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What people are saying

Life Altering and 11 lbs. Lost!

Finding Green Smoothie Girl was the best thing that has happened to me since I had my children. I did the Level 1 Detox with great excitement and have nothing but RAVE reviews about the process. My body did well through all phases except the liver flush (olive oil therapy). (I did not complete this task but I will next time!)

My daughter was my buddy and encouraged me every step of the way, ate the food with me and constantly reminded me of how healthy I looked—-my skin, weight loss, increased stamina, and positive attitude. My granddaughters (1 and 4) loved the green and hot pink smoothies, the lentil soup and quinoa salad. Even got my active duty Army Apache pilot son-in-law to begin the green smoothie lifestyle!

My goal doing Detox was for better health. I feel like doing Detox was the best thing I’ve ever done for my body. I lost 11 pounds which is nice and a good thing but more importantly I want my organs to be 100% healthy. Detox helped me understand what an amazing machine God gave me. I want to honor Him by taking care of His gift! Excellent, excellent program.

Just can’t thank you enough for the life-altering information and work you are sharing with us.

*results may vary

— Terry C., Kapalua, Hawaii

I Feel Great! 8 lbs Lost!

When I joined the program I wasn’t sure if I would make it past the first 4 days much less the entire 26! But with the daily emails and detox buddy that I was paired with, plus the access to the forums and calls, I was able to complete the detox. I have changed my habits from drinking Diet Coke each afternoon and coffee in the mornings. I feel great! I have dropped 8 pounds overall and was thrilled to see and feel the difference! I have committed to doing this twice a year and hope to get my husband to join in the next cleanse with me.

*results may vary

— Debora G., Culver City, California

Green smoothies are easy and quick

Green smoothies are easy and quick to do and keep me full and alert way past lunch time. This past growing season I had access to lots and lots of lettuce. I would use between 2 and 3 cups in my smoothie along with other greens, but long after the other greens were gone there was still plenty of leaf lettuce in many colors and kinds. All of my greens came from my local farmers’ market.

— Anonymous

Eliminated Sugar Cravings, More In Tune—and 13 Lbs Lost!

First off, I will say that I have never participated in a detox of any kind before; my initial motivation was purely to address weight loss (I started ~35 lbs. above my ideal weight). My husband decided to jump on board in support of my efforts—though in his case he was hoping to discover some possible food sensitivities and reduce his cholesterol. We both lost about the same amount of weight, 13-15 lbs.

The biggest surprise for both of us was discovering that our desire for sugar was virtually eliminated from the start. Great news! When we were feeling tempted through the 26 days, there was not usually a fat-laden, high-sugar item involved. We were also fascinated to learn to tune in to the signals that our bodies send out regarding hunger and satiation…all things we previously ignored. It was empowering to learn that we could survive on so little food and (for the most part) feel fairly satisfied.

We were grateful to have participated in the full support option because we frequently turned to the forum to seek answers to our questions—from other participants, through Robyn’s videos, while listening to the expert lectures, or catching the live phone calls. These are all fantastic tools to offer accountability and help built general knowledge about health and natural wellness.

It was so great to learn new practices that are now part of my daily routine (dry brushing, oil pulling, jumping on the rebounder, etc.). I can’t neglect to mention the liberating feeling just knowing that we completed the 26 day detox in 26 days with NO CHEATS! Nice! Even today (Day 27), I have not struggled with giving into the temptation that some foods often present—that’s huge for me and helped me stay the course!

Unfortunately, we didn’t experience the boost of energy that many others did. In fact, we found ourselves to be more exhausted than usual. Perhaps that is because there was just so much going on inside our bodies—lots of toxins being released and systems being repaired: W-O-N-D-E-R-F-U-L!!! Despite that sluggishness we battled all month long, we would recommend this program to others—and will likely schedule another detox when it is most convenient based on our family’s schedule.

Above all, we are both grateful for Robyn and her staff. We so appreciate all of the hard work that went into putting this program together and then launching it successfully. Way to go!

*results may vary

— Susan I., San Antonio, Texas

Green smoothies have been our addiction

My family and I have been drinking green smoothie for 8 months. It has been our addiction. If I miss a day, I feel it and crave it instead of cake. My kids who are 9 and 6 actually ask me for them, so they have some before school. I no longer have pre-hypertension and I have lost 25 lbs. My husband no longer has to take his cholesterol medication and has lost weight. My best friend now gives it to her whole family and staff everyday. And another friend who just completed chemo will be starting also. Thank you!

— Lisa James

Green smoothies have helped me stay full longer in the morning.

Green smoothies have helped me stay full longer in the morning. I used to be SO hungry by lunchtime. My stomach would growl and I would become dizzy. Now I drink a blender full of smoothie in the morning and I am satisfied until it is time to eat my next meal.

— J. Burns

Green smoothies are now a permanent fixture in my family’s diet

I began drinking a quart of green smoothie daily when I was about eight months pregnant. I felt so healthy for the remainder of the pregnancy, regained my strength quickly after a long labor, and shed my pregnancy weight in less than six weeks. Now, more than a year later, I have lost an additional 30 lbs. and feel great.* I firmly believe that anyone who is seriously trying to lose weight in a healthy way should be drinking green smoothies. Green smoothies are now a permanent fixture in my family’s diet. We drink them for breakfast, for snacks, and with our occasional breakfast-for-dinner meals. My older child enjoys sharing them with playmates, and we’ve even brought a full pitcher of smoothie to a potluck with a breakfast theme. I’ve yet to meet a person who tries a green smoothie and doesn’t enjoy it.

— Tina H.

I really enjoy green smoothies

I really enjoy green smoothies, but the biggest surprise to me is that my husband loves them even more than I do. He does not really care for vegetables, so it is totally shocking to me that he waits around in the morning until I make him a smoothie and gives me crazy feedback like this is too sweet, it needs more kale!” or this needs more ginger.” It is awesome!

— Kendra A.

Changed my diet and the way I think about food

You may struggle a couple of times, but just know you WILL feel amazing after you follow the detox to the end. I’m now hitting all new fitness goals and lost 25 permanent, non-water pounds and counting. Totally changed my diet and the way I think about food.

Josh Willet - Before & After the 26-Day Detox

— Josh Willet, Kansas

I am hooked for life!

I feel a major decrease in cravings for sweets. I have lost some weight, nothing major, but that is not my primary goal. I am a runner and have noticed a difference in my endurance and performance. I feel healthier and cleaner. I am hooked for life and my days aren’t the same when I don’t get my normal 32 ounces! I have got my mom hooked and my toddler. My son calls them mooshies” and begs for them all throughout the day. He would keep one in his hand all day long if I’d let him. I’m excited to continue to drink green smoothies and improve my life as well as my family’s.

— Meghan Meredith

Wedding Ring Now Falls Off—Lost 12 lbs!

I felt well on the Detox and I plan to do it again. I lost 12 lbs. and feel less bloated—my wedding ring falls off! One week post detox, I am still down 10 lbs.
I would recommend the detox to others, and have done so! Recipes can be an acquired taste, as they are bland, so invest in some salt-free, sugar-free natural seasonings before starting. I understand it is a cleanse and you are trying to rest your body. I would also encourage the Phase 2 option. After the first few days I started juicing some of my meals and doing the enemas, which was key to my decrease in chronic headaches I had prior to doing the detox.

I did feel that encouraging a buddy, and vice versa, was the ticket for my success! A couple of the other detoxers were great at answering questions.

*results may vary

— Dedrianne O., Blaine, Minnesota

I feel great!

I’m always constipated, and I used to drink herbal laxatives to help me, but they give me terrible abdominal cramps and diarrhea. Drinking green smoothie four days a week has helped me a lot. I feel great!

— Anonymous

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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