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What people are saying

No More Pain and Numbness, Lighter, and Clearer Thinking—and More Energy!

This was my first 26-day detox and I would recommend people try this. I loved the full-support buddy system that helped as we both experienced being spacey the first two weeks. I was experiencing neck, shoulder and arm numbness before starting this program and within 7-10 days, the pains quit and numbness stopped shortly after 10 days.

I feel lighter, have no bulge in the middle and am much clearer in my thinking process. I have more energy with more clarity to details. Was a great success for me. Thank you, Robyn.

— Jacquelyn S., Allen, Texas

I am so in love with green smoothies!

I am so in love with green smoothies! I am a 31 yr. old mother of four children. I am very into fitness/weight lifting to build muscle in my body. I started green smoothies just after I had been referred to by my zoning lady for chronic headaches and muscle tension in my neck that would not go away. Soon after I started drinking green smoothies daily, the headaches and muscle tension left! I have not had the problem since.

I drink green smoothies for breakfast along with a whey protein shake every morning, and also for my snacks during the day, I make a full pitcher of green smoothie every 2-3 days and keep it in my fridge when I need a snack. It is quick and easy and very healthy! It keeps me on track for my ideal weight goals! I have converted many friends and family to green smoothies! I recommend them to everyone I meet! When someone asks me what I am doing to look so good, I just give them my personal green smoothie recipe and some fitness tips!

I would like to thank Robyn for this AWESOME idea and for taking the steps to get the information on her website to help others who so desperately need a nutritious lifestyle!

— LaDawn Doxey, Syracuse , UT

We are hooked!

Both my 18 yr. old daughter and 15 yr. old son are hooked! My daughter used to pass out with fatigue after school every day for the last 3 years but not now, and she has only 16 oz. for breakfast. My son has 16 oz. for breakfast, after one week he asked if he could PLEASE take a quart for school lunch everyday! His energy is now what it should be and he no longer craves starchy/white/dead carbohydrates and wants to eat better also. The cracked, dry, sore spots at each side of his mouth (almost looked like small torn or split/cracked creases on both sides) have gone for good.

That old afternoon fatigue and sugar craving and a nap is HISTORY and coffee addiction of 10 years is GONE, along with the deep face creases caused by it all! Most exciting is lifelong bad breath has disappeared, and who knows what other marvels are happening inside? It’s only been 30 days!

— Susan W.

Green smoothies are here to stay!

Green smoothies have saved my life! I had been in a state of depression for the past 4 years. I was put on depression medicine but it never helped. I discovered green smoothies in December of 2008 and decided to give it a try in January 2009. It has been two months since I started making a green smoothie everyday and I feel AMAZING, WONDERFUL, and FULL OF LIFE. I have not felt this good in a long time. I have had tons of energy, I can fall asleep faster at night and feel rested when I wake up, I don’t feel the need to take daily naps, I have had less cravings for sweets and processed foods, my motivation is back, and I have lost 8 pounds in 2 months. Green smoothies are here to stay!

*results may vary

— AB, IL

I cannot ever cease this miracle drink!

I started drinking green smoothies almost three years ago and lost over 30 pounds, regained my health, and felt 10 years younger. My children never need visits to the doctor unless they have been injured. The evidence is so obvious that I cannot ever cease this miracle drink.

*results may vary

— Julie Greenman

I love green smoothies!

Hi my name is Kathy Wells and I love green smoothies. My youngest daughter is 6 and she also loves them now. My oldest is working on them. But I have been able to convert her into eating healthy fruits and veggies. So her smoothies have less green in them but they are getting better.

— Kathy W.

Clearer, Softer Skin, More Energy, Lost 10 lbs—EVERYONE Should Do This!

I would totally recommend to others! I have clearer skin and softer skin, my hubby noticed that right away. Skin issues on my elbows are gone completely! I also am putting coconut oil every night on skin spots and doTERRA Clear Skin. Rotating them and it’s working great. No more expensive prescription creams and lotions. No nausea or upset stomach. No gurgling stomach or pains.

Food tastes better and more enjoyable. Never thought I would love a sweet potato/or even regular one with only Flax Oil and green onion/chives. Delish! It’s fun to just eat food now to see what it REALLY tastes like without salt, butter, etc. Hair is growing super fast and my nails are hard for the first time in a long time. Joint pain almost gone except for one shoulder, but again, only a matter of time eating like this and it will be gone too. Passed gallstones and sludge during oil therapy. And menstrual cycle so much easier, less cramps and NO cravings (still don’t have cravings for junk which is still shocking to me) and PMS was lighter and easier.

I did it for immune reasons for skin and Lyme toxins, but a perk was losing approx 10 pounds. Energy coming back to take longer walk/hikes with no pain or struggling to breathe! I also feel happier and have a better outlook on my health. I finally have hope and actually believe things are going to get better and better, something no doctor in 8 years could do for me, but green smoothies and detox foods did!!! EVERYONE should do this!

*results may vary

— Jennifer P., Brecksville, Ohio

Green smoothies are easy and quick

Green smoothies are easy and quick to do and keep me full and alert way past lunch time. This past growing season I had access to lots and lots of lettuce. I would use between 2 and 3 cups in my smoothie along with other greens, but long after the other greens were gone there was still plenty of leaf lettuce in many colors and kinds. All of my greens came from my local farmers’ market.

— Anonymous

Green smoothies have saved my life!

I have spent all my adulthood overweight and miserable. My weight went from 135 to 280 during that time. Most of the time I had skewed ideas that I was either too fat (when I weighed 135) and not that fat (when I weighed 280). My perception was always off. But I did know that I just didn’t feel good.

I have been on Weight Watchers, the soup diet, hard boiled egg diet, Chinese tea, and every diet that came in magazines. I finally found that Atkins worked for me–three times! Funny that I would go off after several months and the weight would come back on, with its 30.-lb. friend! I realized that if I kept dieting that way I would completely ruin my health. I was so afraid to start another diet, so I decided to never diet again and just accept myself as I was.

I remarried at 210 lbs. and within 3 years had put on 70 lbs. with careless eating, primarily fast food. Then my DH was diagnosed with cancer (digestive related) and I found It was an answer to prayer because this is a LIFESTYLE–not a diet. In the last 9 mos. I have lost 40 lbs., my skin glows, I am nearly off the medications I was taking for high blood pressure, arthritic aches and pains, and mucus. My wrinkles also are going away!

I will NEVER diet again because I can eat everything I want and truly enjoy it (even chocolate). I am never hungry because I have God’s fast food with me all the time (fruits). I have found that the more raw I eat, the faster I lose weight. I am no longer fanatical about it and believe that my body will end up the weight I am supposed to be, not the way society says it should be. I just wish I had been able to learn this earlier in life.

Sorry about the long blog, but I feel that finding and Robyn’s blog has saved my life! Thanks, Robyn and every one else!

*results may vary

— Karen L.

I will never stop drinking green smoothies!

I have been drinking green smoothies for almost a year now. They are delicious and refreshing. I have had to travel during that time period which caused me to abandon my smoothie for 10 days and I have REALLY felt the effects (fatigue). I will never stop drinking green smoothies!

— Anonymous

Never Going Off Smoothies Again

I started drinking green smoothies about 3 months ago kind of sporadically. I felt great when I had them but some days I didn’t plan well enough and forgot to make them. When I’m on green smoothies I feel lighter, lose weight quickly, and sleep better. My whole energy over all is so much higher, and my skin looks the best it ever has! A few weeks ago, for some reason I stopped drinking them, dove back into not eating great, and I felt awful immediately. My skin broke out bad and I was miserable. That’s when I said I am never going off of them again. I started again last Tuesday, and here it is Monday and I feel wonderful again!

I’ve been following the 12 Steps / GSG diet. I have a hot pink smoothie in the AM and a piece of fruit mid-morning. Lunch is a green smoothie and salad, sometimes just some almonds. Dinner is something healthy and a large salad. I have no cravings for any of the junk I used to live on.

My kids actually really do like green smoothies. The way I make mine they taste like lemonade which they like. I also started cooking with coconut oil and using it on my skin. WOW! I will never use anything else again! The recipes are awesome, and the advice is great! This is the best life style change ever. So thank you!

— Beth, Connecticut

You could say I am a green smoothie addict!

In spring of 2006, I gained 30 lbs. in 6 weeks when I started taking a particular birth control pill. Of course I went off of it, but it seemed to push me into some major perimenopause symptoms including depression, exhaustion and continued weight gain. I went to several doctors who tried various hormone treatments, thyroid treatment, the candida diet and treatment,–all of which seemed to make me worse!

So in the spring of 2007, I decided to take matters in to my own hands. I stopped all medications and diets and began to treat myself with food and exercise. I committed to myself to try it for a year and just see what happened. I felt desperate, so I decided to just eat mostly raw fruits and vegetables, believing that they were the cleansing and building tools my body needed. I made up the green smoothie on my own and started drinking it all day and supplementing it with veggies and at night a potato and sometimes a little meat and cooked veggie. For eight months there was no change in my weight, but I did start feeling much better and at least I stopped gaining weight!

My hot flashes almost completely stopped, and in Jan. of ’08, I finally lost 15 lbs all at once.* One day one of my clients told me about when she saw me with a huge mug of green stuff. I went home that night and looked it up and have been a huge fan ever since! I was so glad to have support and new ideas and information.

I don’t think I have completely solved my health problems, because I’m sure my thyroid is still very sluggish, and I still can’t get that last 15 lbs off, but I feel so much better. Now I am committed to eat this way the rest of my life just for the health of it!

I love green smoothies and having an easy way to get so many veggies in that I would never eat otherwise. You could say I am an addict! I love them mostly because of the way I begin to feel (sluggish and run down) when I have to go without them for very many days. I have been doing them for a year and a half and it feels like my body is slowly but surely repairing from many years of not having enough live enzymes. My hot flashes are almost non existent when I drink my greens.

The protein in the leafy greens keeps me from being hungry till afternoon. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a green smoothie freak. Many have told me that I inspire them to want to eat more healthy. I have taught many people how to make them, and my mom and husband are as committed to having them as I am. My husband ran Boston last year (at 52 years old) without the benefit of green smoothies. Since Oct. he has had them 4 or 5 days a week, and we are anxious to see if he improves his performance this year. We will let you know!

P.S. When I give my grandchildren tastes of my green smoothies, they love it! Now I just need to get their parents committed.

— Debbie W.

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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