What people are saying
The Medical Community Could Offer No Relief
Two years ago, illness and disease brought my life to a grinding halt. The medical community could not explain my symptoms nor could they offer me relief from my pain. I began to read books on natural healing and discovered the underlying truth that I needed to revamp my diet. I stumbled upon a GreenSmoothieGirl video on YouTube and discovered 12 Steps to Whole Foods shortly thereafter on the GSG website. What an amazing experience that was! Within a few short months, I was able to completely revolutionize my nutritional world. Wow!!
The 12 step program is a well researched, easy to read guide on eating well with lots of great suggestions on how to save time and money. Since implementing this program, I feel so confident about nutritionally meeting the needs of my family. Every chapter has fabulous recipes and challenging nutritional content. It charts a clear, achievable course for people who want to eat well but just don’t know how.
Since living the GSG diet, I have healed my metabolism. I weigh 20 pounds less and have dropped from a size 6 to a size 0 (who knew that size even existed!). I finally feel comfortable with my weight and how my clothes fit. My diet has become the foundation to my healing program and the improvement in my health has been remarkable in the last two years. I have way more energy and am excited about how my health will continue to improve.
I greatly appreciate the information in the 12 step program; it is well balanced and integrates time-tested traditional ways of eating with the latest research on healthy eating. Thank you for being a calm, reassuring voice that encourages us to make lifelong change. It’s not about products or gimmicks. It works for moms on tight budgets who stand as nutritional gatekeepers to the home. It worked for me and now my family is reaping the many, many benefits of whole foods!
Thank you!
*results may vary
— Darlene U., Canada
Cholesterol Dropped 50 Points! Discovered a Food Sensitivity and Dropped 12 lbs!
During the Detox I lost 12 pounds and my “tummy!” I stopped having gas and feeling bloated and discovered a major food sensitivity causing it! My cholesterol dropped from 204 to 154 and is now in the normal range! My doctor is amazed!
I discovered I have sensitivity to gluten—with that knowledge, my sinus headaches and phlegm in the back of my throat in the morning are gone! I have more energy, my color and skin look healthy, and I feel great.
I am not going to tell you the program was easy because it wasn’t. You have to be determined, but following the suggestions in the book really helped, especially BEING PREPARED. Shopping and preparing in advance and having several days of food prepared made ALL THE DIFFERENCE. I took my food with me when I could.
If I was in a situation where we were eating out, I just told the waiter I needed their help as I was on a “special eating program” and what individual items from their menu I could eat and they were always more than cooperative in making me a “meal.”
I learned a lot about how to prepare and plan a healthy eating program and I will continue to feed my body a healthy diet to achieve these marvelous benefits for the rest of my life. THANK YOU Green Smoothie Girl!!!
*results may vary
— Cheryl F., Corona del Mar, California
Less Stress
I love that there is one goal a month! That makes changing your way of eating less stressful and more enjoyable. I also like it because you can focus on that goal and observe the changes that goal is making to your body and in your life
— AB, IL
Kidney Stones Gone
I have medulary sponge kidney disease that causes me to make kidney stones. My urologist sees me every 6 months to keep an eye on things. I started drinking green smoothies about 5 weeks ago, having 2 a day most days. I lost 6 pounds in 3 weeks, and haven’t gained it back. About 10 days ago I had an ultrasound of my kidneys and 5 days ago I had the usual blood work done. I recently noticed my face (I’m always complimented on my youthful appearance) glowing–and my husband obviously thought so because he reached out to stroke my cheek with the back of his hand. I asked if I had food on my face and he said, No.” And then he stroked my cheek again.
Back to today’s check-up with my urologist. He was very pleased, saying, You always have many kidney stones in both kidneys–usually the left has more than the right, but they both have multiple stones. Your scan shows NO stones in the left, and a stone the size of a pin point in the right kidney.” He had to rock the wand forward and back to find it! He said, You’ve lost weight. You look great! Whatever you’re doing, keep it up! I don’t need to see you for a year.”
Here’s the kicker: in the past he asked me to stay away from “high oxalate” foods such as kale and spinach since my kidney stones are calcium-oxalate stones. But, what greens have I put in my green smoothies? Kale, spinach and beet tops. And I’m better than I’ve been in YEARS AND YEARS, in terms of kidney health.
Go green smoothies!
*results may vary
— Cindy
Doing the GSG Detox Next Time Around! Feel Great, Look Great, and Lost 7 lbs!
I am thrilled with my experience during the GSG detox. In the beginning I was worried I couldn’t give up coffee, sugar, my Lean Cuisine for lunch, bread, etc., etc. I told myself, just get through the first week and then decide if you want to continue. After the first week I felt like it was totally doable and I didn’t want to quit. I definitely felt like the full support was key to my success. I would have questions or be confused here and there, and having that forum made all the difference. I was able to post questions and get responses from both the GSG staff and also others who were going through the detox with me.
I have told all my friends about the detox—I am planning to do it again next time around! I feel great, I look great, I lost 7 pounds, and am so proud of myself and my buddy for seeing it through. I am also looking forward to transitioning from a Standard American Diet to a more plant-based whole foods (even maybe vegetarian) diet. Thank you, Robyn!
*results may vary
— Jeannine L., Sandy, Utah
Menstrual Cycles Returned to Normal
I’m 44 years old. I’ve always had very regular menstrual cycles. For about one year prior to drinking green smoothies, my menstrual cycles had become very irregular. After about two months of green smoothies, I returned to a very regular cycle of 20 – 30 days and my periods are just like they were in my 20’s and 30’s. I’ve been drinking my quart of green smoothie per day for six months now and my cycles are consistently regular.
*results may vary
— Kathy M.
So Impressed with the Detox Program from Content to Calls to the Forum to the Diet
I am down a total of 12 pounds as of today, weighing in at 115. I am a 5’4″, 41-year-old mom of two. After several years of high-stress jobs, I had gone up to 137 pounds and was buying size 10 clothes because I could no longer fit in any size 6s or 8s that I owned. I have spent the past several years trying to lose the fat through off-and-on exercise and off-and-on attempts to find healthy nutrition. I had managed to get down to 127, but had plateaued.
I am so impressed with the detox program, from the content in the manual, to the calls, to the support of the forum, to the diet. I can’t wait to learn more about leading a healthy life after the detox and I am excited to share this with others. This program has really resonated with me for where I am at in my life. I am looking forward to learning so much more from you!
I would like to reiterate the appreciation others have already posted and say a big thank you for leading the way to a healthy lifestyle revolution.
*results may vary
— Kym
I have felt the benefits of green smoothies
I started making green smoothies a year ago. My husband had been diagnosed with hemochromatosis, several years earlier. He had gotten that under control but because the disease had gone undiagnosed for years, he had organ damage, including heart, liver and kidney. He had no energy. So he started every day with a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew. My mission was to get him off the Mountain Dew and replace it with something that was better for him and gave him the energy he needed.
After some research and finding GreenSmoothieGirl.com, I purchased a high speed blender. I started making green smoothies everyday. I persuaded my husband to get off the caffeine and sugar and give this a try. He has done remarkably well. I went into this hoping–but knowing how difficult it is to break such an entrenched habit of caffeine, I had my doubts.
I am happy to report after one year, he has not gone back to Mountain Dew and he feels more energetic than he has in the last several years. I also have felt the benefits of green smoothies. Although starting this in generally good health, I feel better, more energetic and better digestion, than I have felt in years. A year ago I also stopped cooking meat for dinner every night. Although we have not gone to a 100% vegan diet, we have cut out 75% of the meat we used to eat. I am trying to cook healthier and have used Robyn’s recipes to do that. All that I have tried have been very good. I would recommend this simple lifestyle change to everyone.
— Karen R.
I really enjoy green smoothies
I really enjoy green smoothies, but the biggest surprise to me is that my husband loves them even more than I do. He does not really care for vegetables, so it is totally shocking to me that he waits around in the morning until I make him a smoothie and gives me crazy feedback like this is too sweet, it needs more kale!” or this needs more ginger.” It is awesome!
— Kendra A.
In Control of My Lifestyle Now—and Down 13 lbs!
I would definitely suggest participating in Full Support, because when you’re detoxing, a lot of questions come up that can be answered via the forum. It’s also nice to know that you’re not alone with feelings and experiences. I also really enjoyed many of the audios on specific health topics. They were very informative and they gave me more in-depth knowledge on how to improve my health.
I lost a total of 13 lbs! I started out feeling out of control of my weight, but now I am feeling calm and reassured that I can continue a more healthy way of eating. My main goal was to change from my poor food choices, lack of exercise, and stressed-out lifestyle to one that I am in control of, by choosing healthy lifestyle options instead. I feel that I can do that now.
I also bought Robyn’s 12 Steps to Whole Foods course prior to the detox, and it was another goal to get it out of the closet and incorporated into my life. After this detox, I feel that I have the tools to do it now. Today I’m already planning on what I’m going to make for my week ending after the detox. I’ve come to realize that I have to take the time to prepare my meals.
Thank you for offering this program that really can help to put people back on the right track to real health as long as we continue to make healthy lifestyle choices. It was definitely worth it and I am so glad I had the opportunity to participate. I am planning to repeat when the next detox comes around.
*results may vary
— Brenda F., Murietta, CA
Eliminated Allergies, Feel Very Clean and Light, and Lost 5 lbs!
I would recommend this detox to anyone!
Overall, I feel very clean and light. On a daily basis before the detox, I felt bloated, somewhat tired, and battled a number of food allergies. My digestion is also much more efficient.
I only lost 5 pounds, but I have noticed a definite change in appearance. I worked out 5-6 days a week during the detox and usually have a hard time toning up. I made significant strides the past few weeks that would have taken me much longer on my old SAD diet.
I have had an extreme watermelon allergy since I was in my pre-teen years. I couldn’t even eat anything that touched melon or had been cut on the same cutting board without erupting in fever-blister-like hives instantaneously. I decided to stay on the first phase of the diet an extra few days in the hopes it would clear up some food allergies. I am ecstatic to report all melon allergies are gone! I quite enjoyed the liver cleanse gorging myself on my newfound fruit.
Thank you Robyn, for sharing all of your knowledge and advice throughout the detox. I look forward to doing it again!
*results may vary
— Lela M., Santa Fe, New Mexico
Easy to Understand and Implement – Even With Lots of Food Allergies
I have LOVED 12 Steps! The book is very informational and easy to understand and implement. I did tackle a couple habits at once since I already had the green smoothie drinking part down as well as some others. The biggest thing I want to comment on are the recipes. Recipes are KEY to success and you need GOOD tasting recipes to make transitions like these. Robyn’s recipes are FANTASTIC! I have yet to try any that we did not love and now use as a family favorite consecutively. Whenever I am “experimenting” with new recipes my hubby gets nervous, but if I tell him it’s a 12 Step recipe he calms down and doesn’t worry since there’s not one he hasn’t loved. (He’s my skeptic at times). I really like that I can count on the recipes being tasty since I’ve read/owned many, many health books with crap recipes in them. BLAH! These are great!
Another thing I wanted to mention about the recipes I’ve enjoyed is that we eat gluten, dairy, egg, and soy free and a huge majority of the recipes are naturally free of these things. There are still plenty of worthwhile recipes in the collections having these restrictions that make it worth the purchase. I have shared 12 Steps with family and friends. My aunt bought the program and has loved it, and I have several other friends who are slowly making their way (they do green smoothies now–hooray!).
I love that Robyn has broken it into 12 Steps and if you can add them into your life you will be so much healthier and happier!
— Laura Tervort