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What people are saying

I have been telling all my friends about green smoothies!

I have been telling all my friends about the green smoothies and converted several of them to start drink them on a daily basis. My friends are all west coast dancers and energy is important for the 4-5 hours of dancing we do 2-3 nights weekly.

— Anonymous

Green smoothies have helped me stay full longer in the morning.

Green smoothies have helped me stay full longer in the morning. I used to be SO hungry by lunchtime. My stomach would growl and I would become dizzy. Now I drink a blender full of smoothie in the morning and I am satisfied until it is time to eat my next meal.

— J. Burns

We Have So Much More Energy Now! Instead of Craving Sugar, I Crave Green Smoothies!

I had a great experience doing the GSG Detox. I was scared to sign up because I knew how bad my eating habits had been and that I had a major sugar addiction to kick. A friend of mine decided to sign up with me and then my spouse ended up doing the detox with me, so that buddy system really took away that fear and made the experience fun! It’s great that there is a buddy assigned to those who don’t have one.

I have done different types of cleanses and detoxes in the past, but the GSG Detox is far superior in every aspect. The organization makes it so easy to follow from beginning to end. The Detox Manual has everything you need, but the full-support online Detox Portal is, hands down, the way to go! The Daily Content was a great way to follow each day and either listen to the scheduled speaker, watch the daily video, or participate in the “live chat.” I feel like I just took a top-notch, online course in Health & Nutrition—for FREE! (The Detox Manual alone is worth the price you pay for this Detox!)

The Forum was the other priceless gem. I can’t tell you how valuable it was to read what other people were experiencing, have the option to ask ANY question, and have constant feedback from Robyn, the GSG staff, and any member who wants to comment! You become a community, which I already miss very much! This is the reason why I just signed up for the lifetime membership. The support is there; you are never alone!

Doing the GSG Detox was a challenge, that’s for sure, but the benefits are so worth the work! I lost a total of 13 lbs., my spouse lost 11 lbs., and my buddy lost 15 lbs. doing the detox and we are all still losing weight, which is great! We all agree that we have so much more energy now! I am happy to say that instead of craving sugar, I actually crave a green smoothies now!

Thank you for all your hard work, Robyn and GSG staff—YOU’RE THE BEST!!!

*results may vary

— Margaret C., Uncasville, Connecticut

A Flat Stomach in Mid-Life, 10 lbs. Lost!

I liked how well researched and clinical the detox was. It felt safe and empowering to challenge myself, and I ended up losing 10 pounds! I am maintaining that after the detox with the same types of foods and continuing to lose even the next week, too!

As much as I don’t really enjoy enemas, I am thrilled about how the water-then-coffee enemas make me feel, so I am also continuing to do these as my morning time permits. There is nothing better than to have a flat stomach in mid-life again!

*results may vary

— Nancy L., Grand Haven, Michigan

So Grateful for Detox and an Amazing Support System on the Forum! 14 lbs Lost!

I am so grateful I decided to embark on this detox journey. This has been a really educational path in so many ways. I learned to listen to my body better, my strength and will power to persevere, and what an amazing support system I have in the real world through the Full Support detox portal!

I signed up for the full-support detox and I am so appreciative I did. I honestly do not think I would have made it all 26 days without it. I found the everyday email, video and phone call to be an extremely helpful tool of explaining what my body was actually processing and eliminating.

I lost 14 pounds on this detox. I lost 10 pounds for the first week and the remaining four steadily in the following weeks. Having lost my weight this way, I have more confidence in keeping it off and continuing to eat as whole and clean a diet as I can on a regular basis. I do have a lot more weight to lose. I also noticed the color of my eyes became a clearer blue!

The detox was work and planning! I have so many friends who have taken an interest and are thinking about starting their own detox journey. I upgraded at the end to the Lifetime Membership so that in 6 months when I detox again, I have the full support like I did this time around.

*results may vary

— Elizabeth C., Glen Ellyn, Illinois

Peer Influence

The power of peer influence is impressive. I’d been drinking green smoothies regularly for several months, but had yet to convince my children to participate. One day I was looking at, and my children, ages 4-12, were looking over my shoulder. They saw a picture of Emma, flexing, with her green smoothie, and my daughter said, Wow—she’s buff!” That day they all had a small glass of green smoothie for the first time! I guess kids really will drink them.

— Leslie S., Utah

I am hooked for life!

I feel a major decrease in cravings for sweets. I have lost some weight, nothing major, but that is not my primary goal. I am a runner and have noticed a difference in my endurance and performance. I feel healthier and cleaner. I am hooked for life and my days aren’t the same when I don’t get my normal 32 ounces! I have got my mom hooked and my toddler. My son calls them mooshies” and begs for them all throughout the day. He would keep one in his hand all day long if I’d let him. I’m excited to continue to drink green smoothies and improve my life as well as my family’s.

— Meghan Meredith

It is easier to drink your greens.

I love the green smoothies; they have made a world of difference in my life. I know I am a happier healthier person because of them. I am so thankful for them; I love them so very much. They have given me so much drive. It is easier to drink your greens. I have been eating healthy greens for years. I like the kale in a smoothie rather than eating it daily as I have done. It is much easier to get down in a drinkable form. Thank you!

*results may vary

— Lisa

You could say I am a green smoothie addict!

In spring of 2006, I gained 30 lbs. in 6 weeks when I started taking a particular birth control pill. Of course I went off of it, but it seemed to push me into some major perimenopause symptoms including depression, exhaustion and continued weight gain. I went to several doctors who tried various hormone treatments, thyroid treatment, the candida diet and treatment,–all of which seemed to make me worse!

So in the spring of 2007, I decided to take matters in to my own hands. I stopped all medications and diets and began to treat myself with food and exercise. I committed to myself to try it for a year and just see what happened. I felt desperate, so I decided to just eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables, believing that they were the cleansing and building tools my body needed. I made up the green smoothie on my own and started drinking it all day and supplementing it with veggies and at night a potato and sometimes a little meat and cooked veggie. For eight months there was no change in my weight, but I did start feeling much better and at least I stopped gaining weight!

My hot flashes almost completely stopped, and in Jan. of ’08, I finally lost 15 lbs all at once.* One day one of my clients told me about when she saw me with a huge mug of green stuff. I went home that night and looked it up and have been a huge fan ever since! I was so glad to have support and new ideas and information.

I don’t think I have completely solved my health problems, because I’m sure my thyroid is still very sluggish, and I still can’t get that last 15 lbs off, but I feel so much better. Now I am committed to eat this way the rest of my life just for the health of it!

I love green smoothies and having an easy way to get so many veggies in that I would never eat otherwise. You could say I am an addict! I love them mostly because of the way I begin to feel (sluggish and run down) when I have to go without them for very many days. I have been doing them for a year and a half and it feels like my body is slowly but surely repairing from many years of not having enough live enzymes. My hot flashes are almost non existent when I drink my greens.

The protein in the leafy greens keeps me from being hungry till afternoon. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a green smoothie freak. Many have told me that I inspire them to want to eat more healthy. I have taught many people how to make them, and my mom and husband are as committed to having them as I am. My husband ran Boston last year (at 52 years old) without the benefit of green smoothies. Since Oct. he has had them 4 or 5 days a week, and we are anxious to see if he improves his performance this year. We will let you know!

P.S. When I give my grandchildren tastes of my green smoothies, they love it! Now I just need to get their parents committed.

— Debbie W.

No More Leggings with Long Shirts!

What the…?! I am shocked, for weight loss was not my goal. It’s my immune system that was my goal! So here’s what’s been happening:
I started doing green smoothies and raw/whole foods eating for 3 weeks before I started this detox. I was 139 pounds 3-1/2 weeks ago! Today I’m 127! WHAT?! That is crazy! And at least 4 of those pounds have come off since I last weighed myself, which was Tuesday. I am 4’11” and petite-boned.

So, 139 pounds three weeks ago was a bit chunky for me. Not one pair of my jeans fit. I started wearing leggings every day. I know women out there hear me—leggings with long shirts!

I also felt worse with each pound I gained—worse in my joints, and overall. But truthfully, I went into this not so much for weight loss (although it’s wonderful) but for my immune system (that is seriously in the crapper).

And that’s the next bit of GOOD NEWS. I had “granuloma annulare” on my elbows. As of this morning, I have VERY little, almost gone. And here’s the weird part: in the last 3 days, they were red and tingly. I thought something was wrong. Hubby said I needed to show my dermatologist. I said I think it’s healing itself. He said you are crazy, food doesn’t do that.

BUT it did! I can’t imagine what they will look like in a week!! Probably gone. Wait till my dermatologist sees it. She did a biopsy and said she could take it all out surgically, but there would be a scar. She was talking about steroid shots and pills etc.—no way! And the rashy/red spots on my back/shoulder/neck top of arms are LESS red. Looks WAY better, less inflamed and reddish looking. I am so excited to see what next week brings.

Detox magic is what I’m calling it now! Hang in there guys!! I am still having detox symptoms, but I know FOR SURE that my body is healing right now, and that makes me so incredibly happy. I know the side effects will go away soon. I ate her plan for 3 weeks before this detox and I was full and happy. It’s just a NEW way to eat, a little more work in kitchen, but preplanning is key. And I WANT MY HEALTH BACK!!! For a little inconvenience of learning to cook new raw/whole foods things, it’s worth it to me!!

*results may vary

— Jennifer P.

Easy to Understand and Implement – Even With Lots of Food Allergies

I have LOVED 12 Steps! The book is very informational and easy to understand and implement. I did tackle a couple habits at once since I already had the green smoothie drinking part down as well as some others. The biggest thing I want to comment on are the recipes. Recipes are KEY to success and you need GOOD tasting recipes to make transitions like these. Robyn’s recipes are FANTASTIC! I have yet to try any that we did not love and now use as a family favorite consecutively. Whenever I am “experimenting” with new recipes my hubby gets nervous, but if I tell him it’s a 12 Step recipe he calms down and doesn’t worry since there’s not one he hasn’t loved. (He’s my skeptic at times). I really like that I can count on the recipes being tasty since I’ve read/owned many, many health books with crap recipes in them. BLAH! These are great!

Another thing I wanted to mention about the recipes I’ve enjoyed is that we eat gluten, dairy, egg, and soy free and a huge majority of the recipes are naturally free of these things. There are still plenty of worthwhile recipes in the collections having these restrictions that make it worth the purchase. I have shared 12 Steps with family and friends. My aunt bought the program and has loved it, and I have several other friends who are slowly making their way (they do green smoothies now–hooray!).

I love that Robyn has broken it into 12 Steps and if you can add them into your life you will be so much healthier and happier!

— Laura Tervort

Not Going Back to How I Used to Eat Before!

I was a little apprehensive when I received the manual and read through all the foods and the limited food. I told myself it is ONLY 26 days and you have been eating poorly without thought for years. I used to be a vegetarian before I met my husband 12 years ago. Many date nights of letting him pick and following his meat-eating diet, I was miserable. I started following Green Smoothie Girl about a year ago. I have been slowly changing my diet and I wanted a JUMP START.

At the end of the detox I have lost 22 lbs. I will continue on this journey and have bought the 12 Steps book to inform me on more changes. I grew up eating the way Robyn promotes and never had any joint pain or issues sleeping. When I started down the junk-eating route I noticed my sleep was restless and my joints always hurt. I AM NOT GOING BACK! I feel so much lighter, even with just 22 lbs. gone. I have no desire to eat meat or sugar, my main addictions.

To anyone out there thinking they cannot do this, YOU CAN! Thank you again, Robyn, for giving me the KICK IN THE BUTT that I needed.

*results may vary

— Eva F., Longwood, FL

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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