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Red Watermelon Rush Popsicle | GreenSmoothieGirl

Photo of watermelon popsicles and watermelon on ice from "Red Watermelon Rush Popsicle" recipe by Green Smoothie Girl

Did you know watermelon is so full of health benefits that it has an entire section to itself in my 26-Day Detox program? Not to mention the other packed-full-of-nutritional-wonders ingredients this Red Watermelon Rush Popsicle has in store for you and your kids.

Red Watermelon Rush Popsicles

Simple, delicious popsicles made of whole food and fiber that make wonderful alternatives to the typical corn syrup-ridden popsicle- perfect for a hot summer day!

Course Dessert

  • 2 1/2 cups filtered water
  • 3/4 cup organic lemon juice or juice of 4 lemons
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries
  • 1/2 cup raw, local honey to taste
  • 1 cup fresh watermelon

  1. Blend all ingredients together until smooth

  2. Pour into molds

  3. Freeze for 4 or more hours

Unlike the store-bought sugary and syrupy health bombers, these popsicles contain citrulline from the watermelon. That’s an amino acid that increases nitric oxide levels in your body. And that helps your blood vessels expand, lowering your blood pressure. There’s minerals and vitamins (vitamins A, B6, C, potassium and magnesium to be exact), plus a lot of water content. And I don’t think I need to tell you how good that is for you!

Lemon juice (or even better, a quarter of the pulpy lemon itself!) has Vitamin C as well, about 31 milligrams per lemon. That’s more than half the recommended daily intake. And so much better for you than the synthetic stuff!

Raspberries don’t contain many calories, but their juicy packaging has a lot of fiber and antioxidants, which may even provide anti-aging effects!

Raw honey has almost too many benefits to name. I’ll let you read about that on your own, but here’s a taster (see what I did there?): it fights free radicals, which can cause cancer, heart disease, and contribute to aging. How’s that for another reason to buy local and help save the bees?

And did I mention Red Watermelon Rush Popsicles are sweet and refreshing, to boot?

[Related Recipe: Watermelon-Lime Smoothie]

[Related Vibe Podcast Episode: Ep. 140: Who’s Really Telling the Truth About Nutrition? with Joel Kahn, M.D.]

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