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What people are saying

Surprised how good they taste

My family—including my picky two-year-old—really enjoys green smoothies. We like the fact that we’re taking a significant step toward better health, and we’ve had far fewer illnesses since incorporating them into our diet. We’ve also made them for visiting family and friends, and they’re all pleasantly surprised at how good they taste.

— Kari W, Utah

I love everything about green smoothies

I love everything about green smoothies. They have made a great improvement in my life. I share them with anyone interested in tasting one and most everyone loves them as much as I do! People who are not open minded enough to try a small taste, well, they do not know what a grand, life-changing experience that are missing. I was so excited when my 21-year old daughter told me about green smoothies. I could not wait to try one. What an awesome gift to share with anyone that you love!!!

— Bonnie K.

Addicted to green smoothies!

Is it possible to be addicted to green smoothies? Ever since you first introduced me to green drinks years ago, I’ve dabbled here and there with them. Things got serious though this past spring when I started working and knew that my diet would suffer now that I don’t have a lot of time to devote to thinking about what I am eating. I decided to make green smoothies my daily morning meal—there isn’t a quicker, more nutritious breakfast to be had! I’ve even introduced green smoothies to my friends at the office, and even whip up an extra drink for one of my co-workers, who now says she can’t wait for Monday mornings to come so she can have a smoothie for breakfast! I love the way I feel since incorporating green smoothies into my daily diet! I have energy for the entire morning; I do not crave sugar nearly as much. I can definitely say without doubt that green smoothies have made a difference; I just feel healthy!

This past week I made a green smoothie for a little nephew of mine who has never, ever eaten a vegetable in his life. Ever. My sister was very skeptical that he would even try it, let alone like it. Not only did he like it, he asked for more. My sister was blown away, and soooo happy to know that there was a way to get her little guy to get so much more nutrition into his diet. Oh, my sister loved it too!

Thanks, Robyn, for introducing us slowly but surely to green-drink-heaven! If I miss a day of green smoothies, I miss it, CRAVE it even. I’ve become a true addict.

— Sheri H., Utah

Thanks so much for helping to change the quality of my life!

I have endometriosis and ovarian cysts and have suffered with cramping, heavy menstruation, and low back pain for 20+ years. I have had numerous surgeries to help correct and alleviate the problem with no success. I finally reached the point that my doctors determined a hysterectomy would be my next surgery. I am in my early thirties and was not ready for that so I spent a lot of time researching nutritional options. I discovered green smoothies and they have helped tremendously (I have been drinking them for a year now).

My cycles have improved dramatically and the majority of the time I feel like a normal person. That has never been the case because of this constant pain that was always with me. Thanks for all of the info on your site. As I have changed my eating habits I have also discovered trigger foods that cause ovarian pain, spotting, and bleeding. I am grieving the loss of chocolate but the smoothies have almost taken any cravings for sweets away. Once again thanks so much for helping to change the quality of my life.

*results may vary

— Becky Flannery, Sandy, Utah

I feel so much healthier!

We’ve been converted to green smoothies for a while now. In fact, I’ll have to say that I crave them. Not necessarily the taste (although our concoction is very tasty), but the effects they have on me! I feel so much healthier and my skin tone has definitely improved. People tell me I look so young–who doesn’t like to hear that?! My daughter and grandson are hooked now, too.  Thanks Robyn!

— Karen P.

It Reminded Me What It Feels Like to Feel Good All the Time!

I needed this detox to reset my eating habits. This detox was the perfect thing for me to get me back on track and to try new foods and recipes. It reminded me what it feels like to feel good all the time. I ended the detox 5.6 lbs lighter.

My favorite recipe was the lentil soup. I will be adding the soup, the quinoa salad, the millet, the guacamole and chips, and the Hot Pink Breakfast Smoothie to my post-detox diet. Thanks so much for putting this together and making it easy to follow. The shopping lists, the forum, and the “Suggestions for Success” made it so much easier. I also wouldn’t have been able to do it without my “buddies.” I did it with my mom, my sister, and 2 friends.

The best thing about the detox, besides the weight falling off, was that I did not feel guilty about what I was eating. I knew that I was giving my body exactly what it needed. Thank you, Robyn and the GSG team!

*results may vary

— Venessa M., West Haven, Utah

I cannot believe how much energy I have!

I wish I started drinking green smoothies earlier in life! I cannot believe how much energy I have just from this one simple dietary change! My digestion issues vanished in one week and my skin looks amazing. I feel really healthy and cannot say enough about how much more energy I have.

— Anonymous

You Won’t Believe Your Energy Level!

My budget wouldn’t allow for the full detox program as I am saving for the 12 Steps to Whole Foods program after the detox. But I would like to share how I am doing. I started the program early and decided to keep doing the first 4 days again so I would be with you guys for the rest. I have about 20 lbs. that I haven’t been able to get off forever, no matter what I have done.

And I am here to testify that after day 4, I have dropped 5 lbs. I feel great. What was amazing was I was so satisfied and without cravings for those days. Repeating them wasn’t a hard decision.

If I had to do it over again I would have done the complete program with support, as I feel kind of like a lone wolf out here. But going by the way I feel (which is wonderful—so much energy!), I will carry on. LOL! Thank you so much for this program. Also for those who like me were wondering if the manual is worth it—it’s packed full of information and so worth the money. We wouldn’t think twice about paying that for a bottle of diet pills which, in the long run, do nothing. This is healthy and you won’t believe your energy level.

*results may vary

— Joann B. 

Love my green smoothies!

Love my green smoothies. When I drink them I am not as hungry and feel when I do eat I need to eat nutritionally dense foods, not fake foods. I have nice skin, hair, nails and a good deal of energy.

— Wendy K.

Oh Happy Days!

Oh happy days! That’s how I feel about the detox. The fact that it was 26 days is exactly why it is so powerful. Anything less, although beneficial, would NOT have given me access to the numerous breakthroughs in my personal awareness and true intentions for my life, which are now crystal clear and accessible due to personal power derived from simple discipline and commitment to health.

I started with a casual interest, then to just buying the digital course manual, then realizing I wanted the hard copy….which, after I read it, made it clear: this detox was for me. Then I upgraded to the Full Support option, and I jumped in with both feet. By doing the program, I have turned the corner away from a long life of the same roadblocks to my personal success.The daily audio, video, and written emails were key to my personal breakthroughs. The physical detox is secondary to the access to my personal power I discovered.

This is the best investment in my own health and happiness I’ve made in a long time. It’s subtle but profound to know of my own personal strength to sustain health, joy and vitality.
What more can I say? The five pounds lost is the tip of the iceberg of personal growth that awaits anyone willing to follow Robyn’s gentle and loving path.

Regret will be a word in a vocabulary associated with your past–which is nicely established where it needs to be–behind you! The future is yet to be created–go for it!”

— Ken, Oregon

A Flat Stomach in Mid-Life, 10 lbs. Lost!

I liked how well researched and clinical the detox was. It felt safe and empowering to challenge myself, and I ended up losing 10 pounds! I am maintaining that after the detox with the same types of foods and continuing to lose even the next week, too!

As much as I don’t really enjoy enemas, I am thrilled about how the water-then-coffee enemas make me feel, so I am also continuing to do these as my morning time permits. There is nothing better than to have a flat stomach in mid-life again!

*results may vary

— Nancy L., Grand Haven, Michigan

We are converted for life!

My husband and I have always tried to eat healthy, but adding green smoothies to our daily routine has made it so much easier. A 20-oz. smoothie for breakfast sets the day for us. Both of us used to have major carb cravings, and my husband also craved a lot of sugar, but when we start the day with a green smoothie, neither of us experience these cravings (unless we allow ourselves to get REALLY hungry).

My 2-year-old son loves green smoothies as well. He has never had the junk food that a lot of kids his age are so accustomed to, so I wouldn’t call adding smoothies to his diet a conversion,” but I’m still impressed every day when he gulps his down and asks for more.

Thanks, Robyn, for preaching the Gospel of Green. We are converted for life!

— Mandi L.

Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Minutes. Add 10 Years to your life.
Our beautiful template for infinite variety of greens and superfoods in your smoothies—print this and eliminate the need for recipes! Get it now for free!

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