoming more and more let’s say, common knowledge now. But, for the audience, what I want to give them, as a very simple tool for rejuvenation is that what you need to know about stem cells is that these cells that can rejuvenate the body.

But the problem with stem cells that we have is that they’re wandering around but they are not active. That’s why we are actually aging. So the trick is with your mind, with visualization, to activate your stem cells and to guide them to where you want them to go. Do you want them to go to the skin? Do you want them to go to your joints? You want for them to clean your arteries? Do you want them to rejuvenate your brain? So we can, you know, use stem cells from others. We can use our own stem cells, but with our mind we can activate the stem cells. And another trick that’s really, really important, is to activate, another special group of cells, called the t-killer cells. I call the t-killer cells, these are the white blood cells of our immune system and they are especially good at killing cancer viruses and bacteria.

But again, often they get lazy. The reason they get lazy is that we don’t love ourselves enough. The more we love ourselves, the more active t-killer cells become. But we can also activate and direct them with our minds. And I’ve done this with hundreds of cancer patients where I teach them how to visualize the t-killer cells to actively destroy the cancer cells. What most people don’t know is that everybody makes every day some cancer cells. So if you keep your t-killer cells active, just by focusing on that, seeing that happening in your mind before you go to sleep, that will also give you better chances.

And just for people to know the statistics. In 1940, 1 in 20 people got cancer. In 1970, it was 1 in 16. And in 1990, it was 1 in 10. Now it’s 1 in 3 that are getting cancer. So the older you get the bigger your chances are of getting cancer. So that’s why I recommend everybody to visualize and to work with the t-killer cells and the stem cells to keep your body young and vital.


Okay. So I’d love for you to talk about food because some of your books go into this and you have a really unique take on it. And I’d love to know what your diet looks like to remain so vibrant and still playing your sport competitively and teaching thousands of others, and doing your best work intellectually. I feel like at 65, like our brain is like an international treasure and that’s right when we sideline ourselves, when we know so much like we’ve acquired so much knowledge and experience and then were supposed to go to pasture or whatever. So talk about the three different kinds of food that you teach and how to tell if a food’s good for you or bad.

Dr. Martina:

One of the coolest things I’ve learned from my cancer patients is that there are no rules. So we have a lot of doctors working with cancer, and they tell you a lot of stuff like, you know, eat this and eat that, a lot of this and a lot of that. But that’s not how it really works. And, as you know, a lot about vibration, we need to find the matching vibrations for our own unique signature. So I divide food into three different categories and also we’ll talk about supplements just after that.

So we have foods that are taking away our life force. So these are bad for us. We can call them toxic whatever we want, but they actually deplete us from life force. Then you have foods that are neutral, that means it has no, it doesn’t take away life force, it doesn’t give specific life force, it just gives energy. And you have foods that actually gives us life force. And the strange thing is that in the last category, there are no rules either.

So for one, it could be something like, I had one client that, turmeric, the yellow stuff we use for, for uh, I think we also called Curcumin, that we use for spices, this was so full of life force for that specific person and when they added turmeric every day to their food, it was a day and night change. So it could be one thing that you need to add. Now the question is how do you find out? There are different ways to do it. One way that some people use this kinesiology, muscle testing. Another way is there are nowadays machines that can measure your skin resistance and you can determine what’s going on.

But the easiest way is something that I taught our daughter to do. She is now eight turning nine, but she could do this already when she was six. It is just having your hand going over the foods. It could be even a picture, for example, it can be sitting in a restaurant and you can just, uh, look at a menu and then with your hand go over the different items on the menu. And most people with just a few tests will learn to feel a certain tingling in their hand. And the question that you ask, “Which foods are the best for me right now?”

So that’s one thing. And what you discover over time is that some things are like always the same. So for example, in my case, one of the life force giving foods for me is Broccoli and I hate broccoli, but I eat at least three times a week because it gives me, it gives my body something that nothing else can give it. And I found that the same with cinnamon for example. Cinnamon gives me also a lot of um, positive energy. And then, many other foods that are neutral and some foods vary overtime. When I’m exhausted, for example, I know it’s Goji Berries work very well for my adrenals and, and also what most people know, is ginger. So there’s certain things that are common and certain things that are very unique for your own signature.

In general, what I discovered working with thousands of people is that a more, I would say fiber rich foods are important. And then we almost always end up of course with, you know, things like vegetables, and those kind of things, Salads. But I often recommend people extra fiber because one of the things that I found out is that when we have our stools only once a day, we keep the toxins long in our system. So when we increase the fiber content and we start to go to the toilet for the stools at least twice a day, that’s when we hit the optimum fiber intake for most people. The only caveat is we need to drink a lot of water with that. So some people may have to drink up to a gallon of water just because the fiber absorbs so much of that.

So, and what I discovered is if we add fibers to our nutrition, even if we are eating already fiber rich foods, like we’re vegetarian or Vegan, if we add extra fibers to it, it actually activates the colon even better. And it helps to remove certain toxins. And also it promotes a better what we call symbiosis too. So we get the better micro-organisms into our gut. And one of the big mistakes people do is to take extra probiotics, which in general is just throwing away your money without the extra fiber you need. You need the extra fiber to create the right environment.

And finishing up on supplements. I have over 200 different supplements but I only take four or five a day depending what my body wants me to take. So you can buy all the stuff that you want, but everyday I’m just scanning which ones will be the best for me today. And then some for a while will be the same and some will change overtime. And this way we get to know our unique signatures by using simple techniques like that.


Well I’d love to know how I can look at my supplements and know which ones I need today because I just moved. And so I found all the supplement graveyards in my house and it turns out there were four. And so I consolidated them. Quite proud of myself finding all the weird places that piles of supplements were. And I could run a small health food store with all them, like sell them off. So, how do I know which ones are calling me? Because you said that broccoli is amazing for you, but you don’t actually like the taste of it. So is it just like you said, you put your hand over it, like even your eight year old daughter does?

Dr. Martina:

Yeah, that’s the easiest way to do it. What we teach is something that most people do not actually link back to longevity. We teach people to tune into their bodies. So for example, we have a weight loss program called “Sleep Your Fat Away”. And in the “Sleep Your Fat Away”, the only thing that we do different is that we train people to listen to their body, to only eat when you’re hungry and to eat just enough until your hunger is gone, and not to go over that. And these are simple things. Going back to your question, what you’re training yourself with is tapping into the body’s intelligence. And the intelligence of the body is far more advanced than we can ever know. And so you need to set the intention. What are you scanning the supplements for?

Let me give you a couple of examples. Say your question is, “What do I need today to feel great?” That’s a different question than if you will ask “What does my immune system need now?” Let’s say you’re going through a flu or you don’t feel so well, and you can tie into that specific flu symptom and ask, “What do I need right now?” And then you scan over all these supplements and you will feel a difference. And the only thing you need to do is to trust, and just go for it. Then the next question is, “How many pills or capsules do I take right now?” And normally what I teach people is, close your eyes, go in, and a number will pop up. Sometimes it’s one and sometimes you’ll be surprised it will be four or five or six.

And by doing it in this way, you are more in tune with your body. And we give, of course, we train people in that, um, especially Joy is very, very great on the level of intuition. She just finished a book, it was a best seller on Amazon, and is called “How to Change your Life with Intuition”. But we teach, um these we call them psychic skills, but they’re not really psychic skills, they’re skills that we all have. And just by training them.

And the only thing that you need to remember is, ask the right question. What are you looking for? Are you looking, for example, for something to make your system younger? Do you want something to cleanse your lymph or do you need some help with your adrenals? And then you scan and feel what sticks out to you and you just trust the feeling. And if people want to go deeper in intuition, we offer all kinds of training for intuition, including remote viewing, eso-traveling, connecting with your body, high consciousness and all of that.


Did you used to when you were younger, not trust your intuition as much? I feel like I have had so many things, like I felt strongly a certain way, but I didn’t have the reasons for it, and so I ignored it and I always have ended up sorry.

Dr. Martina:

I think a lot of people recognize that. We all do that kind of stuff, so it’s, uh, when with my brain damage, my first, let’s say, five years of school, I could not rely on my brain. So there was no, my brain was not functioning, so I was living completely in this alternate reality and whatever came up as an answer, I had to trust that. So if the teacher asked me a question, then an answer will pop up in my mind and I just always trusted that answer. So one thing I’ve learned is to trust the intuition. And I think that’s where most people go wrong. Everybody has intuition, but what we need to learn is to trust it no matter what. And once you follow that, then things will happen in a different way. But we all have the inclination to go to our logical brain, and to question what we feel or our intuition and that’s why we make these mistakes over and over again.


Yeah. This kind of reminds me to ask you this question. What are the advantages of being 65? What are the things that you love about being older? There’s this, I’ve mentioned it before on my show, the “U-curve of Happiness” was an article I read, I think it’s in the Atlantic. It’s very long, but absolutely fascinating about the research on how people are so much happier in their fifties then they report being, people just worldwide report being in their forties and thirties? What do you love about being the age that you’re at? What’s good about it? What do we have to look forward to?

Dr. Martina:

Well, there’s many things to love about getting older, especially if you have the tools to take care of your body, your mind and that kind of stuff. But what I like the most is that my impatience, my drive is different now. Where I would always put it like power against force. Where at a younger age, we forced our ways to our goal. We go, we’re driven, we’re determined, we persevere, we go on, we don’t even knock on doors, we go through doors even through walls and all kinds of stuff. And when you have that kind of energy that’s great. When you’re older you become strategically smarter.

And I see it like three levels. We have hard work. That’s good, when you’re young. And you have smart work, that’s when you pass 40 to 60. And then when you go to I’d say 60 plus it is more, I call it no work. It is the flow. You’re finding the way. You’re not in a hurry to go anywhere, but you’re finding the best way that works for you. It gives you tremendous, it’s not just patience, I don’t feel patient, it just gives me more insight when to push and when to wait. I think that’s one of the great things.

And the second great thing is that after, I think being on this planet for so long, you’ve seen a lot of the hype come and go and you understand that the hype will always come and go, so you don’t run after shiny objects anymore. You don’t run for the next hype, you just use your intuition more to know what’s good for you, what you should follow, what you shouldn’t follow. So I would say the most important gain is the peace of mind and it has nothing to do with money. I still love money. I still love to work. I still love doing things, but in a certain way.

I feel more quiet inside, more at peace inside. Here at home they call me The Zen Master because I’m always like in the center of the eye of the storm. Whenever there is panic, I’m always the calm one and I think that’s the great thing of aging is that you don’t run as much anymore and you know when to run and when not to run.


Oh that is so well put. To learn when to push and when to wait. I feel like that is brilliant. I actually wrote that down because that feels like a life lesson that I’m in the middle of right now that I have the sense that you’re ahead of me on that.

Dr. Martina:

And the other thing is you can laugh more about yourself. I think, you know, being able to see your own, it’s not even mistakes, but just to be able to see how sometimes you just cramp up or try things. You actually become a more, well, yeah, you see the humor of life better. I think that’s another great advantage. You know, you’ll see young people running and you go, “Uh, oh, I used to do that”. You know what I’m saying? So it gives you a perspective that really makes a difference.


So what are two or three really actionable, practical, ways to age better? As we get older, what are some things you’ve discovered in your life? This can be from your medical practice or it could just be from your life experience? How do we age more gracefully and not push at the wrong times?

Dr. Martina:

Okay. I think one of the most important messages I have to share is that we, I see so many people who have suppressed anger over the years, they don’t even consider themselves to have any anger issues. I would say um, the secret to aging gracefully is to be able to let go of the past. And a lot of people talk about living in the now, I don’t care so much about living in the now, you can live in any dimension you want, as long as you don’t hold on to the things of the past. That’s the number one basic lesson.

And to be able to let go of the past, the number one thing we need to be able to do is to forgive and not just to forgive, but to close our chapters to really, um, you know, all the unfinished business that we have, even if it’s a long time ago, unfinished stuff with our parents, things that we used to hate about our parents, that we close all the chapters of all the people with some level of, I would say close connection with us or intimacy with us. That we cut the links with those people. We forgive them and we wish them from the heart the best life that we can imagine, what we wish upon ourselves. And that gives you the freedom. It is letting go of your baggage.

And I think when Joy and I got married seven years ago, we made one commitment that we support each other to let go of baggage. And what we discovered in our relationship that every time we have a conflict, it is never about us. It’s always something of the past. And because we have the tools to let go of that, to forgive, and to cut the links. Every time we do that, every time we solve a conflict, it seems like our hearts opens up more. And there is more love. And we are now in this free fall that we do not know where is the end of how much you can love. So now, when you forgive and let go, you are breaking through what we call the heart walls. And every time you break through a heart walls, there’s more love, there’s more gratitude and there’s more happiness. And I think that’s the secret ingredient of aging perfectly.

And if I compare in the Blue Zones where, for example, this woman in France, her name was Jeanne Calment, she lived to be 122 years old and 164 days. And she was, for me the biggest role model because she smoked over 100 years, just imagine that. She drunk port wine. She ate a couple of pounds of chocolate sweets a week until she was 90 years old. And her only exercise, well she cycled until she was a 100 and then she stopped. But then at 112 she was still seen dancing on a video to rap music.

So what were her qualities? Number One quality was that she is quoted as saying, “If you can’t do anything about it, don’t worry about it”. And I found that with people who live very long lives, that they don’t have mental stress and that they are grateful. They are forgiving, they’re focused on the now, or whatever’s going on in the now. They’re not nostalgic, they just live in the moment. I think that’s the biggest secret for everyone who wants to have a fulfilled long happy life, is to let go.


That was absolutely brilliant. And I love the story of the 122 year old woman because, not that Dr. Roy is saying, let’s smoke a pack of cigarettes a day or eat three pounds of chocolate a week. But how, how important, right, how important it is to let go and forgive? Love it.

Dr. Martina:

Why I’m mentioning her, is that what she has proven to me, it is not genetics, it’s not exercise and nutrition, but it’s her mindset. And when your mind is set in the right way, you can overcome a lot of the things. But imagine that you do a lot of things right, so you eat right, you do the exercises right, and you have this mindset. I mean, what is possible? I don’t even consider a 122 years a difficult age to get to. I believe it’s quite easy. And if I say it as a man, it’s even tougher because women live longer than men, so we are punished just for being born male, but I’m sure 123 is easy to get to if we have the right mindset and we combine it with a few simple things that we do on a daily basis.


I love it. We’ll tell everyone where they can learn more about you. Maybe mention a few of your favorite books that, I told you a little bit about our audience, what their demographic is, um, that they should seek out? Where can they find you on social media, all that good stuff.

Dr. Martina:

Well, we have a website, our main website is called And it’s easy to remember. It’s Christ all in, this was not on purpose. We discovered later that this happened. It’s not a religious website or anything, but it happens to be Christ all in. What our motto is we strive to become the greatest we can be and we have a lot of good stuff. Also, a lot of free stuff there. One of my favorite books that I recommend everybody to read is we, uh, my wife and I wrote a little book, “The Little Book of Karma” and this is about not only doing good but to understanding the principles of Karma and what the effects are on our lives and our business. And it’s, I think the book is $3 or $4 on

And, uh, my other favorite book, I already mentioned, “Emotional Balance” And the last book of my wife is called “How to Change Your Life with Intuition”, which was a best seller on And we work a lot with brain training. And when I speak about brain trainings, a lot of people know about guided meditations, but what we really do is train the brain to create new habits. We even created a program called the “Ultimate Habits to become Unstoppable” and it’s like a one year program where each month you learn a new habit that you integrate into your nervous system and even on the DNA level.

And then from another author, I would recommend “Power vs Force” that’s a really old book and it’s about vibrations. It’s, by his name is Hawkins. And he has um, research with kinesiology to vibrations of countries, even professions, and politicians. It’s a really must read for people to understand everything they want to know about vibrations and how even our thoughts can create some vibration in our body. So those are the things that I would recommend for people to do right now.


Well, I so appreciate you taking this time to share with us because we all need a Lodestar. We all need a mentor and I’m looking for them in my fifties right now. I’m looking for people in their sixties and seventies who are living the way I want to live and you’re an absolute inspiration. So thank you so much for being with us, Dr. Roy Martina.

Dr. Martina:

Thank you, Robyn, for having me. It’s been a great, great pleasure and I really appreciate you for what you’re doing and thank you for doing this great work.

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