Ep.72: Heal Breast Cancer Naturally Interview with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

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We’re talking about breast cancer today, but we have a really hopeful, exciting message from not only a survivor but a practitioner,Dr. Véronique Desaulnier, known online as Dr. V. She’s the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror and in today’s episode you will learn about the system she created that helps prevent and treat breast cancer, naturally. She has empowered thousands of women over 39 countries. She’s been featured on The Truth About Cancer and is an author for MindBodyGreen.
Dr. V graduated Magna Cum Laude in 1979 from Life Chiropractic College as a Doctor of Chiropractic and became certified in many post graduate protocols. Since then, she had undertaken extensive studies in the various fields of “Energy Medicine” and have specialized in Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Digital Thermography, EFT and Chiropractic. Her first book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally is a #1 Best seller on Amazon in 6 different categories.
Never Fear Breast Cancer Again Program: Special Offer
Learn more about Dr. V: HERE!
Get her book, Heal Breast Cancer Naturally
Get a free download of the book: HERE
Robyn: Hey, everyone. It’s Robyn Openshaw, and welcome back to Vibe. Today, we are talking about a subject that strikes a little bit of fear into women. We’re talking about breast cancer today; but we have a really hopeful, exciting message from not only a survivor, but a practitioner, Dr. V as she goes by online, Dr. Véronique Desaulnier.
She’s the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror, and she’s created a system to help prevent breast cancer. It’s also help for people who have been diagnosed. The numbers are skyrocketing, and she’s got a process that has empowered thousands of women all over 39 countries, I believe.
She’s been featured on The Truth About Cancer. I know a lot of my audience has gone through that docu-series. We send people to it all the time. She speaks on a lot of live stages. She’s an author for mindbodygreen and a lot of other big sites out there.
I’m really excited to have her talk to us, because the way standard of care sees breast cancer is different than what you’re going to hear here. Anyways, welcome, Dr. V.
Dr. V: Thanks so much, Robyn. I’m so excited to share my message of hope with your audience, and very grateful as well.
Robyn: Well, you are a perfect fit for what we talk about here because I know that you’re really passionate about energy medicine, and trained in it. You’re a bio-energetic chiropractor by profession, but you aren’t just a practitioner and researcher, you are also a breast cancer survivor. Tell us a little bit about your story.
Dr. V: Yes. I like to use the word “conqueror” instead of “survivor” because to me, when people think about surviving, that means they just barely survived and barely got through it. And a conqueror, which is why I used “Breast Cancer Conqueror,” is somebody who’s really taken the dragon by the tail, so to speak, and has taken responsibility for their health and they make informed decisions about their health.
My story started, we can go way back, in 1983. My father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, and it was horrible. He was given no hope. He was sent home to die. They gave him six weeks to live, which that’s what he did, died in six weeks.
At that time, I’ve been in practice for about three years, and I knew in my heart of hearts there was something that could have been done for him; but they gave him no hope. I went to the library. No internet back then. Started looking through books, researching; called a few cancer clinics, which were few and far between back then, and came to realize that there were so many things that could have been done for him. But, unfortunately for him it was too late.
That really lit a fire in my belly, and I took that information and started applying some of these principles, and started using energy medicine, and supplementation, and nutrition, and all these things, and was seeing amazing results in my practice. People were literally coming from all over North America and we were seeing amazing results; not me, but they were doing the work.
Fast forward 25 years, I’m in the shower getting ready for work and doing a self-breast exam, and then, bam, felt that lump in my left breast that changed the course of my life personally and professionally, going forward.
Robyn: How old were you?
Dr. V: You know what? People ask me that. I must have a mental block about that.
It was 2004, so it was quite a while ago, through 2006. I was in my mid 40s. Here I was, Dr. V, helping all these people, and I was facing a diagnosis, this lump in my left breast. And I couldn’t understand it, because I’ve been eating organic before organic was in style. I was doing wheatgrass shots, something that my kids grew up on, colonics, exercise, chiropractic, everything. I was doing it, and yet here I was, faced with that diagnosis of breast cancer.
It was a very trying time. Like any woman who faces a diagnosis, you go into shock. You get angry. There’s shame. There’s fear. There’s doubt; but I knew with all the information that I’ve had and all the miracles that I saw in my practice for 25 years, I knew that my body had the ability to heal, and that there was going to be specific protocols that I would follow.
Robyn: I don’t know if you’ve encountered this. I was telling you that I went to 19 clinics all over the world, and I studied with some of the most famous, and some that are doing great work out there that aren’t as famous practitioners, who are treating cancer wholistically.
In Europe, they call it biological medicine. In the US, it’s starting to organize around the term “functional medicine.” You know what a lot of them said, is that we probably form a detectable cancer – like if you actually were to go get some scans done, including like a mastectomy or whatever – you probably have detectable cancer four times in your lifetime, that your body actually metabolizes on its own.
I always think about that, when someone like you and those of us who are really earthy-crunchy and doing a lot of things right, when we hear about someone who’s doing so many things right, like you, who got breast cancer, it’s like, “Oh, my gosh. We’re all screwed.”
Dr. V: Right.
Robyn: I don’t think that’s actually true. What do you have to say about that? For all the people who are doing a lot of things right, making a lot of sacrifices, and saying no to the junk food and drinking a bunch of alcohol and smoking, and they’re exercising everyday; you’re even doing wheatgrass shots. That’s pretty hardcore.
My guess is that your body was actually primed pretty well to metabolize it, and probably possibly would have anyway. What do you think about that? What do you have to say to people who are doing a lot of things right like you were, and you still got a diagnosis? What do you think?
Dr. V: Yeah. I totally agree. I totally agree that we create hundreds and thousands, hundreds of thousands of cancer cells in our body every day. But it’s when the pendulum shifts, or the scales shift, because you’re stressed out, or there’s some sort of trauma in your life – whether it’s financial, relationship, physical, whatever – you’re not really taking care of yourself.
Spiritually, you’re off balance. That affects your immune system, and then your immune system is not equipped to handle the growth of the cancer. If you’re exposing yourself to a lot of unhealthy foods, all those things can add up to it.
At the time, I didn’t really understand cancer the way I understand it now. My mission is to teach women that they never have to fear breast cancer again, or any cancer for that matter, because it’s all the same root cause and it is reversible. Because you had a hand in creating it, you have a lot of power, and you have a big opportunity to reverse it as well.
Robyn: We’ve had Chris Wark on our show a couple of times, and he’s a close friend of mine. I know you and he are also good friends. I see some similarities here in the approaches that you take, because you have this seven essentials system. I think women would be smart to get on this well before there’s even any diagnosis, but most of them are going to, of course, get very highly motivated when there is a diagnosis.
You take people through seven essentials. You have a seven essentials system. Do you want to talk a little bit about what those seven things are that any breast cancer patient needs to look at?
Dr. V: Absolutely. How the seven essential system came about was through my own personal healing journey, because, at the time, even though I knew what I knew, I was frustrated. I was overwhelmed. I was taking little bits of pieces from here and there, and I felt if I was this frustrated and overwhelmed, how much more so would the average person who is faced with the diagnosis be?
I said, “There’s got to be a simpler way. I’ve got to create a system, a step by step process where people can go, ‘Step one, check. Step two, check,’ and it empowers you because it gives you the knowledge that you need.”
Essential number one is let food be your medicine. We can talk an hour on that easily, but your audience is very familiar with food as medicine and we now know, especially with epigenetics and nutrigenomics how our food can turn on genes, turn off genes, and affect our health in a very profound way.
Essential number two is to reduce your toxic exposure. We can’t live in a bubble. We’re exposed to toxins all the time, but there are ways to minimize that, and ways to detoxify that from your body.
Essential number three is to balance your energy. We are electrical, energetic beings. We’re only one-billionth physical matter. The rest is all energy. How do we balance that energy? Through chiropractic care, through acupuncture, exercise, hormone balancing, proper sleep. All these things will keep our energy in balance.
Number four is the big one, that’s healing our emotional wounds and this is where a lot of women get stuck and that’s where I got stuck. That’s why I really focus on it a lot because the childhood wounds that aren’t addressed, the stressors in your life that you don’t deal with, all those things will create proteins, neuropeptides, that will effect your immune system in a very negative way. You got to recreate those subconscious patterns that have brought you to that point.
Number five is biological dentistry, to really look at what’s in your mouth. There is a connection between oral health and your physical health so whether it’s the amalgams or the root canals, the bacteria, the periodontal issues, all those things will affect your health longterm.
Number six are therapeutic plants and herbs that specifically target cancer cells. We know – and I’m a real stickler when it comes to this, this is not just new age fluff, but it’s hardcore science – published studies that show us that there are specific supplements that can literally cause cancer cell death, and boost your immune system at the same time.
Lastly, number seven is keeping a pulse on your health. Very early detections, through thermography, through specific blood tests that can detect cancer when it’s very, very minimal, before it’s a lump or a bump that people freak out about.
Robyn: Would you ever get a mammogram, or do you trust thermography?
Dr. V: I’ve never had a mammogram. With what I know now … For example, there was a 25-year Canadian study done on over 90,000 women, 25 years, and it was proven that mammograms did not reduce breast cancer mortality rate, not even by 1%, and it was found to be just as effective as a self-breast exam.
That being said, thermography is just another window. It’s another picture. It’s not the only thing, because thermography is only 97% positive. Sometimes there’s that 3% window.
Then there are other things that you can do. There’s the ultrasound. There’s also blood tests that you can do, that will measure the presence of certain proteins that cancer cells secrete, that healthy cells don’t. If you find that protein in your blood, then more than likely you’ve got a certain amount of circulating tumor cells going on, or a tumor developing in your body.
Robyn: You heard it. Dr. V, who actually had breast cancer at one point, would not get mammography. I am turning 51 this week, and I will not be doing any mammography ever either. I have had thermography done and it’s painless, and it doesn’t radiate your breasts, and it doesn’t smash them flat like a pancake either, right?
Dr. V: Exactly.
Robyn: It makes no sense to me that we are doing mammography that causes carcinogenic issues. It’s going to cause cancer over time. It’s radiating the cells of your breast. You’ll have to pipe in here with, what you think the reason is that we still do mammography?
I believe it’s because it’s a multi-billion dollar a year industry, and all these clinics have invested heavily in mammography technology, and they’re not going to just throw those out the window because evidence says it’s actually a pretty terrible idea and not helping us. What do you think?
Dr. V: Oh, totally, totally on board with you there, Robyn. It’s a multi-billion dollar business, and invented by a man of course. I’d like to do a mammogram on his private parts to see how he feels about it.
You have to look at the world picture. You look at Europe, and other countries. They have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that low dose radiation, over a period of time, will create cancer. All these over-diagnoses through mammography, and the false positives that cause so much trauma and so much pain, and poking and prodding.
There’s an easier way that’s less traumatic, but unfortunately it’s the industry that’s trolling for potential subjects to get them on that conveyor belt, to get them to do what they do.
Robyn: Yeah. I did a blog post a few years ago. I was in Manhattan. I think I was there to do a lecture, and I was probably 10 blocks from Central Park, so I went for a run every morning.
One morning I ran into Central Park, and it was the Pink Ribbon campaign, the Breast Cancer Campaign or whatever, and it was so tragic to me because everybody running or walking in this parade – there’s literally thousands of women there – were mostly women of color. They were wearing T-shirts. They were carrying signs. They were honoring their lost sisters, daughters, mothers with their signs, whether they were still with us or not.
There were the vans that take the radiograms of mammography machines into the inner city, and radiate these people in the inner cities, so they can drum up some business. Let’s get really clear about what’s actually happening there. They’re actually drumming up business.
What’s so crazy is that the cancer industry, the oncology industry, takes credit for breast cancer; that outcomes are better, and it’s one of the few parts in cancer since Nixon declared war on cancer that we actually even have any gains to talk about.
The folks like Dr. V are probably going to point out to us, and you can add to this, Véronique, that we started detecting breast cancers at stage zero and stage one. and, like I said, there’s a lot of evidence that we literally form detectable cancers an average of four times in a lifetime and our body metabolizes it, because our body was metabolizing cancer all the way until it wasn’t, all the way until the cancer got the upper hand. Then are we radiating, and doing chemo on, and even disfiguring, women who had a stage zero and stage one cancer? What do you have to say about that?
Dr. V: Oh, it brings tears to my eyes. I can’t tell you the number of women who come to us in a panic. They’ve been told that they have a stage zero, but they’ve had all these biopsies, lumpectomies. They’re recommending chemo and radiation.
It’s just so sad because they are being used and they’re not being told the truth about these tiny, little specs that they may find in the breast. and it’s all fear-based, because what’s the first thing we think of when we think of a cancer diagnosis? We’ve been trained to think that it’s a slow, torturous event that’s going to end in our death.
It doesn’t have to be that way. Cancer is a wakeup call. Your body has been whispering to you for many, many years, and now it’s got your attention, so it’s time to listen.
Robyn: How many years has a cancer been growing on average by the time it’s diagnosed?
Dr. V: 5 to 10 years.
Robyn: That’s-
Dr. V: It takes that long. Yeah. For them to see a tumor on a mammogram, it takes 5 to 10 years. That’s according to the American Cancer Society, which, interestingly, I can’t find that quote anywhere on their website anymore. It takes that long for tumor to show up on a mammogram.
If you do other testing, like thermography, for example, it can help to determine if there is something the size of the tip of a needle or a pencil, that little, because you’re going to see all the inflammation, or the blood flow, that’s feeding these unhealthy cells. It’s an interesting time we’re living in for sure.
Robyn: Yeah, make some inferences from that. If it takes 5 to 10 years for cancer to organize itself enough for making 50 to a hundred thousand cancer cells a day, and our body is metabolizing them and killing them, breaking them down, sending them on out of there.
But over the course of 5 to 10 years, a cancer, when in the right conditions, when we’re feeding our bodies crappy food, and we’re not getting enough sleep, and we’re drinking lots of alcohol, or doing any of those other things that we know cause cancer – if it takes that long for the cancer to organize itself to where it has a vascular system and it’s detectable, what does that mean then, for these women who go in and they are told they have a stage zero, stage one, or a ductal carcinoma in situ, very discrete in one location, cancer? What does that mean then for how big of a rush they really need to be in to make a potentially life-changing decision about their treatment?
Dr. V: That’s such a good point. Whether you’re told it’s a stage one, two, three or four… personally, I try not to pay attention to those because it puts you in a category, and right away the higher the number, the more the fear. But what we tell our clients all the time is, number one, you have time. You don’t need to panic. A breast tumor is not a life-threatening situation like a heart attack, where you need immediate crisis care.
You have time to make an informed decision, to do your research, to talk to your doctor. I know Chris Wark has a list of questions. We also have a list of questions on our website. Ask these questions, and make an informed decision. Do your research. What are the side effects of radiation and the chemotherapy that they want to recommend? Are you willing to take that risk?
Take an honest look at your life, because I think, innately, people know what caused the cancer, why they are where they are. Because we ask that question, and they say, “Oh, I know. I’ve just been so stressed out.” Or, “I’m so unhappy.” Or, “We had financial problems.” Or, “I’m getting a divorce.” Or, “I lost my child in death.” Whatever. There’s usually a life-changing experience that puts their body into trauma, or they’re not taking good care of themselves, and they innately know.
If you know that, then take responsibility for your health and turn things around. Really, there’s no excuse now. With all the information out there now, with Chris’s program, the truth about cancer, our work, everything, there’s so much information that people – you – can’t put your head in the sand. You either make a decision that’s going to help improve your health, or you’re going to make a decision that’s going to take you possibly down the wrong road because cancer is just a symptom. It’s not the cause.
Robyn: A few things are coming to mind. One is, I’m trying to think what the name is of the German doctor and researcher who was diagnosed with cancer himself, but he did some research that almost everyone diagnosed with cancer has had extreme trauma in the years leading up to it.
Dr. V: New German medicine?
Robyn: Yeah. Yeah.
Dr. V: Starts with an R, Reiner or … No. I know who you’re talking about.
Robyn: It’s just been so many years since I dived into his work, and also evidence, that women who are stuffers get cancer, breast cancer more often. You have anything to say about that?
Dr. V: Oh, I won the prize for the number one stuffer. That was a big wake up call for me, because I had to really finally take a look at the childhood trauma, the alcoholic family that I grew up in.
I did some therapy, and I had one of those subconscious repressions, where I had no idea that I was sexually abused from the age of three to five by a convicted pedophile. We’re talking like 1950s. He was our next-door neighbor and the police went door-to-door warning the neighborhood that he was a convicted pedophile.
When I discovered this, when this memory shot up on my mind and my screen and I could see everything, I called my mom and she was shocked. She was like, “How could you remember that? You were only three to five years old.” I asked my sisters. Everybody knew, but nobody ever told me about it. You have to face those conscious and subconscious demons, because you will not heal your body if you’ve got all this monkey chatter in your brain and you’re not feeling good about yourself in your life.
Robyn: Cancer is, for all the bad things that it is, it’s an amazing wakeup call, and I’ve seen so many people turn their whole lives around and end up on the other side of it. A remarkable person like you are, like Chris Wark is, you’re both inspirations to me. You are absolutely gorgeous. You’re walking the talk. You look like you live what you preach here and I think …
Dr. V: Thank you.
Robyn: … you’re an exciting example, of that breast cancer diagnosis isn’t anywhere close to any kind of a prison sentence, and so many people recover from it.
I’m curious. I should have asked you this when we were talking about your story, I should have dug a little deeper. But did you choose to participate in all these standard of care recommendations for you? Did you go into the oncologist’s office?
I’m talking to someone right now who has just been diagnosed yesterday of colon cancer, and she’s one of our detoxers, and I said, “Okay. Let’s start right now. Let’s have a conversation about you know, so when you go in there, you can put a limit on the doctor for what he can talk to you about.” Did you go in there and say, “This is what I do and don’t want from you as you talk to me, because I don’t want to get in the fear machine.”
What did you do, and what did you participate and not participate in, and then what did you do in your holistic journey?
Dr. V: Well, I did not use traditional medicine at all. I had a friend, a medical doctor in Florida who lost his medical license because he was healing or treating people with cancer naturally, so they pulled his license. He was my closest ally when it comes to medicine, but he was not traditional medicine.
I used bio-energetic testing to keep a pulse on what was happening with the tumor. I used thermography. I did bio-energetic testing as I mentioned, and I also used some black salve, which I do not recommend to your listeners. I was experimenting. I’d seen some of my patients use it on some of their tumors and it was pretty fascinating to me. I thought, “Well, I’ll just try it.” I slapped some on there and I excreted a tumor the size of a golf ball, but it was the most excruciating experience of my life, and would not recommend it to anybody. There’s other things that you can use now that are less traumatic.
I did a lot of juicing. I did high dose proteolytic enzymes, a lot of homeopathy, a lot of tinctures, colonics, rest. I did a lot of things. I was very fortunate that I had an associate in my practice. I was able to take some time off. I just hunkered down and I took care of me, because I was giving all the time.
I’ve been in practice for 25 years and I was taking care of everybody else, which is another typical cancer profile, personality profile. You’re always giving, giving, giving, and you’re not replenishing the bucket. You put others first before yourself. I started reversing that, slowly but surely. It was a slow journey. It took me a couple of years, but I just recently had another ultrasound, another thermogram, a few months ago, and everything is clear and clean and my breasts are cool and happy.
Robyn: It’s when you see those hotspots in there that you might be seeing a very, very early stage potential cancer. The good thing is you see it years earlier in thermogram than you would in mammography. You’re seeing those spots of high inflammation.
Dr. V: Right.
Robyn: Well, that’s really inspiring. You didn’t even do the biopsy or mastectomy. Nothing.
Dr. V: Nothing, nothing. Just that. People ask me, “Well, what stage was it? What kind was it?” That wasn’t important to me. I just knew that I had this lump, and I knew that it was testing positive as a carcinoma, and I had to deal with it.
Robyn: Totally side topic here, but bras, talk about bras and breast cancer.
Dr. V: Oh, yeah. If you wear wire bras, you’re causing a lot of lymphatic congestion. You’re actually attracting a lot of EMFs to that area of your body. Don’t wear wire bras. Again, there’s so many different bras out there now that are cotton and are elastic, and are very comfortable to wear.
Never put your cellphone in your bra as a cellphone carrier. There’s lots of pictures that show women who have done that for years, and they get tumors in the shape of their cellphone because cellphones emit a non-ionizing radiation, and radiation causes cancer. You know a lot about that with your EMF program.
Robyn: It’s funny, because when I started to really go out there talking about EMF, I’ve said multiple times there are case studies. Nobody is doing a big study about this, but there are documented cases of tumors in the breasts showing up in the exact place that she stuck it in her bra for years to go shopping, or go for a jog, or whatever it was.
Also on the brain, there’s also now cellphone-shaped tumors on the brain showing up, exactly where somebody’s held a cellphone to their head as they did business or whatever. I remember when I first started talking about that, my staff was like, “Don’t tell people that. You sound like a lunatic.” I’m like, “Well… ” You know what I mean.
Dr. V: It’s true. I’ve been preaching it for over 10 years myself, so I know. I totally get it.
Robyn: The first time you hear it, it sounds completely like lunacy. But you see the pictures, and the pictures don’t lie. A lot of other things about cancer absolutely shocked people, and these are a lot of great little tips that we’re dripping in here.
One of them is (I think this is important that any cancer patient should know, and I hope that people who listen to this will share this episode with Dr. V with anyone they know facing breast cancer) that we think that our medical doctors make their money on office visits and providing care. We think that they don’t actually get a cut of the drug they prescribe us. Is that always true, Véronique?
Dr. V: Oh, no. It’s interesting, especially in oncology. Oncologists get a percentage of the chemotherapies that they prescribe. Yeah, there’s definitely an incentive there for doctors to prescribe the drugs in the chemotherapies, which is really quite sad actually.
Robyn: It really seems to me like that’s beyond unethical, and I think that the medical system needs some reform, because there shouldn’t be a built-in financial incentive to be prescribing specific drugs. I think that’s an absolute tragedy, and we should rise up against that whole practice.
Dr. V: Agreed.
Robyn: If someone has breast cancer, I want to just run through a few technical things. Talk a little bit about the ONCOblot blood test.
Dr. V: The ONCO blood test is a test that measures the presence of ENOX2 protein. The ENOX2 protein is something that only cancer cells emit. Healthy cells don’t emit that. If you have a certain level of the ENOX2 protein, then they can determine 27 different types of cancers just from a single blood test.
Now, the caveat on that is that the developer of this test died about a year ago, and they’re in the process of changing things over in the lab and everything. They actually have come out with a different test called IvyGene, which has to do with DNA methylation, or break down, and how cancer cells methylate differently than healthy cells, and there is a way to determine if you have cancer developing in the body.
When you get the results of tests like this, keep in mind, unless you get like an MRI or a PET scan or something like that, you may have something that’s growing that’s maybe just the size of the end of your little finger, and may be very tiny, or walnut-sized or whatever. Regardless, if you know that you have that going on in your body, then it should be a wakeup call for you to start changing your habits so that you can reverse it quickly.
Robyn: What do you think about this whole idea that modern medicine has, that cancer is a tumor and we just need to cut it, burn it, or poison it to death? Is that even an accurate way to think of a cancer?
Dr. V: No. I don’t understand. It’s like that thing is separate from your body. What allowed the cancer to grow? The tumor is just the tip of the iceberg. It’s the symptom. What has allowed the cancer to grow?
Because cancer cannot grow in a healthy body and develop into this dangerous disease, so to speak. Cutting it out, or burning it, or doing whatever, is not going to change what allowed the cancer to grow in the first place. That’s where doctors are great, at crisis care and putting bones together. But when it comes to teaching people how to be well, they just don’t have a clue. And this is where people like you and I step in, where we educate people and we let them know. You can have a huge impact on your health by the things that you do every single day.
Robyn: I love it. You’re going to have people start with your seven essential system, and I really looked through them and feel like you’re nailing it.
These are all the things that you have to address. You can’t just change your diet, and be eating this vegan diet with lots of vegetable juicing, and lots of greens, and cut out all the sugar and the animal products, and ignore the fact that you’re angry all the time. There’s people you have to forgive, because that’s almost as foundational probably as our diet.
You got your seven essential system. Talk a little bit in detail about your essential number six, which are some therapeutic plants and substances, because I think some of them are totally nontoxic. They’re going to be great preventatives for those of us who’ve not been diagnosed with breast cancer, but we’d like to make sure that, nutritionally and supplementarily, we’re doing what we can. Tell us what you suggest.
Dr. V: Well, there’s really different levels depending where you are in your journey; if you’re preventative and even if you’re on a healing journey.
Vitamin D, that’s as basic as it gets. I can’t tell you the number of women that come to us and their vitamin Ds are in the 20s or teens and they’ve never be once asked by their oncologist to get their vitamin D levels tested. Vitamin D can decrease your breast cancer risk by 83% if you keep it in the optimal range of 80 to 100 ng/ml. Don’t guess when it comes to your health. I always, always preach this to people. Make sure that you test to see what you’re doing is working. Don’t just say, “Well, I’ll just start taking vitamin D.” Well, how much do you need? Get a blood test so you know how much you need.
Iodine is also extremely important for breast health and thyroid health. Women that are on thyroid medication are twice as likely to develop breast cancer than those who are not. Why? Because they’re masking the symptom. The thyroid is not healthy probably because it may be iodine deficient. Your breast and your thyroid compete for iodine. You’re probably overloaded with bromide, which is a flame retardant that’s in everything, our electronics, our clothing, our furniture, everywhere, some processed foods. Just being aware of vitamin D and iodine, those are just basic.
Then you get your trace minerals, like selenium and zinc and magnesium. If you don’t have enough magnesium in your body, that can actually stimulate the growth of cancer. Where do you get magnesium and all these trace minerals? Well, lots of green veggies and lots of healthy foods. I’m listening to your book Vibe; the fulvic acid and the minerals that you use, those drops, are really, really good.
Robyn: Yeah, you have to give me your address and I’ll send you Ultimate Minerals. It’s our bestselling product because it’s the whole spectrum, and it’s not ground up chalks and rock like most mineral supplements, which is a total joke.
Dr. V: No. I appreciate that. When I was listening to your book, “Oh, I need to get that formula.” I actually went to your website to look at it and I said, “I’ll order it.”
Then when you look at the different cancer killers that are out there, there’s so many plants that have been designed to really have a huge effect. For example, bloodroot. Bloodroot is an herb that literally causes cancer cell death, and it can boost your immune system. There’s medicinal mushrooms that are so amazing, and there’s more and more products that are coming out now that are combination of herbs and nutrients that have a huge impact.
Something as simple as broccoli sprouts. We have a formula called Brocco Power, and one capsule contains, I think it’s like two cups of powdered broccoli sprouts. Yes, fresh is best, but if you’re on a healing journey, you need those broccoli sprouts, because the nutrient in the broccoli sprout called sulforaphane has literally been shown to kill not only cancer cells but the breast cancer stem cells, the baby cells that are driving breast cancer, that again the medical profession is not addressing.
Robyn: I asked David Wolfe several years ago what the supplement is he’s most excited about, and it’s basically sulforaphane, and it’s a broccoli extract, and there’s some good options out there because those crucifers are incredibly powerful.
You know what? I’m willing to eat healthy, and I get my green smoothies in everyday. But I just don’t love the broccoli. That’s one thing. Maybe I probably should just take the pill form. I’m always a fan of taking the food form though. We’ve got to have that foundationally.
Dr. V: Yeah, absolutely. All the enzymes, and the cool factors that go with it. The whole food is always best. If you’re traveling, or if you’re on a healing journey and you need to really give your body that extra dose … I love broccoli sprouts, but I’m not going to eat 10 cups of them a day.
Robyn: Right. Well, I’m really so pleased to learn more about your story, and what you’re out there doing in the world to teach others what you learned in your own path. Tell everyone where they can learn more about your seven essential system, just so they can follow Dr. V.
Dr. V: Well, thank you. You can go to Breast Cancer Conqueror and it’s C-O-N-Q-U-E-R-O-R dot com, breastcancerconqueror.com. If you want a download of my book Heal Breast Cancer Naturally, you can just go to breastcancerconqueror.com/free. It’s a PDF download, but you get to read the book. We’re actually working on the second edition of the book right now because so much has changed in the last three years, so looking forward to releasing that hopefully this year.
You can also learn more about our online program Never Fear Breast Cancer Again. It’s an online program that will take you step by step. There’s over eight hours of videos and workbook that is mailed to you and a USB drive. It’s like me walking you through the process in the privacy of your home.
Robyn: Well, you are just such a wealth of information, and I’ve really enjoyed having you and your husband Brian as new friends. Thank you for educating and inspiring us. I’m so glad to have had you on our show today.
Dr. V: Thanks so much for having me, Robyn. It’s been fun.
my mom is suffering from 3rd stage breast cancer, shes still 36 years old.while she was pregnant with my brother she underwent chemo therapy and radiation last year however her condition now is getting worst, sometimes shes having difficulties in breathing, she can no longer walk or even sit. shes in bed for 4months and counting. can you please advice me how to help her? I really need some advice. Does uncooked food could help? (pertaining to meat and veggies).
Hi Elena, You are such a loving daughter. I am sure your mom is so proud of your courage and strength through this difficult time. I’m sorry to hear of the illness and suffering she is experiencing. I can’t advise you about her specific, complex health problems as I’m not a practitioner, so that isn’t ethical, and of course I have no access to the complex interplay of factors that comprise her health history.
However, what we’re (GSG) good at is helping put great nutritional strategies into play that are the foundation of good health. We urge you to do your own research and to educate and empower yourself to find your path to health. You could take a look at our FREE Detox Masterclass videos to see if this type of detox program may be a good place to begin and perhaps https://greensmoothiegirl.local/detoxsecrets/video-1/ There are 4 videos and I hope they will serve you well.
Even more so, I encourage you to look into Robyn’s dear friend, Chris Wark’s program, to learn how he beat cancer naturally and how he continues to do so for many others: https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/video-1
Lastly, here’s a great piece from Dr. Veronique Desaulniers on what to do after being diagnosed with cancer: https://breastcancerconqueror.com/never-fear-bc/
Wishing you and your mom optimal health!