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Coconut Oil For Skin

What Can Coconut Oil Do For My Skin?

You get as many antioxidant health benefits of coconut oil for skin as you do coconut oil for food, so it’s a great way to increase your consumption of this power food! Like everything else you put on your skin, it is absorbed right into the bloodstream, so it is used almost exactly like food is, by the body. So, how much more important to consider anything you put on your skin as just as important.

I put coconut oil on my face to avoid wrinkles and eliminate pre-skin cancers, and it absorbs quickly without oil standing on my skin. Occasionally I rub warm oil in my hair the night before washing it (and wear a stocking cap to bed) for silky, smooth hair. The change in my skin and hair has been dramatic.

I tried a variety of things for a fungal infection on my teenage son’s face for a few months, and none worked. I finally got rid of it quickly and easily with a few applications of organic, cold processed virgin coconut oil, which is a raw food loaded with enzymes.

You can also use coconut oil for skin as a protective barrier on your hands and all over your body, by rubbing it in well as a lotion. Regular lotion formulas actually dry out the skin, making you need more of it, several times a day, because it feels good but doesn’t actually rehydrate. Coconut oil makes an inexpensive replacement for lotion that replaces the oil barrier, kills germs, prevents aging, soaks in quickly, and lasts for hours.

Use organic, cold-pressed oil for your skin, as well as cooking and baking.” You can use this high-quality coconut oil for skin as well as for cooking and baking.

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