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What people are saying

I wish my mother had fed me green smoothies from birth.

I wish my mother had fed me green smoothies from birth. If she had I would not have had all this pain and suffering I have been through. I understand nowadays that my body was only crying out for help from me. I only wish all people I know–soon–will come to understand this. Good health to all– THANKS!!

— Anonymous

Setting Personal Records in Triathlons at Age 49, Down 9 Lbs, and Feeling Phenomenal!

I FEEL ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL!! Official stats during the 26-day GSG Detox period: 9 pound loss (8.5 lbs. fat loss, 1 lb. fluid loss, and gain of .5 lb. lean muscle)! I have been a Green Smoothie Girl since May 2012, and now my life has just become nutritionally stronger. Competing in triathlons for 7 years, I am now setting new personal records at those events at the age of 49.

My taste buds have been altered and I can now pass up that bag of chips (my downfall was salt)!

I’ve discovered the benefits of being healthy at the cellular level. Now with the Detox, the cells are that much more cleaned out. Full support and with a buddy is VERY HELPFUL for success! Thank you, Robyn!

*results may vary

— Donna J., Auburn, WA

I will never stop drinking green smoothies!

I have been drinking green smoothies for almost a year now. They are delicious and refreshing. I have had to travel during that time period which caused me to abandon my smoothie for 10 days and I have REALLY felt the effects (fatigue). I will never stop drinking green smoothies!

— Anonymous

Skeptical Registered Nurse Learns about Nutrition and Loses 15 lbs!

The journey that I took in participating in the GreenSmoothieGirl Detox has been life changing. I don’t use that phrase lightly, as by nature I’m pretty skeptical, so please understand how big that is for me!

I never thought I could live for 26 days without meat and chocolate every day! It is amazing to me how my taste buds have changed and how I no longer crave the foods that I once did. It was difficult at times, but having the online support and my detox buddy helped me through that.

I am a Registered Nurse and always thought I understood nutrition, but now I realize how far off some of my thinking has been. I am so appreciative to Robyn and her team for creating such a great program and for opening my eyes to the way that I can now live. I lost 15 pounds!

*results may vary

— Renae O., Rigby, ID

Energized without Coffee, Feeling Great, and Lost 12 lbs!

I feel great. I have lost not only 12.5 pounds—but fat, too. My love handles/muffin top are gone. I feel like this program has benefited all aspects of my life. I was tired the first two weeks of the detox due to purging caffeine from my everyday coffee habit. Now I am energized WITHOUT the coffee! I don’t even enjoy drinking it like I did before.

Foods taste really salty now, and I crave fruits and vegetables more than breads, pastas, etc., like I did before. I feel like the 26 days put me in a great habit of spending more time on food preparation and making more conscientious decisions. I do not want to go back to eating how I was previously and undo all the good that I have done.

Another great result of the detox is that I can actually breathe again. I used to have to take an allergy pill every day, sometimes two a day, to get through the day. I would be congested despite the allergy pills. I have not had one allergy pill over 30 days since I decided to stop taking them and see what happened with the detox. I have not had allergy symptoms of being stuffy and congested, even though it is hay-cutting season here in Idaho, which is historically one of the worst times for me with allergies.

This program was well worth it, and I upgraded to Lifetime Membership because I feel it will benefit me in the years to come!

*results may vary

— Chantel H., Idaho Falls, Idaho

I feel great!

I’m always constipated, and I used to drink herbal laxatives to help me, but they give me terrible abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Drinking green smoothie four days a week has helped me a lot. I feel great!

— Anonymous

GSG Detox Is One of the Most Powerful Things I Have Ever Done for My Health!

The GSG Detox is one of the most powerful things I have ever done for my health. Yes, I wanted to lose weight, and I did. 15 lbs! I already knew my body was overwhelmed with toxicity. That was my real motivation for doing it. I have been struggling with debilitating headaches all my adult life. I contracted Epstein-Barr over 10 years ago and have never been the same. I’ve needed caffeine to just function each day. I eat well and exercise yet, until now, could never lose weight.

The program is so well thought out and research-based. There are difficult days. There’s an emotional component that I was not expecting. But it is very doable. You are never hungry. Your body is getting everything it needs to function optimally with nothing else to get in the way.

The full support program was so helpful in letting me know that what I was experiencing was normal, and a sign that it was working. My body was healing. The expert calls were a wealth of information. I did Level 1, with some aspects of level 2.

After the first week the detox reactions were minimal and very manageable. I have not had a headache since the start of week 2. I have had no caffeine since the start, and have plenty of energy for my day. Bloating in my gut is gone and I can even tolerate gluten a little better. I feel like I have turned back the clock to my early 30s!

As I resume “normal” eating again, I still don’t want to stray far from the program. I feel too good to go back!

*results may vary

— Teresa V., Galt, VA

I love the recipes!

I love them, I love green smoothies anyway, and I love your recipes the best. It is so good to have mainly greens and a few fruits instead of the other way around as I was previously doing. I love them and my kids do also. They crave them as I do.

— Anonymous

I begin with a green smoothie every morning

I work for a lady that began eating RAW. As I watched her transform I became very interested in what she was doing and remembered how good I used to feel when I was younger and ate and drank more raw. I asked her a lot of questions and began to follow a more healthy raw eating and drinking plan beginning with a green smoothie every morning.

I have two teenage daughters who joined in with me on this path of health. One of them has become very disciplined with her eating habits and loves this way of enjoying our food. She has lost all of her baby fat and her skin has cleared up. She is an athlete and very involved in sports. She said that now that she drinks green she can make it through the class day without falling asleep!

We all feel better and I have stopped taking all allergy meds and asthma inhalers.*

— Heidi Underwood

Cellulite Gone! 7 lbs. Lost!

I am a 55-year-old female who began the detox at the weight of 126 lbs. I have been vegetarian for a few years and eat a pretty clean diet. I don’t drink alcohol, the only caffeine I drink is in green tea, and I don’t eat sugar.

However, over my lifetime I have been exposed to environmental toxins as well as pharmaceutical concoctions involving dentistry and Graves’ disease. I had been recommended by a shamanic healer about a year ago to cleanse every organ in my body. I did a series of colonics along with a parasite cleanse but I stopped there. Most cleanse programs on the market detox independent organs and most of them seem to be a kit.

They hardly recommend to even alter your diet. These detoxes never seemed right to me so I was at that crossroads of what to do. I stumbled across GSG and looked into the protocol. It seemed perfect for me.
The timing was right and then I got the brainstorm to enlist my 21-year-old college daughter to join me. I always worry about the genetics of her generation being weaker due to all the FDA-approved food, cleaning supplies and personal products they are exposed to. Plus, I felt it would be a great bonding experience for the two of us. She jumped on board with me immediately.

We spoke every day: she lives in New Orleans and I live in Jackson, MS, and we text messaged each other support when we felt weak. We listened to the group phone calls. We both would share what insight we gained either from the GSG daily emails, the forums or the online talks and chats. We shared with each other our experiences with the recipes.

She came home for a visit prior to Phase Two and we both cooked the recipes for each of us and went to the grocery store together. She would email me the grocery list for each phase to make it easier for me. Prior to the GSG Detox, my daughter was always tired. The first day on the program she could not believe her energy level and how she would jump out of bed and get things done.

I felt a surge in not only energy, but also in inner joy. Don’t get me wrong: I struggled with the first day, just being hungry in the middle of the night, the second day of the watermelon cleanse, and then the after-effects of the olive oil and lemon juice liver detox day.

But it was all worth every second. I love how my clothes fit me; I feel more peaceful. Oh yeah, and this is huge: since I was 5 years old, I remember having cellulite on my thighs. I remember sitting on the front porch swing of our home and looking down at my legs wondering what those puckers were in my skin. About 10 days into the GSG program, I was blow drying my hair, with my head bent over and looked at my legs. Now, I practice yoga 6 days a week so I am in that position a lot and I know how my legs look. Well, that morning they looked different, in a good way—they weren’t as saggy. I pushed the skin together to see if the cellulite was still there. It wasn’t. I pushed my skin together over all the parts of my body that had cellulite previously, and it was gone! The cellulite never really bothered me that much but I sure do like it not being there. I can only attribute it to being the fact that the toxins that were stored in my fat cells were pushed out!

I have recommended the GSG Detox to anyone who will listen to me. I am actually sad that today is the last day. I am excited to incorporate the recipes that we used in the detox program into my everyday life and I ordered the GSG Menu Planner to keep me on the straight and narrow! All I can say is, thank you, Robyn, and your colleagues, for all your hard work in developing this program! It was easy to follow, well planned out, and your program incorporates cutting-edge knowledge in the healing field.

*results may vary

— Tamar S., Jackson, Mississippi

Surprised With Our Results!

My husband was my detox buddy for this (our first) 26 day detox. I shopped & he helped with the food prep. We both had detox cleansing symptoms of headache, fatigue, achy joints, gas & bloating which lasted at least a week into the program. For years my husband has been on blood pressure meds (even on the meds his BP was 150/96). After the first week, he was still feeling very tired and weak. He was hydrated, resting as needed, eating plenty, taking lots of cinnamon. When he took his BP it was 103/57!

The doc took him off all meds after that first week of detox. He donated blood at the end of our detox. His iron level rocked (proves no need for red meat!) and BP 120/72!!!

We were surprised that we were never hungry and generally had no cravings. Having no salt was the hardest to adjust to (harder than no caffeine). We did the skin brushing, oil pulling, infrared sauna, exercises. While we read a lot about the coffee enemas, we did not try them this first detox. I really appreciated the shopping lists & menu plans which totally simplified the detox. Also, the daily emails & video supports were very beneficial to keep us understanding the process, as well as promote motivation to persevere.

In addition, he dropped a total of 22 lbs while I dropped 11 lbs. We feel great with improved energy and the desire to continue a cleaner lifestyle in all aspects of our life. We have been walking testimonials as others have observed the positive changes in us, both physically as well as mentally/emotionally. We would do this detox again.

*results may vary

— Maureen P., Sonora, CA

Eliminated Allergies, Feel Very Clean and Light, and Lost 5 lbs!

I would recommend this detox to anyone!

Overall, I feel very clean and light. On a daily basis before the detox, I felt bloated, somewhat tired, and battled a number of food allergies. My digestion is also much more efficient.

I only lost 5 pounds, but I have noticed a definite change in appearance. I worked out 5-6 days a week during the detox and usually have a hard time toning up. I made significant strides the past few weeks that would have taken me much longer on my old SAD diet.
I have had an extreme watermelon allergy since I was in my pre-teen years. I couldn’t even eat anything that touched melon or had been cut on the same cutting board without erupting in fever-blister-like hives instantaneously. I decided to stay on the first phase of the diet an extra few days in the hopes it would clear up some food allergies. I am ecstatic to report all melon allergies are gone! I quite enjoyed the liver cleanse gorging myself on my newfound fruit.
Thank you Robyn, for sharing all of your knowledge and advice throughout the detox. I look forward to doing it again!

*results may vary

— Lela M., Santa Fe, New Mexico

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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