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Something is working!

I started doing smoothies twice a day (breakfast and lunch), July 14, 2008. At the time, I had no idea what to expect, as I was just trying this on a whim. After about two weeks, I noticed I lost about 5 pounds. I decided to continue this process, and switching up my dinners to be cooked, mostly vegetarian. Another 2-3 weeks passed by and I lost another 5 pounds. Something was working… I suspect it was the combination of green smoothies and going mostly vegetarian.

Well, along my journey, I started seeing books about raw food and 80-10-10, and just a whole bunch of information. I decided to try doing raw, and for the most part I have been able to maintain about 90-95% raw since I started doing this. Every week that passed I noticed I kept losing 2.5 pounds a week, for an eventual total loss so far of about 47 pounds. About 3 months into my journey, I read 80-10-10 Diet by Douglas Graham, and have implemented a lot of his concepts in my daily routines, so most of my daily intake consists of fruits and vegetables, with very small amounts of nuts/seeds. I noticed that with gourmet raw using high content fat (ie. nuts and seeds), I would do alright but I truly thrived doing 80-10-10.

As far as exercise goes, even before I started smoothies, I was doing twice a week at the gym doing a cycle/spin class, and I would occasionally do some light weights at home. I have noticed that my cycle/spin classes, I have been able to maintain extreme high energy levels and not gas out when on 80-10-10. I also noticed that when doing raw-gourmet (with higher fat), that I would not be as energized. Another thing I should note, my muscle recovery times have improved dramatically with 80-10-10– gone are the days of recovery, instead my muscle recovery occurs in about 15-20 hours, ready to hit up more exercise the next day.

I used to have a sinus headache about once a week. Those are all gone. I sleep much better, and noticed that I can go on my day with less sleep and still have a ton of energy. My daily diet still consists of two smoothies a day (one breakfast and one lunch) and my typical dinner meal varies, but it is typically in line with 80-10-10. It took me about 6 months to lose nearly 50 pounds, but the whole process was pretty easy. It is just a matter of committing your mind, and making great habits and breaking the bad ones.

*results may vary

— Eddie Yee

Now at Ideal Weight, Fewer Headaches, and Less Medication for Husband and Wife!

I was not trying to lose weight as my primary goal. I was 127 pounds when I started, lost 7 pounds, and have gained 3 pounds back, which puts me at my ideal weight. My main goal was to eliminate migraine headaches that I have experienced for most of my adult life.

I changed to a whole-foods diet a year ago, which is definitely helping. I and have not had a full-blown migraine for probably 10 months; however, I have had milder headaches less frequently. I have also been on daily long-term medication for years and I am in the process of weaning off the medication slowly. I am looking for total resolution of headaches without medication.

I should also mention that I went from 145 pounds at the start of my dietary change using Robyn’s 12 Steps to Whole Foods, to 125 pounds before the detox. My husband, who also converted to whole foods, did this with me and has gone from a medicated diabetic, hyper-cholesteremic, hypertensive patient to nonmedicated with normal blood plasma levels for all three diseases! He has also lost 50 pounds!

His goal on the detox was to lose additional weight and to get his cholesterol under 150. He isn’t scheduled for blood testing until October, but he lost 10 pounds on the detox program and 3 pounds since then!

*results may vary

— Kathy F., Mount Laurel, New Jersey

Easy to Understand and Implement – Even With Lots of Food Allergies

I have LOVED 12 Steps! The book is very informational and easy to understand and implement. I did tackle a couple habits at once since I already had the green smoothie drinking part down as well as some others. The biggest thing I want to comment on are the recipes. Recipes are KEY to success and you need GOOD tasting recipes to make transitions like these. Robyn’s recipes are FANTASTIC! I have yet to try any that we did not love and now use as a family favorite consecutively. Whenever I am “experimenting” with new recipes my hubby gets nervous, but if I tell him it’s a 12 Step recipe he calms down and doesn’t worry since there’s not one he hasn’t loved. (He’s my skeptic at times). I really like that I can count on the recipes being tasty since I’ve read/owned many, many health books with crap recipes in them. BLAH! These are great!

Another thing I wanted to mention about the recipes I’ve enjoyed is that we eat gluten, dairy, egg, and soy free and a huge majority of the recipes are naturally free of these things. There are still plenty of worthwhile recipes in the collections having these restrictions that make it worth the purchase. I have shared 12 Steps with family and friends. My aunt bought the program and has loved it, and I have several other friends who are slowly making their way (they do green smoothies now–hooray!).

I love that Robyn has broken it into 12 Steps and if you can add them into your life you will be so much healthier and happier!

— Laura Tervort

I have been converted to green smoothies!

I have become so converted to green smoothies that I became concerned as to how to continue them in case of disaster or hard economic times when I might be unable to purchase fresh produce. So I started dehydrating the spinach, kale and parsley I grew in my garden this year. I then powdered the dried leaves and now use it during the winter to make my green smoothies.

For the juice base, I use frozen raw apple cider that my husband grinds fresh each fall with his leftover apples (he is a fruit farmer). It is now January and I use the following recipe for my super green smoothies:

I rehydrate in 1 cup hot water the following: 2 tsp. powdered kale + 1/2 tsp. powdered parsley or 2 1/2 tsp. powered spinach. Blend well and let sit for about 10 minutes until cooled. Then add 3 cups apple juice (raw, unpasteurized), 2 frozen bananas, 1 1/2 Tbsp. freshly ground flax seed, and water and ice to the 7-cup mark and thoroughly blend. This is a great option when I cannot get to the grocery store.

— Cindy P., Alpine, UT

The GSG detox was easy for me

The GSG detox was easy for me. I liked the food. I had lots of energy and sometimes went for a run twice a day. Having a buddy (my mom) guaranteed my success. I left for college ready to rock it and went to the store and bought groceries for my third detox in a row, when I got here. The recipes are easy to make, I have them all memorized now.

Before (right) & After (left, on Emma’s 21st birthday)

— Libby Pay, Utah

My day is not complete without a smoothie!

My day is not complete without a smoothie! If I go without one, I feel bad physically and mentally. My children love them, too, and want them every day so they can have energy and strong muscles.

— Jenny L.

Enough Energy for an 8-Mile Race—and 9 lb. Weight Loss!

I chose the detox program because I felt like I needed to “reset” my body. I’ve been at a set weight for years, felt sluggish, and knew my body wasn’t running at its highest potential. Because I have not done a cleanse before, and 26 days seemed like a long time to me, I chose the Full Support option. I’m so glad I did!

The first three days of the detox were a little rough as I went through caffeine and sugar withdrawals. Having the ability to chat with other detox participants on the forum was priceless. Participants, as well as coaches, offered inspiration and tips that kept me going! I jumped onto the forum several times a day to compare notes with other participants.

The live calls and expert calls were also very motivating. It was reassuring to have my questions answered by doctors who have experience with detoxing. Listening to the expert calls kept me motivated, as I was reminded that my hard work was all for a very good reason.

At the end of the detox, I’d lost 9 pounds. I feel lighter, cleaner, and more alive. Real, whole foods taste amazing. During the detox, I was also training for an 8-mile race. Each day I felt that I had enough energy to go through my day and train for my race. Going through the detox process taught me that my body runs more efficiently without meat, dairy, sugar, caffeine, and salt. I feel alive!

*results may vary

— Christi L., Tucson, Arizona

Something I Can Do!

Over the years, I have learned a lot of good information about nutrition, but I have never been able to follow through with what I know. So many nutrition gurus make it sound like you need to go to extremes to be healthy, and it’s very difficult to follow these programs and still participate in social events. Robyn insists on good nutrition, but she is not extreme.

The 12 Steps to Whole Foods program is something I can do, with my children! Robyn makes fantastic nutrition available to everyone including single/working moms and families with low budgets.

The program is set up to work at your own pace. If you are overwhelmed, you can go slowly and introduce one step per month. If you are ready to make big changes, you can do everything at once.

Robyn’s recipes taste good! She includes many recipes that reluctant children and adults will enjoy

I tell people about Robyn’s green smoothies all the time. If someone is ready to make changes in their diet, I tell them about the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course. This is a program that I can recommend without worry — it is not extreme, and it is do-able!

— Katie Gibson

We Thought We Knew a Lot about Nutrition and Health—But Wow! 10 lbs. Lost

Although my husband and I had been drinking green smoothies for over a year, had the GSG 12 Steps to Whole Foods program in the box unopened, and I had been eating GMO-free and organic for two months prior to starting the Full Support Detox Program…the detox has changed my life, my husband’s, and our buddy and her husband’s lives! We are all active, healthy people, but we learned so much! We each had our own personal food demons—mine being salt, my husband’s being coffee, and our buddies’ being meat and dairy.

We thought we already knew a lot going in, and found we actually had a lot to learn. Robyn provides a lot of the “whys” rather than just the “do this” for us to follow blindly. The four of us are the type of people who question everything, and Robyn gives you the reasons behind each step of the program.

The program materials were detailed enough, but also simple enough to use. We enjoyed the two live calls and the daily content that often had a video, so visual learners like us could get a better understanding of, say, skin brushing or colon massaging.

I’ve incorporated skin brushing into my daily routine, we bought a FIR Sauna as a result of this Detox, and towards the end we began reading the 12 Steps and listening to the accompanying CDs. A week after the detox, we are now on the 8-week menu planner that was written to accompany the 12-Step program. I am thankful for the 8-week guide, as I am no cook and I need to be told what to do and how to do it in order to learn. This fits the bill! The recipes have been very tasty, and the 8-week guide will help us be successful going forward.

Thanks for the program. Where else can you get all this information in one place? Nowhere!

*results may vary

— Marlene K., San Marcos, CA

Worked when juicing didn’t

The green smoothie idea has worked well for me whereas juicing did not. Anyone who has juiced knows the time commitment it takes for juicing and clean-up as well as the volume of veggies it takes to make just 2-3 eight-ounce juice drinks per day. When I read about green smoothies, it was immediately appealing to me. I bought a BlendTec right away. In only 14 months of use, the counter on my machine is already over 1,600!

I average 5 out of 7 days for making smoothies for myself and my husband, who will drink one anytime it’s available in the fridge. One benefit of green smoothies is helping me to be more alkaline.

— Linda C.

Green smoothies have changed my life

Green smoothies have changed my life. Not only have I converted my family members, but also the people I work with. My 15 month old son loves the green smoothies and always asks for more. I feel better, look better, and love that I was able to spread the word about green smoothie goodness!

— Jamie Stavinaha

Addicted to green smoothies!

Is it possible to be addicted to green smoothies? Ever since you first introduced me to green drinks years ago, I’ve dabbled here and there with them. Things got serious though this past spring when I started working and knew that my diet would suffer now that I don’t have a lot of time to devote to thinking about what I am eating. I decided to make green smoothies my daily morning meal—there isn’t a quicker, more nutritious breakfast to be had! I’ve even introduced green smoothies to my friends at the office, and even whip up an extra drink for one of my co-workers, who now says she can’t wait for Monday mornings to come so she can have a smoothie for breakfast! I love the way I feel since incorporating green smoothies into my daily diet! I have energy for the entire morning; I do not crave sugar nearly as much. I can definitely say without doubt that green smoothies have made a difference; I just feel healthy!

This past week I made a green smoothie for a little nephew of mine who has never, ever eaten a vegetable in his life. Ever. My sister was very skeptical that he would even try it, let alone like it. Not only did he like it, he asked for more. My sister was blown away, and soooo happy to know that there was a way to get her little guy to get so much more nutrition into his diet. Oh, my sister loved it too!

Thanks, Robyn, for introducing us slowly but surely to green-drink-heaven! If I miss a day of green smoothies, I miss it, CRAVE it even. I’ve become a true addict.

— Sheri H., Utah

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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