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What people are saying

Kicked My Sugar Cravings! Down 14 lbs!

Total weight loss of 14 lbs. Highlights of the detox:
-Feeling lighter!
-Fitting into my fave dress (hadn’t been able to in 3 yrs) and my fave jeans (not since 2006!)
-Last, but not least, kicking my sugar cravings—that’s huge!
Going forward I’m committed to the following. After 20+ days, these seem attainable now:
-Staying away from refined sugar—goodbye cookies, cakes, candies. I joked to my fiancée that the next time I’ll have sweets is when we cut our wedding cake in May.
-Maintaining a low-sodium diet. Seriously, salty stuff doesn’t even taste good anymore. Now I prefer the more “complex” and zesty taste of lemon!
-Eating more veggies. I was a total carnivore, but somehow meat no longer holds its previous appeal.

*results may vary

— Tracy S., Salt Lake City, Utah

No longer crave junk food!

My New Year’s Resolution was to GO GREEN. My husband and I (yes, I converted him) both love the green smoothies. They are very satisfying. We no longer crave junk food. We have begun to lose a few pounds. I am turning on my grandchildren and children to them. My husband is Hispanic, diabetic, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. We are seeing improvements. It has only been a month. We use our BlendTec for breakfast, lunch and dinner. We make smoothies, salad dressings, soups and using your 12 Steps to Whole Foods book each month to be totally green after one year. Thank you for all your research and recipes.

— Pat M.

My day is not complete without a smoothie!

My day is not complete without a smoothie! If I go without one, I feel bad physically and mentally. My children love them, too, and want them every day so they can have energy and strong muscles.

— Jenny L.

Thanks so much for helping to change the quality of my life!

I have endometriosis and ovarian cysts and have suffered with cramping, heavy menstruation, and low back pain for 20+ years. I have had numerous surgeries to help correct and alleviate the problem with no success. I finally reached the point that my doctors determined a hysterectomy would be my next surgery. I am in my early thirties and was not ready for that so I spent a lot of time researching nutritional options. I discovered green smoothies and they have helped tremendously (I have been drinking them for a year now).

My cycles have improved dramatically and the majority of the time I feel like a normal person. That has never been the case because of this constant pain that was always with me. Thanks for all of the info on your site. As I have changed my eating habits I have also discovered trigger foods that cause ovarian pain, spotting, and bleeding. I am grieving the loss of chocolate but the smoothies have almost taken any cravings for sweets away. Once again thanks so much for helping to change the quality of my life.

*results may vary

— Becky Flannery, Sandy, Utah

Wedding Ring Now Falls Off—Lost 12 lbs!

I felt well on the Detox and I plan to do it again. I lost 12 lbs. and feel less bloated—my wedding ring falls off! One week post detox, I am still down 10 lbs.
I would recommend the detox to others, and have done so! Recipes can be an acquired taste, as they are bland, so invest in some salt-free, sugar-free natural seasonings before starting. I understand it is a cleanse and you are trying to rest your body. I would also encourage the Phase 2 option. After the first few days I started juicing some of my meals and doing the enemas, which was key to my decrease in chronic headaches I had prior to doing the detox.

I did feel that encouraging a buddy, and vice versa, was the ticket for my success! A couple of the other detoxers were great at answering questions.

*results may vary

— Dedrianne O., Blaine, Minnesota

The best thing I’ve ever done for my health, cholesterol down, and 11.5 pounds lost!

The Green Smoothie Girl Detox has got to be the best thing I have ever done for my health. I lost 11.5 pounds and my cholesterol dropped 62 points from 230 to 168. I had my blood work done just before the detox started and again on Day 26. My doctor was thoroughly amazed at the changes in my numbers.

There were three things that made the detox much easier than expected, thanks to FULL SUPPORT. One, my buddy: I could not have done it without her! We constantly bantered with each other: “That salad would have been really good…if it had salt, HAHA!” Two, the daily content. The information in emails, videos, calls, and audios was invaluable. Three, the forum. If I ever had a question, I would post it on the forum and it was answered very quickly. It was also nice to read postings from other participants. Nice to know others were experiencing the same things I was going through!

Three things made the detox a very enjoyable and successful experience. One, the use of a sauna that Robyn tells us how to find. I had never used an infrared sauna before the detox. I did it daily during the detox and continue to do it every other day after the detox has ended. I truly love it! My skin is so soft. Almost like living in Hawaii! Two, the coffee enemas we are taught. Following that protocol was a huge part of my success. I felt so much better and cleaner. I have continued to do them once a week after the detox. Three, the juicing. I did Level II and started juicing before the detox, but didn’t realize it could actually replace a meal and make me feel better than eating food. It gives me a burst of energy.

I absolutely recommend the detox to anyone that wants to change the way they think of food, remove food cravings, lose weight, have more energy and an overall sense of wellness.

It was a wonderful experience. I have many family members asking how they can be part of the next one. They are amazed at the changes I have made.

*results may vary

— Brenda H., Price, Utah

Doing the GSG Detox Next Time Around! Feel Great, Look Great, and Lost 7 lbs!

I am thrilled with my experience during the GSG detox. In the beginning I was worried I couldn’t give up coffee, sugar, my Lean Cuisine for lunch, bread, etc., etc. I told myself, just get through the first week and then decide if you want to continue. After the first week I felt like it was totally doable and I didn’t want to quit. I definitely felt like the full support was key to my success. I would have questions or be confused here and there, and having that forum made all the difference. I was able to post questions and get responses from both the GSG staff and also others who were going through the detox with me.

I have told all my friends about the detox—I am planning to do it again next time around! I feel great, I look great, I lost 7 pounds, and am so proud of myself and my buddy for seeing it through. I am also looking forward to transitioning from a Standard American Diet to a more plant-based whole foods (even maybe vegetarian) diet. Thank you, Robyn!

*results may vary

— Jeannine L., Sandy, Utah

Energy and Vitality

I have been drinking green smoothies every day since April of this year. Since having my son and breastfeeding him exclusively, I have had a hard time getting enough nutrients and calories into my diet because he is allergic to gluten and dairy so I couldn’t eat anything I was used to.

I never had any energy and I was constantly feeling down. Then I learned about the benefits of eating a raw green diet with plenty of raw veggies and fruits and how it could change your life. I decided to jump on the web and search for some smoothie recipes.  I couldn’t find any at first.

The only thing that I kept coming to was a YouTube video from on how to make a green smoothie.  I tried it and I was hooked!  I bought the 12 Step program the next day and have been drinking them daily with my infant/toddler son ever since.

The information in the 12 Step program and on the site is so abundant and it seems that Robyn has done all of the research on all of the nutrition stuff out there. She has sifted through it leaving pure truth about nutrition. I would have never been able to put all of this information together myself.  It truly has changed my life and given me a completely different perspective to what eating a healthy diet truly means. I feel so great now and my digestive cycle is very regular.  I am so passionate about eating right and including greens in my diet daily.

My friends and family have started asking me what I am doing that is giving me so much more energy and vitality.  Then I basically explode with information that I have learned from the 12 Steps and  Currently I have converted 4 family members and 3 friends to drinking green smoothies at least regularly if not daily.

Oh, and I must have a bowl of the granola everyday (Ch. 10), which is one of Robyn’s amazing recipes.  I can’t live without it and I am so thankful that I found the information all compiled into one place.

So, thank you Robyn for devoting your life to living healthier and teaching others how to live healthier too!

*results may vary

— Leslie W

So Impressed with the Detox Program from Content to Calls to the Forum to the Diet

I am down a total of 12 pounds as of today, weighing in at 115. I am a 5’4″, 41-year-old mom of two. After several years of high-stress jobs, I had gone up to 137 pounds and was buying size 10 clothes because I could no longer fit in any size 6s or 8s that I owned. I have spent the past several years trying to lose the fat through off-and-on exercise and off-and-on attempts to find healthy nutrition. I had managed to get down to 127, but had plateaued.

I am so impressed with the detox program, from the content in the manual, to the calls, to the support of the forum, to the diet. I can’t wait to learn more about leading a healthy life after the detox and I am excited to share this with others. This program has really resonated with me for where I am at in my life. I am looking forward to learning so much more from you!

I would like to reiterate the appreciation others have already posted and say a big thank you for leading the way to a healthy lifestyle revolution.

*results may vary

— Kym

We are hooked!

Both my 18 yr. old daughter and 15 yr. old son are hooked! My daughter used to pass out with fatigue after school every day for the last 3 years but not now, and she has only 16 oz. for breakfast. My son has 16 oz. for breakfast, after one week he asked if he could PLEASE take a quart for school lunch everyday! His energy is now what it should be and he no longer craves starchy/white/dead carbohydrates and wants to eat better also. The cracked, dry, sore spots at each side of his mouth (almost looked like small torn or split/cracked creases on both sides) have gone for good.

That old afternoon fatigue and sugar craving and a nap is HISTORY and coffee addiction of 10 years is GONE, along with the deep face creases caused by it all! Most exciting is lifelong bad breath has disappeared, and who knows what other marvels are happening inside? It’s only been 30 days!

— Susan W.

Something I Can Do!

Over the years, I have learned a lot of good information about nutrition, but I have never been able to follow through with what I know. So many nutrition gurus make it sound like you need to go to extremes to be healthy, and it’s very difficult to follow these programs and still participate in social events. Robyn insists on good nutrition, but she is not extreme.

The 12 Steps to Whole Foods program is something I can do, with my children! Robyn makes fantastic nutrition available to everyone including single/working moms and families with low budgets.

The program is set up to work at your own pace. If you are overwhelmed, you can go slowly and introduce one step per month. If you are ready to make big changes, you can do everything at once.

Robyn’s recipes taste good! She includes many recipes that reluctant children and adults will enjoy

I tell people about Robyn’s green smoothies all the time. If someone is ready to make changes in their diet, I tell them about the 12 Steps to Whole Foods course. This is a program that I can recommend without worry — it is not extreme, and it is do-able!

— Katie Gibson

I love green smoothies!

Hi my name is Kathy Wells and I love green smoothies. My youngest daughter is 6 and she also loves them now. My oldest is working on them. But I have been able to convert her into eating healthy fruits and veggies. So her smoothies have less green in them but they are getting better.

— Kathy W.

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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