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What people are saying

Definitely Doing the Detox Again! 12 lbs Lost

I really enjoyed the detox program and I will definitely do it again in January! My main reason for doing it was to jump start some weight loss.
I had been eating terribly and needed accountability to make myself make some healthy changes. The money I spent made me not quit! I have the Green Smoothies book and already knew about Robyn’s philosophy of eating plant-based and raw food, so I had an idea of what I was in for.

My family thought I was nuts and so did my friends. Because I stopped my lifelong Diet Coke habit, days 2-5 were miserable for me: headache, achy, tired, and nauseated, as caffeine and chemicals left my body. After that, I felt much better. I did feel hungry during the 26 days, but that is a good thing—I rarely let myself get hungry before the program!

I lost 12 pounds overall and I lost inches in good places—lower belly mostly. My face looks better!
I appreciated the forum and all of the questions and answers on there. It was nice that there were so many of us going through the detox at the same time and hearing everyone’s ups and downs. I appreciated the videos every day and there are a few I’d like to go back and watch or listen to again. I’m skin brushing every day and oil pulling. I never ever thought I’d do a coffee enema, but you convinced me and I did—I even like those and might do level 2 next time!
Thanks again for everything, and I’ll be back in January. My next purchase will hopefully be your 12 Step course. I’m saving for that now!

*results may vary

— Kristen E., Cumming, Georgia

Rash/Breakouts Cleared Up—and 15 lbs Lost!

I have checked out a few detoxes over this past year, many that had products like protein shakes and meal replacement bars, etc. Most of them are one-size-fits-all programs. Guess what, I lost a few pounds on a couple, but they weren’t sustainable and were expensive to keep using the products. I am aware of an alkaline diet and have incorporated green smoothies/juicing into my lifestyle daily. When I saw the 26-day detox and the full support group, I knew I had to do it.

I embraced the full Level 1 program and made it all the way through! I lost 15 pounds and, most of all, cleared up a rash/breakouts that have been appearing on my face this past year. I emailed a before and after picture of my face to Coach Cathi and she asked that I share. I will definitely continue to educate myself and follow a whole-food diet from here out; I still have more weight I would like to release. I am working on easing my family into the same way of healthy eating. It’s challenging, but I now have my 7 year old son eating salads, so leading by example does work!

*results may vary

— Jennifer C., Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Eliminated Sugar Cravings, More In Tune—and 13 Lbs Lost!

First off, I will say that I have never participated in a detox of any kind before; my initial motivation was purely to address weight loss (I started ~35 lbs. above my ideal weight). My husband decided to jump on board in support of my efforts—though in his case he was hoping to discover some possible food sensitivities and reduce his cholesterol. We both lost about the same amount of weight, 13-15 lbs.

The biggest surprise for both of us was discovering that our desire for sugar was virtually eliminated from the start. Great news! When we were feeling tempted through the 26 days, there was not usually a fat-laden, high-sugar item involved. We were also fascinated to learn to tune in to the signals that our bodies send out regarding hunger and satiation…all things we previously ignored. It was empowering to learn that we could survive on so little food and (for the most part) feel fairly satisfied.

We were grateful to have participated in the full support option because we frequently turned to the forum to seek answers to our questions—from other participants, through Robyn’s videos, while listening to the expert lectures, or catching the live phone calls. These are all fantastic tools to offer accountability and help built general knowledge about health and natural wellness.

It was so great to learn new practices that are now part of my daily routine (dry brushing, oil pulling, jumping on the rebounder, etc.). I can’t neglect to mention the liberating feeling just knowing that we completed the 26 day detox in 26 days with NO CHEATS! Nice! Even today (Day 27), I have not struggled with giving into the temptation that some foods often present—that’s huge for me and helped me stay the course!

Unfortunately, we didn’t experience the boost of energy that many others did. In fact, we found ourselves to be more exhausted than usual. Perhaps that is because there was just so much going on inside our bodies—lots of toxins being released and systems being repaired: W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L!!! Despite that sluggishness we battled all month long, we would recommend this program to others—and will likely schedule another detox when it is most convenient based on our family’s schedule.

Above all, we are both grateful for Robyn and her staff. We so appreciate all of the hard work that went into putting this program together and then launching it successfully. Way to go!

*results may vary

— Susan I., San Antonio, Texas

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