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What people are saying

Feeling So Much Better—Thank You for a Great Experience!

I am feeling so much better than when I started the detox. I tried very diligently to do what was instructed. I think the best part for me was being off of sugar and especially salt. Preparing food that was different than I usually prepare made preparation slower.

I want to thank you for a great experience. I especially liked all of the classes we were able to listen to and watch. I learned so very much. I would recommend this detox to anyone. It was great. Thank you for all the support. Keep up the good work, Robyn—it is well worth it.

— Bonnie M., South Jordan, Utah

I adore feeling well

I’m so in love with GreenSmoothieGirl’s detox and whole food programs! What I most value is how clear minded and energetic I feel, except in periods my body was detoxing hard. After the initial first week, I didn’t really find myself feeling hungry, and soon was enjoying all my favorite recipes from the program! I’m proud to share that this was my 8th successful detox!

I’ve done it alone and without a buddy, but I didn’t sustain it well alone, so the highly engaged Facebook group was a huge benefit to me.
I’m so appreciative of the outstanding and consistent support received from Robyn, Kristin, and Emma, with encouragement and wisdom. I always learn so much each time I do this detox! So for me this time, the epiphany was when I realized nothing in the world is worth compromising good health for! If it makes me feel bad, it’s not worth eating!

I adore feeling well so I can live my life fully and remain super active with my husband, 5 grown children, 7 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren means everything to me! At 58 years old, we’re discovering the joys of camping and hiking and I have to say, all my picnics will have my favorite detox foods in them!

So dear Robyn, and awesome GSG team, thank you again for another beautiful experience, start to finish. God bless you all with success in 2017!

— Helen, North Carolina

Something is working!

I started doing smoothies twice a day (breakfast and lunch), July 14, 2008. At the time, I had no idea what to expect, as I was just trying this on a whim. After about two weeks, I noticed I lost about 5 pounds. I decided to continue this process, and switching up my dinners to be cooked, mostly vegetarian. Another 2-3 weeks passed by and I lost another 5 pounds. Something was working… I suspect it was the combination of green smoothies and going mostly vegetarian.

Well, along my journey, I started seeing books about raw food and 80-10-10, and just a whole bunch of information. I decided to try doing raw, and for the most part I have been able to maintain about 90-95% raw since I started doing this. Every week that passed I noticed I kept losing 2.5 pounds a week, for an eventual total loss so far of about 47 pounds. About 3 months into my journey, I read 80-10-10 Diet by Douglas Graham, and have implemented a lot of his concepts in my daily routines, so most of my daily intake consists of fruits and vegetables, with very small amounts of nuts/seeds. I noticed that with gourmet raw using high content fat (ie. nuts and seeds), I would do alright but I truly thrived doing 80-10-10.

As far as exercise goes, even before I started smoothies, I was doing twice a week at the gym doing a cycle/spin class, and I would occasionally do some light weights at home. I have noticed that my cycle/spin classes, I have been able to maintain extreme high energy levels and not gas out when on 80-10-10. I also noticed that when doing raw-gourmet (with higher fat), that I would not be as energized. Another thing I should note, my muscle recovery times have improved dramatically with 80-10-10– gone are the days of recovery, instead my muscle recovery occurs in about 15-20 hours, ready to hit up more exercise the next day.

I used to have a sinus headache about once a week. Those are all gone. I sleep much better, and noticed that I can go on my day with less sleep and still have a ton of energy. My daily diet still consists of two smoothies a day (one breakfast and one lunch) and my typical dinner meal varies, but it is typically in line with 80-10-10. It took me about 6 months to lose nearly 50 pounds, but the whole process was pretty easy. It is just a matter of committing your mind, and making great habits and breaking the bad ones.

*results may vary

— Eddie Yee

Wedding Ring Now Falls Off—Lost 12 lbs!

I felt well on the Detox and I plan to do it again. I lost 12 lbs. and feel less bloated—my wedding ring falls off! One week post detox, I am still down 10 lbs.
I would recommend the detox to others, and have done so! Recipes can be an acquired taste, as they are bland, so invest in some salt-free, sugar-free natural seasonings before starting. I understand it is a cleanse and you are trying to rest your body. I would also encourage the Phase 2 option. After the first few days I started juicing some of my meals and doing the enemas, which was key to my decrease in chronic headaches I had prior to doing the detox.

I did feel that encouraging a buddy, and vice versa, was the ticket for my success! A couple of the other detoxers were great at answering questions.

*results may vary

— Dedrianne O., Blaine, Minnesota

We are hooked!

Both my 18 yr. old daughter and 15 yr. old son are hooked! My daughter used to pass out with fatigue after school every day for the last 3 years but not now, and she has only 16 oz. for breakfast. My son has 16 oz. for breakfast, after one week he asked if he could PLEASE take a quart for school lunch everyday! His energy is now what it should be and he no longer craves starchy/white/dead carbohydrates and wants to eat better also. The cracked, dry, sore spots at each side of his mouth (almost looked like small torn or split/cracked creases on both sides) have gone for good.

That old afternoon fatigue and sugar craving and a nap is HISTORY and coffee addiction of 10 years is GONE, along with the deep face creases caused by it all! Most exciting is lifelong bad breath has disappeared, and who knows what other marvels are happening inside? It’s only been 30 days!

— Susan W.

Easy to Understand and Implement – Even With Lots of Food Allergies

I have LOVED 12 Steps! The book is very informational and easy to understand and implement. I did tackle a couple habits at once since I already had the green smoothie drinking part down as well as some others. The biggest thing I want to comment on are the recipes. Recipes are KEY to success and you need GOOD tasting recipes to make transitions like these. Robyn’s recipes are FANTASTIC! I have yet to try any that we did not love and now use as a family favorite consecutively. Whenever I am “experimenting” with new recipes my hubby gets nervous, but if I tell him it’s a 12 Step recipe he calms down and doesn’t worry since there’s not one he hasn’t loved. (He’s my skeptic at times). I really like that I can count on the recipes being tasty since I’ve read/owned many, many health books with crap recipes in them. BLAH! These are great!

Another thing I wanted to mention about the recipes I’ve enjoyed is that we eat gluten, dairy, egg, and soy free and a huge majority of the recipes are naturally free of these things. There are still plenty of worthwhile recipes in the collections having these restrictions that make it worth the purchase. I have shared 12 Steps with family and friends. My aunt bought the program and has loved it, and I have several other friends who are slowly making their way (they do green smoothies now–hooray!).

I love that Robyn has broken it into 12 Steps and if you can add them into your life you will be so much healthier and happier!

— Laura Tervort

The green drink is the best breakfast a person could have.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1999. I had a surgery to remove the lump but refused chemo and radiation. I saw a naturopathic doctor and through micro water, stabilizing my PH, and diet, was able to get rid of it. In the spring of 2008 I knew from the symptoms the cancer was back.

I checked my pH, which was so acidic it wouldn’t even read on the paper. I went to see my doctor and he confirmed the readings. I knew the key to getting rid of cancer was a balanced pH. I have a microwater machine, but I knew the fastest way to balance pH is through greens, but it was impossible to eat the amount that I needed.

I’ve been drinking blended greens faithfully since August of 2008 along with the raw food, no dairy, no meat. I was rechecked for cancer in January and there are no signs at all*. I feel great, haven’t been sick. I’ve lost weight and am back down to my high school weight and size. I have energy, etc. . . I could go on and on. My kids can’t believe I’m running around chasing the grandkids like a teenager. The green drink is the best breakfast a person could have.

Because of the positive change in me, about 10 other people have started drinking green smoothies. Ladies at Curves, my husband, my daughter, my husbands’ parents, my parents, and my friends. And when I go to Sunflower Market, I meet a lot of people, mostly older people buying kale for their green drink. I smile and think, wow, that’s great!

— Terri Barnett, Payson , UT

Something I Can Do!

Over the years, I have learned a lot of good information about nutrition, but I have never been able to follow through with what I know. So many nutrition gurus make it sound like you need to go to extremes to be healthy, and it’s very difficult to follow these programs and still participate in social events. Robyn insists on good nutrition, but she is not extreme.

The 12 Steps to Whole Foods program is something I can do, with my children! Robyn makes fantastic nutrition available to everyone including single/working moms and families with low budgets.

The program is set up to work at your own pace. If you are overwhelmed, you can go slowly and introduce one step per month. If you are ready to make big changes, you can do everything at once.

Robyn’s recipes taste good! She includes many recipes that reluctant children and adults will enjoy

I tell people about Robyn’s green smoothies all the time. If someone is ready to make changes in their diet, I tell them about the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course. This is a program that I can recommend without worry — it is not extreme, and it is do-able!

— Katie Gibson

Shed 13 Pounds, Love the Great Support System at GSG, and Feel Great!

The GSG Detox has totally changed the way I look at food. It has helped me realize what a fine-running machine my body is and the importance of proper nutrition to keep it fine-tuned. I love the “in control” feeling I have. My cravings have diminished and I am very satisfied with the healthy meals included in the detox. I shed 13 lbs., my step is a little lighter, and my body feels wonderful. I loved the full support of the GSG team. I was blessed with three buddies whom I have never met. We have been able to discuss all kinds of body functions and given full support to one another. I now have three great new friends to share healthy recipes and clean eating ideas with. Thank you for the opportunity to participate.

*results may vary

— Robyn M., Honeyville, Utah

Not Turning Back—This Will Be My Way of Life Now!

The past 26 days of detoxing has been an amazing journey for me. I was hesitant at first because 26 days is a long time.

To my surprise, I enjoyed it very much. The program is very well organized and easy to follow. I almost felt that there was more food than I needed. I never felt hungry or deprived. I absolutely loved the satisfaction of the green smoothies as well as the provided recipes.

I have lost 8.5 pounds, although my goal was just to get healthy. I was already at a normal weight. Giving up coffee was a bit of a struggle, but my quality of sleep is just amazing. I finally sleep the whole night through.

I am so glad that I did the full support program. The detox manual was very concise and I had it with me all of the time. I listened to the calls in the evening—and what a pleasure it was to be able to ask Robyn a question live. She is right there doing the same detox with us, and very down to earth and approachable. I also kept in contact with my buddy who was assigned to me.

I learned so much and I feel so great and I am drinking a green smoothie as I write this. I am not turning back. This will be my way of life now. So grateful for the last 26 days. It was fun “crossing the finish line!”

— Jill K., Rockford, Illinois

We are experiencing great health benefits from these marvelous drinks!

After a year of thinking and searching deeply about going vegetarian, I took the leap in September of ’08. What made the transition easy was the discovery of the green smoothie! I first heard of them on Robyn’s informative website, I was intrigued and investigated the origins of green smoothies and started to find whole blogging communities who were drinking these liquid vegetable treats. I viewed many of the YouTube videos Robyn had posted and saw how simple it was to get my veggies the green smoothie way. I started right away, using my simple kitchen blender. My 11 y.o. son and my husband were curious and started drinking them with me almost immediately. We LOVE them!

The chronic eczema around edges of my scalp are clearing up (some are completely gone!), ridges in my fingernails are flattening out and nails have become hard, chronic tiredness has been replaced with vibrant energy, mild arthritic symptoms in fingers vanished, hypothyroid symptoms growing less (although I’m on a low dose of Armour and have been for years, I still experience many of the hypothyroid symptoms – but they are really improving!), insomnia seems to be vanquished, I’ve lost 9 lbs so far, and I don’t know if this could be related but I no longer sunburn!

But what is truly amazing is that I’m growing in streaks of brown hair where it was solid silver before–fabulous!

We are experiencing great health benefits from these marvelous drinks and I think we may be addicted to the vibrancy and high energy kick we get from them. I’ll be getting results from a blood test next week and I can’t wait to see the numbers! I’ve turned several friends and family members into green smoothie drinkers and am actually pursuing a radio show where I will be able to discuss and share my progress with others. Thank you Robyn for GreenSmoothieGirl blogs! Your generosity in sharing your info with the world has inspired so many to move towards health!

*results may vary

— Cher

I have felt the benefits of green smoothies

I started making green smoothies a year ago. My husband had been diagnosed with hemochromatosis, several years earlier. He had gotten that under control but because the disease had gone undiagnosed for years, he had organ damage, including heart, liver and kidney. He had no energy. So he started every day with a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew. My mission was to get him off the Mountain Dew and replace it with something that was better for him and gave him the energy he needed.

After some research and finding, I purchased a high speed blender. I started making green smoothies everyday. I persuaded my husband to get off the caffeine and sugar and give this a try. He has done remarkably well. I went into this hoping–but knowing how difficult it is to break such an entrenched habit of caffeine, I had my doubts.

I am happy to report after one year, he has not gone back to Mountain Dew and he feels more energetic than he has in the last several years. I also have felt the benefits of green smoothies. Although starting this in generally good health, I feel better, more energetic and better digestion, than I have felt in years. A year ago I also stopped cooking meat for dinner every night. Although we have not gone to a 100% vegan diet, we have cut out 75% of the meat we used to eat. I am trying to cook healthier and have used Robyn’s recipes to do that. All that I have tried have been very good. I would recommend this simple lifestyle change to everyone.

— Karen R.

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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