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What people are saying

The GSG Detox Was the Best Choice I Could Have Made!

Doing the GSG Detox was an experience that has changed the way I feel about and look at food. Before this program I ate kind of healthy but only about 50-60 percent of the time. I had a sweet tooth and would buy myself treats and used food as a crutch to make me feel better.

I had Robyn’s 12 Steps to Whole Foods course for over a year and would look at the pictures and think, “I want to make that” or “I need to start doing that,” but never did.

When the Detox was offered, I knew I was ready. I had been feeling so miserable as my bad food choices were giving me joint pain, back aches, and feeling bloated, fat, tired, and depressed. I knew I needed the full-support program. It was the best choice I could have made!

The forum made a great support system, and so did the daily emails and calls from doctors who taught me so much. I loved the foods and never felt deprived or hungry. After two days, my energy started to come back and I began feeling like I used to feel five years ago.
The very first day the detox started, on August 1, my husband was admitted to the hospital with some critical kidney issues. Even going through the stress of his surgery, and then dialysis, I was determined to stay on track with the detox. I honestly feel it gave me the extra energy and clear thinking to get through this difficult time in my life.

I now look at food not as a reward but as a gift of energy and health I give my body. At each meal, I have the choice to eat food that will make me feel good or bring me down and make me feel tired and depressed.
My skin and eyes are clear and my clothes are getting baggy. Eating the way Robyn has taught me in this program has motivated me to finally read that 12 Step manual—it’s full of wonderful information and recipes! As I get close to my 71st birthday, I am so thankful for my good health and have decided that this is my new life. This is the way I will now care for and treat myself.

Thank you, Robyn, for sharing your knowledge of health and helping me change!

*results may vary

— Barbara J., Jacksonville, Florida

Eliminated Psoriasis, Improved Sinuses, Increased Peace, and a Doctor’s Stamp of Approval!

I have been astonished and so happy with my GSG detox experience! I‘ve lost 15 lbs. and my husband has lost 24—but that’s only one reason to rejoice.
I have seen my elbows, hands, and feet psoriasis nearly disappear—and I have been to umpteen dermatologists with as many different medications. My frequent nosebleeds have been zero since starting the detox, and sinuses clearer.

My semi-annual health checkup showed my cholesterol and blood pressure down, and my doctor said, “keep up what you’re doing.”
My husband’s rash has improved and he described an emotional feeling of well-being. He used the word “peace.”
How great is that? You can find “peace” by changing one’s diet.

I already have Robyn’s 12 Steps to Whole Foods book and will be following it as we go off detox. We have set our goal to drink a quart of GS a day, a huge salad for lunch, and a starch, vegetable, protein, & fruit dessert for supper. It will be a challenge to continue as close to whole, raw foods as we’ve been these 26 days, but we are motivated to continue this lighter, feel-good lifestyle.

I appreciated having a buddy to be accountable to—great meeting and supporting, Sheila! The program and coaches I’ve emailed have been absolutely great!
Thank you so much, Robyn, for impacting our lives so dramatically with better health. I feel I was blessed to be led to your site, coming across your book The Green Smoothies Diet when I was at BAM looking for juicing books. Of course, your green smoothies diet book led me to your site and the rest is history. I am blessed. Thank you.

*results may vary

— Cheryl A., Florida

Measurable Weight Loss

When Robyn introduced me to green smoothies, I was intrigued by the idea of drinking my greens. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables in my diet, but I was looking for an easy way to double my fiber. I love green smoothies. I don’t just drink a glass or two, but three or four, and then whatever is leftover after my children drink theirs. I feel better. I feel thinner. But, by measurable standards—-the scale, the tape measure—-I am thinner. The combination of green smoothies and lots of water promote weight loss in me. Feeling better about myself, I have a brighter outlook on life, naturally, but I simply have more energy to meet the demands and challenges of my busy days.

— Jill W., Utah

I begin with a green smoothie every morning

I work for a lady that began eating RAW. As I watched her transform I became very interested in what she was doing and remembered how good I used to feel when I was younger and ate and drank more raw. I asked her a lot of questions and began to follow a more healthy raw eating and drinking plan beginning with a green smoothie every morning.

I have two teenage daughters who joined in with me on this path of health. One of them has become very disciplined with her eating habits and loves this way of enjoying our food. She has lost all of her baby fat and her skin has cleared up. She is an athlete and very involved in sports. She said that now that she drinks green she can make it through the class day without falling asleep!

We all feel better and I have stopped taking all allergy meds and asthma inhalers.*

— Heidi Underwood

Shed 13 Pounds, Love the Great Support System at GSG, and Feel Great!

The GSG Detox has totally changed the way I look at food. It has helped me realize what a fine-running machine my body is and the importance of proper nutrition to keep it fine-tuned. I love the “in control” feeling I have. My cravings have diminished and I am very satisfied with the healthy meals included in the detox. I shed 13 lbs., my step is a little lighter, and my body feels wonderful. I loved the full support of the GSG team. I was blessed with three buddies whom I have never met. We have been able to discuss all kinds of body functions and given full support to one another. I now have three great new friends to share healthy recipes and clean eating ideas with. Thank you for the opportunity to participate.

*results may vary

— Robyn M., Honeyville, Utah

Green smoothies have saved my life!

I have spent all my adulthood overweight and miserable. My weight went from 135 to 280 during that time. Most of the time I had skewed ideas that I was either too fat (when I weighed 135) and not that fat (when I weighed 280). My perception was always off. But I did know that I just didn’t feel good.

I have been on Weight Watchers, the soup diet, hard boiled egg diet, Chinese tea, and every diet that came in magazines. I finally found that Atkins worked for me–three times! Funny that I would go off after several months and the weight would come back on, with its 30.-lb. friend! I realized that if I kept dieting that way I would completely ruin my health. I was so afraid to start another diet, so I decided to never diet again and just accept myself as I was.

I remarried at 210 lbs. and within 3 years had put on 70 lbs. with careless eating, primarily fast food. Then my DH was diagnosed with cancer (digestive related) and I found It was an answer to prayer because this is a LIFESTYLE–not a diet. In the last 9 mos. I have lost 40 lbs., my skin glows, I am nearly off the medications I was taking for high blood pressure, arthritic aches and pains, and mucus. My wrinkles also are going away!

I will NEVER diet again because I can eat everything I want and truly enjoy it (even chocolate). I am never hungry because I have God’s fast food with me all the time (fruits). I have found that the more raw I eat, the faster I lose weight. I am no longer fanatical about it and believe that my body will end up the weight I am supposed to be, not the way society says it should be. I just wish I had been able to learn this earlier in life.

Sorry about the long blog, but I feel that finding and Robyn’s blog has saved my life! Thanks, Robyn and every one else!

*results may vary

— Karen L.

It is easier to drink your greens.

I love the green smoothies; they have made a world of difference in my life. I know I am a happier healthier person because of them. I am so thankful for them; I love them so very much. They have given me so much drive. It is easier to drink your greens. I have been eating healthy greens for years. I like the kale in a smoothie rather than eating it daily as I have done. It is much easier to get down in a drinkable form. Thank you!

*results may vary

— Lisa

Noticeable improvements!

My wife and I noticeably improved skin tone and clearer complexion and had people notice and make comments. We noted some indigestion during the day as we added both fruit and vegetables to our smoothies which digest differently, but was minor. We also weren’t very hungry for 4-5 hours after drinking the green smoothie.

— Scott

I love the recipes!

I love them, I love green smoothies anyway, and I love your recipes the best. It is so good to have mainly greens and a few fruits instead of the other way around as I was previously doing. I love them and my kids do also. They crave them as I do.

— Anonymous

Energy and Vitality

I have been drinking green smoothies every day since April of this year. Since having my son and breastfeeding him exclusively, I have had a hard time getting enough nutrients and calories into my diet because he is allergic to gluten and dairy so I couldn’t eat anything I was used to.

I never had any energy and I was constantly feeling down. Then I learned about the benefits of eating a raw green diet with plenty of raw veggies and fruits and how it could change your life. I decided to jump on the web and search for some smoothie recipes.  I couldn’t find any at first.

The only thing that I kept coming to was a YouTube video from on how to make a green smoothie.  I tried it and I was hooked!  I bought the 12 Step program the next day and have been drinking them daily with my infant/toddler son ever since.

The information in the 12 Step program and on the site is so abundant and it seems that Robyn has done all of the research on all of the nutrition stuff out there. She has sifted through it leaving pure truth about nutrition. I would have never been able to put all of this information together myself.  It truly has changed my life and given me a completely different perspective to what eating a healthy diet truly means. I feel so great now and my digestive cycle is very regular.  I am so passionate about eating right and including greens in my diet daily.

My friends and family have started asking me what I am doing that is giving me so much more energy and vitality.  Then I basically explode with information that I have learned from the 12 Steps and  Currently I have converted 4 family members and 3 friends to drinking green smoothies at least regularly if not daily.

Oh, and I must have a bowl of the granola everyday (Ch. 10), which is one of Robyn’s amazing recipes.  I can’t live without it and I am so thankful that I found the information all compiled into one place.

So, thank you Robyn for devoting your life to living healthier and teaching others how to live healthier too!

*results may vary

— Leslie W

I Felt Rejuvenated after Each Meal and Lost 10 lbs!

I really learned a lot during this cleanse! I appreciated the full support, because it helped me do more than just “eat different foods.” I enjoyed the program because of how thorough it is, and how it takes you through steps of getting organs cleaned out. Because of that, the food choices change, and that kept me interested in eating and looking forward to the next phase.

I loved how yummy the smoothies are! I feel like I can use many, if not all, of these recipes in my daily life. I also appreciated the tips on how to make the food prep doable on a daily basis, saving time. The shopping lists were wonderful, and I like how the Quick Start Guide and Manual charts broke shopping lists down depending on how many people were dong the program. Other tips for cleansing were great, too! The colon massage and oil pulling are a couple of my favorites.

One thing I really enjoyed was that after eating a meal during the cleanse, I actually felt better, more rejuvenated, and more energetic! Food as fuel! I love it! I lost 10 pounds and I was told by more than one person that it looked like even more than that!

*results may vary

— Karen C., Rigby, ID

We are experiencing great health benefits from these marvelous drinks!

After a year of thinking and searching deeply about going vegetarian, I took the leap in September of ’08. What made the transition easy was the discovery of the green smoothie! I first heard of them on Robyn’s informative website, I was intrigued and investigated the origins of green smoothies and started to find whole blogging communities who were drinking these liquid vegetable treats. I viewed many of the YouTube videos Robyn had posted and saw how simple it was to get my veggies the green smoothie way. I started right away, using my simple kitchen blender. My 11 y.o. son and my husband were curious and started drinking them with me almost immediately. We LOVE them!

The chronic eczema around edges of my scalp are clearing up (some are completely gone!), ridges in my fingernails are flattening out and nails have become hard, chronic tiredness has been replaced with vibrant energy, mild arthritic symptoms in fingers vanished, hypothyroid symptoms growing less (although I’m on a low dose of Armour and have been for years, I still experience many of the hypothyroid symptoms – but they are really improving!), insomnia seems to be vanquished, I’ve lost 9 lbs so far, and I don’t know if this could be related but I no longer sunburn!

But what is truly amazing is that I’m growing in streaks of brown hair where it was solid silver before–fabulous!

We are experiencing great health benefits from these marvelous drinks and I think we may be addicted to the vibrancy and high energy kick we get from them. I’ll be getting results from a blood test next week and I can’t wait to see the numbers! I’ve turned several friends and family members into green smoothie drinkers and am actually pursuing a radio show where I will be able to discuss and share my progress with others. Thank you Robyn for GreenSmoothieGirl blogs! Your generosity in sharing your info with the world has inspired so many to move towards health!

*results may vary

— Cher

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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