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What people are saying

Life Altering and 11 lbs. Lost!

Finding Green Smoothie Girl was the best thing that has happened to me since I had my children. I did the Level 1 Detox with great excitement and have nothing but RAVE reviews about the process. My body did well through all phases except the liver flush (olive oil therapy). (I did not complete this task but I will next time!)

My daughter was my buddy and encouraged me every step of the way, ate the food with me and constantly reminded me of how healthy I looked—-my skin, weight loss, increased stamina, and positive attitude. My granddaughters (1 and 4) loved the green and hot pink smoothies, the lentil soup and quinoa salad. Even got my active duty Army Apache pilot son-in-law to begin the green smoothie lifestyle!

My goal doing Detox was for better health. I feel like doing Detox was the best thing I’ve ever done for my body. I lost 11 pounds which is nice and a good thing but more importantly I want my organs to be 100% healthy. Detox helped me understand what an amazing machine God gave me. I want to honor Him by taking care of His gift! Excellent, excellent program.

Just can’t thank you enough for the life-altering information and work you are sharing with us.

*results may vary

— Terry C., Kapalua, Hawaii

Healthier, More Energy—and 15 Pounds Lost!

I would like to thank Robyn so very much, (as well as all the support doctors, friends and helpers), for this wonderful detox program you offer. It is very well organized and you made it so easy to follow. I also would like to especially thank my good buddies who helped me to make it through with their love and encouragement. It was also a big help to read the forum of what all the other participants were going through and the response answers that were given.

I started the program at being 40 pounds overweight and I am happy to report that I lost 15 pounds! Because of the cleanse, I feel so much healthier and have much more energy! During the detox, I stopped taking all my vitamins, supplements and my prescription medications for acid reflux and cholesterol. I continued to take my Synthroid since I had my thyroid removed this past February. But I’m happy to report that I had my blood work levels checked in the middle of the detox (2nd week in) and my doctor said he could lower my level of Synthroid, and the cleanse and my weight loss were probably the contributing factors!

This is the jump start I needed to tackle my goal of losing the remaining 25 pounds I need to lose! I plan to continue to use many of your great recipes, your exercise tips, portion control and reading all labels when shopping to make healthy food choices!
Thanks so very much again!

*results may vary

— Cindy D., Voluntown, CT

Less Stress

I love that there is one goal a month! That makes changing your way of eating less stressful and more enjoyable. I also like it because you can focus on that goal and observe the changes that goal is making to your body and in your life

— AB, IL

Setting Personal Records in Triathlons at Age 49, Down 9 Lbs, and Feeling Phenomenal!

I FEEL ABSOLUTELY PHENOMENAL!! Official stats during the 26-day GSG Detox period: 9 pound loss (8.5 lbs. fat loss, 1 lb. fluid loss, and gain of .5 lb. lean muscle)! I have been a Green Smoothie Girl since May 2012, and now my life has just become nutritionally stronger. Competing in triathlons for 7 years, I am now setting new personal records at those events at the age of 49.

My taste buds have been altered and I can now pass up that bag of chips (my downfall was salt)!

I’ve discovered the benefits of being healthy at the cellular level. Now with the Detox, the cells are that much more cleaned out. Full support and with a buddy is VERY HELPFUL for success! Thank you, Robyn!

*results may vary

— Donna J., Auburn, WA

This is the healthful FAST FOOD!

This is the healthful FAST FOOD! My health has changed for the better! I now have a desire to do, and to live! Thanks to green smoothies!

— Dallas J.

Peer Influence

The power of peer influence is impressive. I’d been drinking green smoothies regularly for several months, but had yet to convince my children to participate. One day I was looking at, and my children, ages 4-12, were looking over my shoulder. They saw a picture of Emma, flexing, with her green smoothie, and my daughter said, Wow—she’s buff!” That day they all had a small glass of green smoothie for the first time! I guess kids really will drink them.

— Leslie S., Utah

We drink green smoothies daily as a family

We drink green smoothies daily as a family. Even my 8-year old likes them and he is a soccer player convinced it helps with his game skills. Thank you!

— Laura W.

Feel Incredible

I have learned so much from the 12 Steps to Whole Foods program! I have learned to go back to the basics, what God intended us to eat. So many people ask me, “Well what do you eat then?” There is an abundance of food to eat!  It is aggravating because so many people are so ignorant about good nutrition.  I am more aware of all the advertisements promoting good nutrition in certain products just to make a sale, when they are really so far from good nutrition.

I tell so many people about the 12 Step program!  It is very obvious that I do not eat the ways of the world.  I stand out like a sore thumb when I don’t eat the food at a party and I bring my own snacks.

I have given countless number people the links and a CD full of information. I have inspired many people to start making green smoothies, four of whom have bought a BlendTec.  They too have experienced the benefits with just the smoothies.

I was at dinner a few months ago and one of them was a pharmacist.  He was giving me a hard time about why I eat the way I do.  He asked, “Why do you eat like that?” I said, “To put you out of business one day.”  He said, “Well, what about when you get diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol?”  I told him I wouldn’t get those diseases because of the way I eat and the things I do.  People don’t get how important food is, not just live but to live a healthy, full life and stay out of the doctor’s office. I have not gotten sick since being on the program. I am a runner and feel better than I did before.

I have a degree in Exercise Science and have taken many nutrition classes.  A whole food program makes the most sense, since it is what our bodies were designed to have.  I have a friend that is getting her masters in nutrition and snubs me for the way I eat because of her education in nutrition.  She thinks it is bogus, but then wonders why she can’t lose 20 pounds.  This program has no comparison to other nutrition. This one makes sense and it is easy, very easy!

I wish I could give a book to all my friends and family and have them change their lives.  Or even just have them start drinking green smoothies!

I absolutely LOVE the recipes in 12 Steps to Whole Foods! I make my shopping list from the book.  I printed off all of the pages and made it into a book so I can keep it in the kitchen.  My three year old loves the food in there as well.  The salads are my favorite!  Well, and the treats too.

I feel incredible since I have been on the program. I enjoy the fresh food.  It is easier than most people think.  I love being in the kitchen and then eating the good, wonderful food!  My friends and family have been my guinea pigs. I haven’t had too many complaints.

The benefits are countless.  The extra time in the kitchen and the extra money spent is more than worth it. It is like putting money into savings because I won’t spend it on my bad health in the future. I look forward to the day where I can have a garden and just walk outside to pick ingredients for dinner.

I will continue on the journey for myself and telling others about the program.  It is time to reverse the way we eat.  It will only help us. Thank you!

— Meghan Meredith

Helped My Family

Our family has been drinking green smoothies for the last 3 months and I feel that it has improved our overall health. It has completely taken away the guilt in regards to my children’s diet. I no longer have to worry about if they have gotten enough fruits and vegetables. I give them healthy snacks to eat, but on crazy hectic days even if they have not had one other fruit or vegetable I don’t worry because they’ve had their green smoothie! I have a 5 and 3 year old and worried if they would drink it. My 5 year old loves it and many days asks for seconds and my 3 year old occasionally has to be reminded to drink his smoothie, but it was a lot easier to get them to drink it than I imagined it would be—I add quite a few frozen strawberries to our smoothies and they really like it.

My husband just had a bone marrow transplant and we are very conscious that good nutrition is a key element in his recovery. One of the benefits that I have experienced is I feel it has helped me keep up my milk supply for my newborn. I have had milk supply issues in the past and I am nursing my third baby longer than I was able to nurse my other two children. I feel green smoothies have played a part in my ability to do this. Green smoothies are a great way to make sure your family is getting all the fruits and vegetables they need to be as healthy as they possibly can be!


— Quinn S., North Carolina

The green smoothie has lived up to the expectations I had

I tried the green smoothie after juicing for several years. Juicing was expensive and demanded a lot of time and work extracting the juice from the fiber and cleaning the juicer. Blended raw foods made a lot of sense and I did not need to be converted on the idea.

When I began drinking the green smoothie I weighed 285 lbs. One year later I weigh 240 lbs. Daily workouts have contributed as much to my weight loss as any other factor. However, the benefits of the green smoothie as I experienced them are as follows:

1. Drinking the green smoothie changed my bowel movement habits, which are now frequent (2-3 times a day) and regular.

2. The green smoothie is my pre-workout, first thing in the morning food. I have been surprised at the energy it sustains throughout my workout.

3. The green smoothie fills me up without slowing me down. It satisfies my hunger and cravings till early in the afternoon. It has curbed my overall appetite thus decreasing the overall calories I consume in a day.

4. I find that the green smoothie helps my digestion, especially with the foods that do not digest well. I eat a lot of lean meat and I feel the organic raw food in my gut facilitates digestion and elimination of meat.

5. Beginning my day with green smoothie drinks and working out provides me the momentum, nutrition, and motivation to eat a strict lean diet throughout the rest of the day.

The green smoothie has lived up to the expectations I had. Several of the above benefits caught me totally by surprise. I have been drinking green smoothies every morning for the past year. They have served me well. Now that I have lost the weight I needed, I have significantly increased my strength and energy. My new goals are not to lose any more weight but to increase my overall lean muscle mass. My idea is to begin drinking green smoothies twice a day rather than just once in the morning.

*results may vary

— Gregg L.

No More Leggings with Long Shirts!

What the…?! I am shocked, for weight loss was not my goal. It’s my immune system that was my goal! So here’s what’s been happening:
I started doing green smoothies and raw/whole foods eating for 3 weeks before I started this detox. I was 139 pounds 3-1/2 weeks ago! Today I’m 127! WHAT?! That is crazy! And at least 4 of those pounds have come off since I last weighed myself, which was Tuesday. I am 4’11” and petite-boned.

So, 139 pounds three weeks ago was a bit chunky for me. Not one pair of my jeans fit. I started wearing leggings every day. I know women out there hear me—leggings with long shirts!

I also felt worse with each pound I gained—worse in my joints, and overall. But truthfully, I went into this not so much for weight loss (although it’s wonderful) but for my immune system (that is seriously in the crapper).

And that’s the next bit of GOOD NEWS. I had “granuloma annulare” on my elbows. As of this morning, I have VERY little, almost gone. And here’s the weird part: in the last 3 days, they were red and tingly. I thought something was wrong. Hubby said I needed to show my dermatologist. I said I think it’s healing itself. He said you are crazy, food doesn’t do that.

BUT it did! I can’t imagine what they will look like in a week!! Probably gone. Wait till my dermatologist sees it. She did a biopsy and said she could take it all out surgically, but there would be a scar. She was talking about steroid shots and pills etc.—no way! And the rashy/red spots on my back/shoulder/neck top of arms are LESS red. Looks WAY better, less inflamed and reddish looking. I am so excited to see what next week brings.

Detox magic is what I’m calling it now! Hang in there guys!! I am still having detox symptoms, but I know FOR SURE that my body is healing right now, and that makes me so incredibly happy. I know the side effects will go away soon. I ate her plan for 3 weeks before this detox and I was full and happy. It’s just a NEW way to eat, a little more work in kitchen, but preplanning is key. And I WANT MY HEALTH BACK!!! For a little inconvenience of learning to cook new raw/whole foods things, it’s worth it to me!!

*results may vary

— Jennifer P.

I love the recipes!

I love them, I love green smoothies anyway, and I love your recipes the best. It is so good to have mainly greens and a few fruits instead of the other way around as I was previously doing. I love them and my kids do also. They crave them as I do.

— Anonymous

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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