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This combination rocks!

I started drinking green smoothies two months ago. I use a large amount of organic leafy produce and I use kombucha as the liquid, with a small amount of fruit or fruit juice. Then I follow it up with a handful of spirulina and chlorella tablets. This combination rocks.

— Anonymous

Life-Changing, Marriage-Blessing Experience and 11 lbs Lost!

I am more grateful than I could ever express with words for this detox program that Robyn has put together!

I was in a place in my life where I felt trapped in my body and in my food addictions that I had—especially refined sugar and white flour. I needed help! I needed a drastic change and guidance and some way to change my life besides JUST relying on will power (I had tried that again and again, which didn’t work).

My experience with the full-support detox really has been life changing. My husband was my detox partner and we really felt that doing something so hard together, and accomplishing it, was such a blessing to our relationship! We still work together every day, even now that the detox is over, to make sure that we have our green smoothies ready for the next day!

I really enjoyed the detox information email that I received every day, as well as using the member forum. It was great to hear from everyone else, both about their struggles and triumphs! I have no cravings for those refined, processed foods anymore.
I can now clearly hear my body’s signals, and it is so much easier to figure out which foods work for me and which don’t. I love my relationship with food now, and participating in this detox did that for me! I still have about 50 lbs to lose, but I lost 11, and I feel that I can accomplish the rest with the things I have learned, and feel amazing while doing it (instead of hungry, grumpy, and resentful like I usually do while “dieting”).

Thank you Robyn and the GSG team for helping me to change my life! I can’t wait to do it again with you in January!

*results may vary

— Lianne A., Apopka, Florida

Clearer, Softer Skin, More Energy, Lost 10 lbs—EVERYONE Should Do This!

I would totally recommend to others! I have clearer skin and softer skin, my hubby noticed that right away. Skin issues on my elbows are gone completely! I also am putting coconut oil every night on skin spots and doTERRA Clear Skin. Rotating them and it’s working great. No more expensive prescription creams and lotions. No nausea or upset stomach. No gurgling stomach or pains.

Food tastes better and more enjoyable. Never thought I would love a sweet potato/or even regular one with only Flax Oil and green onion/chives. Delish! It’s fun to just eat food now to see what it REALLY tastes like without salt, butter, etc. Hair is growing super fast and my nails are hard for the first time in a long time. Joint pain almost gone except for one shoulder, but again, only a matter of time eating like this and it will be gone too. Passed gallstones and sludge during oil therapy. And menstrual cycle so much easier, less cramps and NO cravings (still don’t have cravings for junk which is still shocking to me) and PMS was lighter and easier.

I did it for immune reasons for skin and Lyme toxins, but a perk was losing approx 10 pounds. Energy coming back to take longer walk/hikes with no pain or struggling to breathe! I also feel happier and have a better outlook on my health. I finally have hope and actually believe things are going to get better and better, something no doctor in 8 years could do for me, but green smoothies and detox foods did!!! EVERYONE should do this!

*results may vary

— Jennifer P., Brecksville, Ohio

GSG Detox Is One of the Most Powerful Things I Have Ever Done for My Health!

The GSG Detox is one of the most powerful things I have ever done for my health. Yes, I wanted to lose weight, and I did. 15 lbs! I already knew my body was overwhelmed with toxicity. That was my real motivation for doing it. I have been struggling with debilitating headaches all my adult life. I contracted Epstein-Barr over 10 years ago and have never been the same. I’ve needed caffeine to just function each day. I eat well and exercise yet, until now, could never lose weight.

The program is so well thought out and research-based. There are difficult days. There’s an emotional component that I was not expecting. But it is very doable. You are never hungry. Your body is getting everything it needs to function optimally with nothing else to get in the way.

The full support program was so helpful in letting me know that what I was experiencing was normal, and a sign that it was working. My body was healing. The expert calls were a wealth of information. I did Level 1, with some aspects of level 2.

After the first week the detox reactions were minimal and very manageable. I have not had a headache since the start of week 2. I have had no caffeine since the start, and have plenty of energy for my day. Bloating in my gut is gone and I can even tolerate gluten a little better. I feel like I have turned back the clock to my early 30s!

As I resume “normal” eating again, I still don’t want to stray far from the program. I feel too good to go back!

*results may vary

— Teresa V., Galt, VA

I can never stop!

When I slow down on drinking green smoothies, it seems my joints start getting stiff and I get tired again. Also I stop being regular and go back to bowel movements once every three days!

— Anonymous

It Reminded Me What It Feels Like to Feel Good All the Time!

I needed this detox to reset my eating habits. This detox was the perfect thing for me to get me back on track and to try new foods and recipes. It reminded me what it feels like to feel good all the time. I ended the detox 5.6 lbs lighter.

My favorite recipe was the lentil soup. I will be adding the soup, the quinoa salad, the millet, the guacamole and chips, and the Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie to my post-detox diet. Thanks so much for putting this together and making it easy to follow. The shopping lists, the forum, and the “Suggestions for Success” made it so much easier. I also wouldn’t have been able to do it without my “buddies.” I did it with my mom, my sister, and 2 friends.

The best thing about the detox, besides the weight falling off, was that I did not feel guilty about what I was eating. I knew that I was giving my body exactly what it needed. Thank you, Robyn and the GSG team!

*results may vary

— Venessa M., West Haven, Utah

Addicted to green smoothies!

Is it possible to be addicted to green smoothies? Ever since you first introduced me to green drinks years ago, I’ve dabbled here and there with them. Things got serious though this past spring when I started working and knew that my diet would suffer now that I don’t have a lot of time to devote to thinking about what I am eating. I decided to make green smoothies my daily morning meal—there isn’t a quicker, more nutritious breakfast to be had! I’ve even introduced green smoothies to my friends at the office, and even whip up an extra drink for one of my co-workers, who now says she can’t wait for Monday mornings to come so she can have a smoothie for breakfast! I love the way I feel since incorporating green smoothies into my daily diet! I have energy for the entire morning; I do not crave sugar nearly as much. I can definitely say without doubt that green smoothies have made a difference; I just feel healthy!

This past week I made a green smoothie for a little nephew of mine who has never, ever eaten a vegetable in his life. Ever. My sister was very skeptical that he would even try it, let alone like it. Not only did he like it, he asked for more. My sister was blown away, and soooo happy to know that there was a way to get her little guy to get so much more nutrition into his diet. Oh, my sister loved it too!

Thanks, Robyn, for introducing us slowly but surely to green-drink-heaven! If I miss a day of green smoothies, I miss it, CRAVE it even. I’ve become a true addict.

— Sheri H., Utah

I love the recipes!

I love them, I love green smoothies anyway, and I love your recipes the best. It is so good to have mainly greens and a few fruits instead of the other way around as I was previously doing. I love them and my kids do also. They crave them as I do.

— Anonymous

Woman After My Own Heart

I am so glad I found Robyn’s 12 Steps to Whole Foods.I was explaining to an out-of-state friend how to make green smoothies over the phone and I thought I would search for a video demonstration on YouTube and I found Robyn. I went to her website and felt like I was reading in print the conversation I just had with my friend!

I find Robyn to be a woman after my own heart. I ordered the 12 Steps while Robyn was developing it and releasing a chapter a month, and I enjoyed each one!

The book is organized, easy to read and I feel the step-by-step approach is so beneficial. In my counseling with people, very few people can jump into a healthy lifestyle all at once. Taking one step at a time is more often lasting and permanent in their lives. It has been a great tool for me to recommend to people wanting to be healthier and wondering where to start. 12 Steps takes a person by their hand and gently guides them into a healthier lifestyle. I would encourage you to change your health step by step.

— NutriMom

By Far the Best Detox Cleanse I’ve Tried—Haven’t Felt This Good in Years!

This program keeps you full, healthy, and happy! I have tried many other detox cleanses before and this one is by far the best. Although it took a lot of time to prepare the food, I made large quantities of Green Smoothies and learned to love them.

Overall, I haven’t felt this good in years! My energy increased every day I was on the program and I actually started running again. I’m happy to report that by keeping my energy high using Robyn’s recommendations, I easily kicked my caffeine & chocolate addiction. My husband lost 12 lbs. on the program and I lost 9. (We are both in our mid-50s.) Both of us LOVE the healthy education we have had over the past month and the support from our family and friends on this journey. We will continue this journey together and live to be 100 years old.

*results may vary

— Kris K., Payson, Utah

Profound Feelings of Gratitude

My son was in one of Robyn’s university classes last year, and she had the class members over to her home for green smoothies.  He thought it was fabulous and phoned me and wanted me to sign up for 12 Steps to Whole Foods.  We were already not eating soda, caffeine, white flour or sugar, etc.  and made our own salad dressing, ate meat and dairy sparingly, and ate salad and vegetables daily.

We began drinking smoothies immediately, both green (Ch. 1) and hot pink (Ch. 10), and it has been over a year now and we continue to do this on a daily basis.  I always have spinach and vary the greens, such as kale; red, green, or rainbow chard; different types of kale; or collard greens.  I also vary the fruits seasonally.

My husband and I immediately felt as if we had more energy and many days I have a green smoothie for breakfast and a pink smoothie for lunch.

I have passed the information to many friends and family members and was especially interested in the program to help educate our children and grandchildren.  Many are following the program, having purchased blenders and have green smoothies on a daily basis.  As Robyn states, people are healthier, sickness is avoided, meals are easy to prepare, and family members are happy and satisfied.  My friends who have children who are gluten intolerant have really been appreciative of the information that has been passed on to them — they feel that it is very hard to come up with food choices that are satisfying.  Some are college students and one mother said that the smoothies would be such a blessing during this busy time of their lives.

From 12 Steps, I learned about not eating soy — we were drinking soy milk and having tofu occasionally and have eliminated it completely.  I also was unaware of coconut water, coconut oil, and flax oil, which we purchase and store and use daily.  Per Robyn’s blog, I use it as a moisturizer on face and skin.  I also learned about alkaline water and hope to have a system soon.  We were using filtered water but now see the benefit of making more changes. I also learned about kefir and use goat’s milk kefir since cow’s milk is very mucous forming to me.

I like all of the recipes I have tried and have learned that by looking at Robyn’s, I can easily adapt many of my own recipes and make them healthier.

I am impressed and grateful for Robyn’s careful research and study on health matters.  She gives the sources so that we can do further study and continue the learning process and I have read many of the books on her recommended list.  I feel that from her passionate desire to share her information and educate mothers in the proper way to nourish their families, she has gained the confidence and respect of those who hearken to her counsel

The chapter on gardening is wonderful to help us expand our abilities and be self sufficient through home production and storage.  We often have house guests and many take Robyn’s book, The Green Smoothies Diet, as they retire to their room.

I always have requests of “Could we have that for breakfast?”  This weekend a professor is here from a university who will be speaking at a management society meeting and he already has heard of green smoothies and is eager to take it to his wife who only prepares organic foods for her family.  He asked for the website and wants to learn of this new aspect of nutrition.

I cannot end without expressing gratitude.  Many years ago my little brother who was 8 at the time gave me a small calendar with beautiful quotes for Christmas.  One was a Chinese proverb that GRATITUDE has three forms: a feeling in the heart, an expression in words, and a giving in return.

Please know of the profound feelings of gratitude, Robyn, for all that you have done and continue to do, and know that words cannot properly express my gratitude for the gift you have given to so many, and may we extend our gift of friendship, support to you, and prayers as you continue to expand our horizons.

— Jody M.

Thank you Robyn!

My husband and I began with the green smoothies with Robyn in February 2008. Within three months my husband lost 60 lbs and I have kept off 20 and am at my normal weight…which is what I have averaged since high school.* I am 5’4” and 108. I am 41 and have two children under the age of 5. My husband can now sleep through the night (he used to toss and turn). I sleep soundly. I close my eyes and it is morning! My husband no longer needs Prilosec. My children, 2 1/2 and 5, drink green smoothies and they have not been sick in a year. My son goes to a special needs school and I have noticed that his behavior is much better. He also has an amazing creative streak in the past 6 months.
Thank you Robyn!

— Tonya Carney

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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