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What people are saying

We Have So Much More Energy Now! Instead of Craving Sugar, I Crave Green Smoothies!

I had a great experience doing the GSG Detox. I was scared to sign up because I knew how bad my eating habits had been and that I had a major sugar addiction to kick. A friend of mine decided to sign up with me and then my spouse ended up doing the detox with me, so that buddy system really took away that fear and made the experience fun! It’s great that there is a buddy assigned to those who don’t have one.

I have done different types of cleanses and detoxes in the past, but the GSG Detox is far superior in every aspect. The organization makes it so easy to follow from beginning to end. The Detox Manual has everything you need, but the full-support online Detox Portal is, hands down, the way to go! The Daily Content was a great way to follow each day and either listen to the scheduled speaker, watch the daily video, or participate in the “live chat.” I feel like I just took a top-notch, online course in Health & Nutrition—for FREE! (The Detox Manual alone is worth the price you pay for this Detox!)

The Forum was the other priceless gem. I can’t tell you how valuable it was to read what other people were experiencing, have the option to ask ANY question, and have constant feedback from Robyn, the GSG staff, and any member who wants to comment! You become a community, which I already miss very much! This is the reason why I just signed up for the lifetime membership. The support is there; you are never alone!

Doing the GSG Detox was a challenge, that’s for sure, but the benefits are so worth the work! I lost a total of 13 lbs., my spouse lost 11 lbs., and my buddy lost 15 lbs. doing the detox and we are all still losing weight, which is great! We all agree that we have so much more energy now! I am happy to say that instead of craving sugar, I actually crave a green smoothies now!

Thank you for all your hard work, Robyn and GSG staff—YOU’RE THE BEST!!!

*results may vary

— Margaret C., Uncasville, Connecticut

Green smoothies are here to stay!

Green smoothies have saved my life! I had been in a state of depression for the past 4 years. I was put on depression medicine but it never helped. I discovered green smoothies in December of 2008 and decided to give it a try in January 2009. It has been two months since I started making a green smoothie everyday and I feel AMAZING, WONDERFUL, and FULL OF LIFE. I have not felt this good in a long time. I have had tons of energy, I can fall asleep faster at night and feel rested when I wake up, I don’t feel the need to take daily naps, I have had less cravings for sweets and processed foods, my motivation is back, and I have lost 8 pounds in 2 months. Green smoothies are here to stay!

*results may vary

— AB, IL

As soon as I added green smoothies, I felt AWESOME!

Hi, I’m 17 and a raw vegan and green smoothies have changed my life! I always felt tired and cranky and always a little hungry but as soon as I added green smoothies, I felt AWESOME! They give me everything I need, I love my green smoothies!

— Brendon Clarke-Pepper

Something I Can Do!

Over the years, I have learned a lot of good information about nutrition, but I have never been able to follow through with what I know. So many nutrition gurus make it sound like you need to go to extremes to be healthy, and it’s very difficult to follow these programs and still participate in social events. Robyn insists on good nutrition, but she is not extreme.

The 12 Steps to Whole Foods program is something I can do, with my children! Robyn makes fantastic nutrition available to everyone including single/working moms and families with low budgets.

The program is set up to work at your own pace. If you are overwhelmed, you can go slowly and introduce one step per month. If you are ready to make big changes, you can do everything at once.

Robyn’s recipes taste good! She includes many recipes that reluctant children and adults will enjoy

I tell people about Robyn’s green smoothies all the time. If someone is ready to make changes in their diet, I tell them about the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course. This is a program that I can recommend without worry — it is not extreme, and it is do-able!

— Katie Gibson

Energy and Vitality

I have been drinking green smoothies every day since April of this year. Since having my son and breastfeeding him exclusively, I have had a hard time getting enough nutrients and calories into my diet because he is allergic to gluten and dairy so I couldn’t eat anything I was used to.

I never had any energy and I was constantly feeling down. Then I learned about the benefits of eating a raw green diet with plenty of raw veggies and fruits and how it could change your life. I decided to jump on the web and search for some smoothie recipes.  I couldn’t find any at first.

The only thing that I kept coming to was a YouTube video from on how to make a green smoothie.  I tried it and I was hooked!  I bought the 12 Step program the next day and have been drinking them daily with my infant/toddler son ever since.

The information in the 12 Step program and on the site is so abundant and it seems that Robyn has done all of the research on all of the nutrition stuff out there. She has sifted through it leaving pure truth about nutrition. I would have never been able to put all of this information together myself.  It truly has changed my life and given me a completely different perspective to what eating a healthy diet truly means. I feel so great now and my digestive cycle is very regular.  I am so passionate about eating right and including greens in my diet daily.

My friends and family have started asking me what I am doing that is giving me so much more energy and vitality.  Then I basically explode with information that I have learned from the 12 Steps and  Currently I have converted 4 family members and 3 friends to drinking green smoothies at least regularly if not daily.

Oh, and I must have a bowl of the granola everyday (Ch. 10), which is one of Robyn’s amazing recipes.  I can’t live without it and I am so thankful that I found the information all compiled into one place.

So, thank you Robyn for devoting your life to living healthier and teaching others how to live healthier too!

*results may vary

— Leslie W

Eliminated Live Parasites and Lost 6 lbs!

I was really happy to have the Full Support program. I checked in every day with the Full Support program even though I didn’t have a buddy, and it really helped me. First, I did not feel isolated. Second, I enjoyed all that I learned along the way. My friends are now really interested in the next detox. I am gearing up for January 5th!

There were three times during the detox that I wanted to quit. I just pushed through and I am so glad I did! I learned that I can push through! The next day was always so much better.

The first thing I noticed was that my skin felt so much smoother. Other things that I noticed were my teeth and tongue were cleaner. I had less mucus in my nose, throat and eyes. My whole body felt lighter and cleaner. When I finally embraced doing coffee enemas, my first one cleansed out a lot of LIVE PARASITES. Awesome! I lost 6 pounds, which was just about right for me.

*results may vary

— Kathleen W., Cedar City, UT

I wish my mother had fed me green smoothies from birth.

I wish my mother had fed me green smoothies from birth. If she had I would not have had all this pain and suffering I have been through. I understand nowadays that my body was only crying out for help from me. I only wish all people I know–soon–will come to understand this. Good health to all– THANKS!!

— Anonymous

Wedding Ring Now Falls Off—Lost 12 lbs!

I felt well on the Detox and I plan to do it again. I lost 12 lbs. and feel less bloated—my wedding ring falls off! One week post detox, I am still down 10 lbs.
I would recommend the detox to others, and have done so! Recipes can be an acquired taste, as they are bland, so invest in some salt-free, sugar-free natural seasonings before starting. I understand it is a cleanse and you are trying to rest your body. I would also encourage the Phase 2 option. After the first few days I started juicing some of my meals and doing the enemas, which was key to my decrease in chronic headaches I had prior to doing the detox.

I did feel that encouraging a buddy, and vice versa, was the ticket for my success! A couple of the other detoxers were great at answering questions.

*results may vary

— Dedrianne O., Blaine, Minnesota

I adore feeling well

I’m so in love with GreenSmoothieGirl’s detox and whole food programs! What I most value is how clear minded and energetic I feel, except in periods my body was detoxing hard. After the initial first week, I didn’t really find myself feeling hungry, and soon was enjoying all my favorite recipes from the program! I’m proud to share that this was my 8th successful detox!

I’ve done it alone and without a buddy, but I didn’t sustain it well alone, so the highly engaged Facebook group was a huge benefit to me.
I’m so appreciative of the outstanding and consistent support received from Robyn, Kristin, and Emma, with encouragement and wisdom. I always learn so much each time I do this detox! So for me this time, the epiphany was when I realized nothing in the world is worth compromising good health for! If it makes me feel bad, it’s not worth eating!

I adore feeling well so I can live my life fully and remain super active with my husband, 5 grown children, 7 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren means everything to me! At 58 years old, we’re discovering the joys of camping and hiking and I have to say, all my picnics will have my favorite detox foods in them!

So dear Robyn, and awesome GSG team, thank you again for another beautiful experience, start to finish. God bless you all with success in 2017!

— Helen, North Carolina

I feel so much better!

I have been drinking green smoothies daily for a month now. I have seen a huge improvement in my overall outlook on life. I handle stress SO much better and I feel happier. Another huge improvement for me was the decrease in my cravings for sugary foods. This was a big problem for me. Now even if I eat something sweet, I don’t want very much of it. It has been amazing how much better I feel since starting to drink green smoothies!


— Tammy M.

I have felt the benefits of green smoothies

I started making green smoothies a year ago. My husband had been diagnosed with hemochromatosis, several years earlier. He had gotten that under control but because the disease had gone undiagnosed for years, he had organ damage, including heart, liver and kidney. He had no energy. So he started every day with a 2 liter bottle of Mountain Dew. My mission was to get him off the Mountain Dew and replace it with something that was better for him and gave him the energy he needed.

After some research and finding, I purchased a high speed blender. I started making green smoothies everyday. I persuaded my husband to get off the caffeine and sugar and give this a try. He has done remarkably well. I went into this hoping–but knowing how difficult it is to break such an entrenched habit of caffeine, I had my doubts.

I am happy to report after one year, he has not gone back to Mountain Dew and he feels more energetic than he has in the last several years. I also have felt the benefits of green smoothies. Although starting this in generally good health, I feel better, more energetic and better digestion, than I have felt in years. A year ago I also stopped cooking meat for dinner every night. Although we have not gone to a 100% vegan diet, we have cut out 75% of the meat we used to eat. I am trying to cook healthier and have used Robyn’s recipes to do that. All that I have tried have been very good. I would recommend this simple lifestyle change to everyone.

— Karen R.

Love the Practical Approach

I have been reading Robyn’s blog for a few months and then attended a class she taught about green smoothies.  It has been just over a month but we are drinking green smoothies daily and I’ve already converted a few friends.  I can’t help but smile as I watch my 5 kids drink their smoothies loaded with veggies and fruits every day.

I bought the 12 Step program shortly after I started my new green smoothie habit.  I had already watched all of the YouTube videos and read everything on I just couldn’t get enough.  I have read so many books and articles on healthy eating and this feels like a breath of fresh air.   I find some of the same things I’ve learned elsewhere but the 12 Steps is much easier and enjoyable to read and follow.

I love the practical approach.  I love that Robyn is sensitive to the time and money constraints that are part of real life.  The 12 Step program is simple, affordable, and doable even for a busy mom with 5 kids.  We are just getting started but I’ve made the Chocolate Beet Cake (Ch. 11) along with several different smoothies and some fabulous salads.  I’m so excited to implement each of these steps throughout the coming year and record the benefits that we experience from each upgrade to our diet.

The 12 Steps program is loaded with information. I bought a freezer and am already planning for my garden next year with all of this new information in mind.  It has really changed the way I look at food and food preparation.

I can’t thank you enough for the time and effort you’ve put into sorting through all of the information available and bringing the most relevant and useful information into one program that can be followed by anyone.  Perhaps the biggest challenge is to take it one step at a time and not get overwhelmed by trying to do it all at once.   Thanks again and keep up the good work.

— Kelleen P

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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